they walk on the beach oor Spaans

they walk on the beach

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ellas caminan en la playa


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They walked on the beach, lay on the porch, and Liam took a nap in the hammock.
Pasearon por la playa, se tumbaron en el porche y Liam echó la siesta en la hamaca.Literature Literature
Every day, they walked on the beach, watched TV, discussed the state of Chilean politics.
Todos los días ellos caminaron por la playa, vieron televisión, hablaron del estado de la política chilena.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach, and Melissa cooked a chicken.
Pasearon por la playa, y Melissa cocinó un pollo.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach when they took breaks, even when there was snow on the ground.
En los descansos, paseaban por la playa, incluso con el suelo cubierto de nieve.Literature Literature
Allyson remembered his words last night when they walked on the beach.
Allyson recordó sus palabras la noche anterior cuando caminaron por la playa.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach the next day, holding hands, and talked about their children.
Al día siguiente pasearon por la playa cogidos de la mano, hablando de sus hijos.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach instead.
Simplemente caminaron por la playa.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach at Saint Georges and watched the sun come up.
Iban a dar paseos por la playa, a Saint Georges, y contemplaban salir el sol.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach again, to the end of the bay and back.
Pasearon de nuevo por la playa, hasta la punta de la bahía y de vuelta.Literature Literature
They walked on the beach that night before they went to bed and swam in their private pool.
Aquella noche dieron un paseo por la playa antes de acostarse y nadaron un rato en la piscina privada del chalet.Literature Literature
After that, he came to eat at least once a week, and sometimes they walked on the beach together.
Después de aquello, King iba a comer al menos una vez a la semana, y de cuando en cuando paseaban juntos por la playa.Literature Literature
Together they walked on the beach or sat on the deck and he talked to her about his goals, his hopes, his dreams.
Juntos caminaban por la playa y hablaban de sus metas, sus esperanzas, sus sueños.Literature Literature
Peter kissed her for the first time in mid-January of the new year, as they walked on the beach in Santa Monica.
Peter la besó por primera vez a mediados de enero del nuevo año, mientras caminaban por la playa de Santa Monica.Literature Literature
During the two weeks of waiting they took walks on the beach, watched the sunset, ate lobster.
Durante las dos semanas de espera pasearon por la playa, contemplaron el atardecer, comieron langosta.Literature Literature
They were walking on the beach.
Estaban caminando por la playa.Literature Literature
And they are walking on the beach in some place, some island, they're walking on the beach.
Y están caminando por la playa en algún lugar, en alguna isla, están caminando por la playa.QED QED
They walked on the dark beach again, late.
Pasearon nuevamente por la oscura playa, a altas horas de la noche.Literature Literature
For others, it happens when they are walking on the beach or floating in the water.
Para otras, ocurre mientras están en la playa o se encuentran flotando en el agua.Literature Literature
All that shadowed her mood until they were walking on the beach near her apartment.
Todo eso ensombreció su humor hasta que se encontraron caminando por la playa cerca de su apartamento.Literature Literature
They’re always quarrelling, especially on Sundays when they go for walks on the beach.
Siempre están discutiendo, en particular los domingos, cuando salen a pasear por la playa.Literature Literature
When they were walking on the beach after dinner, she asked Rolfe, ‘Did you know I was an adopted child?’
Ese mismo día, mientras daban un paseo por la playa después de comer, Capri preguntó a Rolfe: —¿Sabías que fui adoptada?Literature Literature
"""That means that they were walking on the beach at that hour, then committed suicide,"" said one of the detectives."
—Es como si hubieran estado paseando por la playa antes de suicidarse —comentó alguien—.Literature Literature
The night before, Madame had left the Teatro Nacional with Diamantino and they walked on the Condado beach for hours.
La noche antes, al salir del Teatro Tapia, Diamantino y ella se habían ido a caminar solos por la playa del Condado.Literature Literature
Then they saw the dog walking on the beach.
Entonces vieron al perro andando por la playa.Literature Literature
They walked on to the beach and then piled the packs neatly and laid their muskets down on top of them.
Fueron hasta la playa y, después, amontonaron los bultos con cuidado y dejaron sus mosquetes encima de ellos.Literature Literature
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