they told him oor Spaans

they told him

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

le contaban

He was surprised when they told him that they had stopped several months before.
Para su sorpresa, le contaron que hacía meses que ya no fumaban.

le contaron

He was surprised when they told him that they had stopped several months before.
Para su sorpresa, le contaron que hacía meses que ya no fumaban.

le decían

He did what they told him.
Él hizo lo que se le dijo.

le dijeron

He did what they told him.
Él hizo lo que se le dijo.

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he was stunned when they told him
se quedó atónito cuando se lo dijeron · se quedó pasmado cuando se lo dijeron


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They told him about an observation lounge on the crew level that’s usually empty.
Le hablaron de una sala de observación en la planta de la tripulación que suele estar vacía.Literature Literature
He tried to remember what they told him in the Young Army.
Intentó recordar lo que le habían explicado en el ejército joven.Literature Literature
The more intensely you deny your body, they told him, the clearer your mind will become.
Cuanto más intensamente niegues tu cuerpo, le dijeron, más clara será tu mente.Literature Literature
They told him their news, they had no need to keep it a secret.
Le anunciaron la noticia, no tenían por qué guardarlo en secreto.Literature Literature
There he met Sami Gershon and David Sharon, and they told him.
Allí conoció a Sami Gershon y David Sharon, quienes le pusieron al corriente.Literature Literature
They stood, they told him, on the crest of the latest Kondratiev Wave.
Se encontraban, le dijeron, en la cresta de la última onda de Kondratiev.Literature Literature
But then they told him things, impossible things.
Pero luego le habían contado cosas imposibles.Literature Literature
They told him that he had a natural gift as a speaker.
Le dijeron que tenía el don natural del orador.Literature Literature
They told Him of their mothers on the homeland
Le hablaron de sus hogares y sus madresOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He asked them if this was so, but they told him they worked in a nearby government office.
Les preguntó si lo eran y le respondieron que trabajaban cerca, en una oficina del Gobierno—.Literature Literature
They told him the house, and he stumbled up a dark passage.
Le indicaron la casa, y se tropezó con un callejón oscuro.Literature Literature
He owed the state his life, they told him solemnly.
Le debía la vida al Estado, dijeron con solemnidad.Literature Literature
“We have obtained the strongest bond of all,” they told him.
—Hemos conseguido la más fuerte de las ataduras —le dijeron—.Literature Literature
He wrote it as they told him he would be released.
Escribió esta misiva mientras le decían que lo iban a dejar en libertad.Literature Literature
There they told him where his papa and mama had gone.
Allí le dijeron adonde se fueron su papá y su mamá.Literature Literature
On this occasion they told him that the retired perfumer was on a journey.
Esta vez le dijeron que el antiguo perfumista se hallaba de viaje.Literature Literature
They told him more about the wedding.
Siguieron hablando de la boda.Literature Literature
When he asked where they were going, they told him he would find out in due time.
Les preguntó adónde se dirigían y le respondieron que ya se enteraría en su momento.Literature Literature
When the interview was over they told him his wife had called.
Cuando terminó la entrevista, le dijeron que había llamado su mujer.Literature Literature
They told him to go hex himself, in so many words, but he already seemed to know everything.
Le dijeron que se fuera al carajo, de distintas maneras, pero parecía saberlo todo.Literature Literature
They told him to wait upstairs
Le dijeron que esperara arriba.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At least, that was what they told him.
O al menos eso fue lo que le dijeron.Literature Literature
They told him to take off his watch and the crucifix he wore around his neck.
Le dijeron que se quitara el reloj y la cruz que llevaba en el cuello.Literature Literature
They told him that with these things he would be well prepared for the city.
Le dijeron que con eso estaría bien preparado para la ciudad.Literature Literature
They told him that we were all still asleep, and he’s on his way home.
Le dicen que estamos durmiendo y se va.Literature Literature
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