they wash their faces oor Spaans

they wash their faces

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se lavan la cara


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They washed their faces and hands and finally their feet.
Se lavaron la cara, las manos y, por último, los pies.Literature Literature
They all washed their faces in the fresh, clear water in the battered white metal basin sunk in the concrete.
Se lavaron la cara con el agua fresca y clara de la vieja pila metálica empotrada en el hormigón.Literature Literature
Some adults and most children, after eating a mango in this fashion, look as if they had washed their faces with the fruit.
En el caso de algunos adultos, y de casi todos los niños, después de haberse comido un mango de esta manera parece que se hubieran lavado la cara con la fruta.jw2019 jw2019
If they wash their hands or faces they may fall ill, and if they try to make bread the dough will not rise.
Si se lavan las manos o la cara caerán enfermas, y si intentan hacer pan, la masa no esponjará.Literature Literature
Be sure they wash their hands and faces, especially before meals.
Cerciórese de que se laven las manos y la cara, especialmente antes de las comidas.jw2019 jw2019
When they go to feasts, they wash their hands and faces, and the women comb their hair.
Para asistir a las fiestas, se lavan las manos y la cara, y las mujeres se peinan.Literature Literature
Finding a tap outside the building, they washed their hands and faces, and drank, cupping their palms.
Encontraron un grifo fuera del edificio, y se lavaron las manos y la cara, y bebieron ahuecando las manos.Literature Literature
They washed their hands and faces, lay down for a moment, changed, and went back down.
Se lavaron las manos y la cara, se echaron un instante a descansar, se cambiaron y volvieron 118 a bajar.Literature Literature
They washed their hands and faces and wrote on a wall: “Village friendly to the terrorists.”
Se lavaron las manos y la cara y dejaron escrito en una pared: “Pueblo amigo de los terroristas”.Literature Literature
However, unlike other feliforms, they do not "wash" their faces.
De cualquier manera, como otros feliformes, no se «lavan» la cara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They wash their hands and faces every day in incredibly filthy water.
Se lavan las manos y caras diariamente en un agua increíblemente sucia.Literature Literature
They had washed their freckled faces and combed their hair.
Habían lavado sus rostros pecosos y peinado su cabello.Literature Literature
In silence at separate sinks, they washed their hands and faces and rued the ruination of their shirts.
En silencio y frente a lavabos separados, se lavaron las manos y las caras y se lamentaron por la suerte de sus camisas.Literature Literature
Their personal habits are most filthy, and they do not wash, but smear their faces with horse-tallow.
Son sucios por hábito, y no se lavan, sino que se embadurnan la cara con grasa de caballo.Literature Literature
How many times had they washed their hands and their faces in it?
¿Cuántas veces se había lavado las manos y la cara?Literature Literature
“Let us catch some breakfast,” he said as they washed the dirt from their faces and hands.
–Pesquemos algo para desayunar -propuso mientras se lavaban las caras y las manos.Literature Literature
They had all washed their hands and faces, and brushed their hair, and were looking as tidy as they knew how.
Se habían lavado las manos y la cara, y cepillado el pelo, y estaban todo lo aseados que sabían estar.Literature Literature
They asked for water to wash their faces and feet.
Pidieron agua para lavarse la cara y los pies.Literature Literature
They took possession of the Henryson Suite, where they dropped their bags and washed their faces.
Ocuparon la suite Henryson, donde dejaron caer las bolsas de mano y se lavaron la cara.Literature Literature
They felt the heat wash over their faces and smelled the stench of concentrated gasoline on fire.
Sentían el calor en la cara y les llegaba el hedor de la gasolina concentrada del incendio.Literature Literature
They didn’t just get up, wash their faces, and go.
No se levantaban, se lavaban la cara y salían.Literature Literature
They never washed their hands or their faces, even before dinner.
Nunca se lavan las manos ni la cara, incluso ni para cenar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I do my best to straighten up the places where they lie, to help them wash their faces.
Y hago lo que puedo para arreglar los jergones donde yacen, para ayudarlas a asearse un poco.Literature Literature
"As they were washing their children's hands and faces, Liz said: ""You know, my mother would never have done this."
Cuando lavaban a los chiquillos las manos y la cara, Liz comentó: -¿Sabes?Literature Literature
They wash their feet first and then their faces.
Primero se lavan los pies y luego la cara.Literature Literature
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