they walk oor Spaans

they walk

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

ellos caminan

They walked with him to an old wooden building near the farmhouse.
Ellos caminaron con él hasta un edificio de madera cercano a la granja.

van a pie

After going ashore, they walked to Thessalonica in Greece.
Tras bajar del barco, fueron a pie hasta Tesalónica (Grecia).

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Soortgelyke frases

they walk to the library
ellos caminan a la biblioteca
they walked past us
pasaron junto a nosotros
they walked to class
caminaban a clase · caminaron a clase
they went out for a walk
salieron a caminar
they are walking
están caminando
they walk on the beach
ellas caminan en la playa
they walked
andaban · anduvieron · caminaban · caminaron
they were walking
they walked holding hands
caminaban tomados agarrados de la mano


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They walked on through the pain in their joints, which were protesting at the resumption of the walk.
Anduvieron ignorando el dolor de sus articulaciones, que protestaron al retomar el paseo.Literature Literature
They walked out into the center of the library.
Fueron hacia el centro de la biblioteca.Literature Literature
They followed the warders, who were unlocking doors as they walked.
Siguieron a los guardias, que abrían puertas a medida que avanzaban.Literature Literature
In the living room, on the second floor, they walked across a row of gaudy synthetic carpets.
En la sala, en el segundo piso, caminaron sobre alfombras sintéticas.Literature Literature
They walked on again, towards the great wall of windows of the General Hospital.
Siguieron caminando hacia la gran pared repleta de ventanas del hospital general.Literature Literature
They walked into the main building, where there was a big living area and the dining room.
Entraron en el edificio principal donde había una gran zona de estar y el comedor.Literature Literature
'That was nice of you,' Abby opined softly as they walked on.
–Ese fue un gesto lindo de tu parte –opinó Abby suavemente mientras caminaban.Literature Literature
By tacit consent they walked toward the sea.
Por tácito consentimiento caminaron hacia el mar.Literature Literature
They walked in silence, but Liana’s head was reeling.
Caminaron en silencio pero la cabeza de Liana daba vueltas.Literature Literature
They walked along a narrow corridor carved deep inside the cliff upon which the castle stood.
Caminaron por un estrecho corredor abierto en el interior del risco sobre el que se alzaba el castillo.Literature Literature
When she did not come up, they walked away, except her son, who wouldn’t go with them.
Cuando no emergió a la superficie, se marcharon, todos salvo su hijo, que no quiso irse con ellos.Literature Literature
As they walked away I looked at the picture again.
Mientras se alejaban, volví a mirar aquel dibujo.Literature Literature
As they walk, Yuliang ponders this unexpected meeting, this odd moment.
Mientras caminan, Yuliang reflexiona sobre este encuentro inesperado, este momento singular.Literature Literature
It banged against his knees as they walked out of Sant’Attilio.
Le fue golpeando contra las rodillas mientras salían caminando de Sant’Attilio.Literature Literature
Despite the cold, they walked nearly every day in the woods.
A pesar del frío iban a pasear casi cada día al bosque.Literature Literature
They walked all youth hanging returning.
Andaban colgando a todos los jóvenes que regresaban.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They walked in silence that way, Carlos embracing Owain, through the tunnels for some time.
Siguieron caminando en silencio, con Carlos abrazando a Owain durante un tiempo más bajo los túneles.Literature Literature
“So you’re getting it all decorated for the party,” Ned said as they walked.
—Así que lo estáis decorando todo, para la fiesta —comentó Ned.Literature Literature
They walked in silence for about half an hour.
Caminaron en silencio una media hora.Literature Literature
They walked to the door in tense silence.
Caminaron hasta la puerta en un tenso silencio.Literature Literature
They walked past a living room the size of a bus station.
Atravesaron un salón del tamaño de una estación de autobuses.Literature Literature
Taking Trella’s hand and accompanied by four guards, they walked through the lanes, ignoring the revelry.
Acompañado por Trella y cuatro guardias, caminó por las calles, sin prestar atención al bullicio reinante.Literature Literature
They walked for about five minutes, then Chris tugged on Danny's arm.
Caminaron durante unos cinco minutos, luego Chris tiró del brazo de Danny.Literature Literature
They walked on in silence, no longer touching.
Caminaron en silencio, ahora sin tocarse.Literature Literature
"""You had a wonderful game, as always,"" Jo told Kelly as they walked to the Explorer."
—Has jugado maravillosamente, como siempre —le dijo, mientras ambas caminaban hacia el Explorer.Literature Literature
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