they tied his hands together oor Spaans

they tied his hands together

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le ataron las manos


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Bending his arms back and wrapping them around the column, they tied his hands together.
Le echaron los brazos hacia atrás, alrededor de la columna, y le ataron las manos.Literature Literature
They tied Michel’s and his sister’s hands together and took them into the bush.
Ataron a Michel y a su hermana por las manos y se los llevaron al monte.Common crawl Common crawl
Together they tied up his hands, gagged his mouth and, with their mistress’s blessing, knocked him around.
Juntos lo ataron, lo amordazaron y, con la bendición de su señora, le dieron una paliza.Literature Literature
The three men came to where Wallace laid on the floor and they tied his hands together.
Los tres hombres llegaron al lugar donde Wallace estaba en el suelo y le ataron las manos juntas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
His little folded hands looked as if they had been tied together by a professional tormentor.
Sus manecitas dobladas parecían haber sido atadas por un verdugo profesional.Literature Literature
Rough hands grab his arms and pull them behind his back where they are tied together with rough rope.
Unas manos ásperas lo agarran de los brazos y se los atan a la espalda con una cuerda.Literature Literature
He had gone out to play with some other children in the street, but they tied his hands together with cables and covered his body and face with human excrement.
Salió a jugar con el resto de niños a la calle pero lo amarraron las manos con alambres y le llenaron el cuerpo y la cara con excrementos humanos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The 16 year old Roma youth was alone, we don't know if they tied his hands together and put a belt in his mouth so he wouldn't cry out while they moved him.
El joven gitano de 16 años estaba solo y no sabemos si para trasladarlo le maniataron y le colocaron una cinta en la boca para que no gritara.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They tied his hands and legs together in a crouched position and beat him with a large club for about thirty minutes.
Ataron sus manos y sus piernas juntas en posición de cuclillas, y le golpearon con un palo largo por cerca de treinta minutos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
An investigation by Attorney General Schneiderman’s Office revealed that Bouton, 43, of Mount Sinai, N.Y., and Harper, 58, of Coram, N.Y., acted together when they tied the resident’s hands together, held them above his head, forcefully punched him multiple times in his torso and restricted his oxygen flow by holding a pillow over his face in bed.
Una investigación realizada porla Fiscalía General reveló que Bouton, de 43 años, de Mount Sinai, Nueva York, y Harper, de 58 años, de Coram, NY, actuaron juntas cuando le ataron las manos al residente, se las pusieron por encima de la cabeza, lo golpearon con fuerza varias veces en su torso y limitaron su flujo de oxígeno mediante la colocación de una almohada sobre su cara en la cama.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Don Quixote, who was listening to all this, said, "I give it;-moreover one who is enchanted as I am cannot do as he likes with himself; for he who had enchanted him could prevent his moving from one place for three ages, and if he attempted to escape would bring him back flying."—And that being so, they might as well release him, particularly as it would be to the advantage of all; for, if they did not let him out, he protested he would be unable to avoid offending their nostrils unless they kept their The canon took his hand, tied together as they both were, and on his word and promise they unbound him, and rejoiced beyond measure he was to find himself out of the cage.
-Sí doy -respondió don Quijote, que todo lo estaba escuchando-; cuanto más, que el que está encantado, como yo, no tiene libertad para hacer de su persona lo que quisiere, porque el que le encantó le puede hacer que no se mueva de un lugar en tres siglos; y si hubiere huido, le hará volver en volandas. -Y que, pues esto era así, bien podían soltalle, y más, siendo tan en provecho de todos; y del no soltalle les protestaba que no podía dejar de fatigalles el olfato, si de allí no se desviaban. mano el canónigo, aunque las tenía atadas, y, debajo de su buena fe y palabra, le desenjaularon, de que él se alegró infinito y en grande manera de verse fuera de la jaula.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Then they tied his feet together and pulled his legs back until his feet were almost touching his hands, and bound them to his wrists by a short length of rope.
Después le ataron los pies y tiraron de sus piernas hacia atrás hasta que sus pies casi le rozaron las manos, y los ataron a sus muñecas con un trozo de cuerda.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The crown of thorns was made of three branches plaited together, the greatest part of the thorns being purposely turned inwards so as to pierce Our Lord’s head. Having first placed these twisted branches on His forehead, they tied them tightly together at the back of His head, and no sooner was this accomplished to their satisfaction than they put a large reed into His hand, doing all with derisive gravity as if they were really crowning Him king.
Habiendo arrastrado a Jesús brutalmente a este asiento, le pusieron la corona de espinas alrededor de la cabeza, y le atacaron fuertemente por detrás. Estaba hecha de tres varas de espino bien trenzadas, y la mayor parte de las puntas eran torcidas a propósito para adentro. Habiéndosela atado, le pusieron una caña en la mano; todo esto lo hicieron con una gravedad irrisoria, como si realmente lo coronasen rey.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The anxiety in his face, his absent-minded looks, his pallor, and the incomprehensible change that had taken place in him of late, and the fact that she had a terrible revolting secret from him, and the fact that her hands trembled when she tied his cravat -- all this seemed to tell her that they had not long left to be together.
La alarma de su rostro, sus miradas distraídas, su palidez y el cambio incomprensible, que se había producido en él en los últimos tiempos, y el que ella le ocultara un secreto terrible, repulsivo, y que le temblaran las manos cuando le anudaba la corbata, todo eso le decía por algo, que a ambos ya les quedaba poco tiempo de vivir juntos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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