they went by train oor Spaans

they went by train

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ellos fueron en tren


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From there they went by train to Hendaye to cross into nationalist Spain.
Desde allí fueron a Hendaya en tren, para cruzar la frontera y entrar en la España nacionalista.Literature Literature
They went by train to Sioux City, Iowa.
Primero fueron en tren hasta Sioux City, Iowa.Literature Literature
Leaving Seghill they went by train to Blyth, where a considerable crowd was awaiting them.
Dejando Seghill marcharon en tren a Blyth, donde les esperaba una considerable multitud.Literature Literature
They went by train and coach and then mainly on foot, and enjoyed travelling on their own.
Viajaron en tren y en autocar, pero sobre todo fueron a pie, disfrutando de estar los dos solos de viaje.Literature Literature
Since this Angelo Speciale didn’t like to fly, they went by train.
Como a Angelo Speciale no le gustaba volar, viajaron en tren.Literature Literature
The next morning they went by train to Yaga-machi, then proceeded to the relief headquarters.
A la mañana siguiente, fueron en tren a Yaga-machi, para luego continuar hasta el centro de servicios de socorro.Literature Literature
They went by train and bus and finally arrived at the farm-house where the girl and her mother were staying.
Después de coger un tren y un autobús, llegaron por fin a la granja en la que estaban la chica y su madre.Literature Literature
The next day, they went back by train, most of them dozing, hung over.
Al día siguiente regresaron en tren, la mayoría adormilados, con resaca.Literature Literature
They all went off by different trains.
Todos ellos partieron en trenes diferentes.Literature Literature
They went two days ago, by train.
Salieron en tren hace dos días.Literature Literature
They went back to Todefright, by train.
Volvieron a Todefright en tren.Literature Literature
Instead of going by train, they went in Guido's car.
En vez de tomar el tren fueron en el automóvil de Guido.Literature Literature
They had taken the train as far as Triesdorf; from there they went on to Merckendorf by stage coach.
Fueron en tren hasta Triesdorf; luego, en coche, hasta Merckendorf Y desde allí, a pie.Literature Literature
They went through rigorous training, daily inspections and drill, overseen by a retired Marine officer.
Pasaban a través de un riguroso entrenamiento, con inspecciones diarias y parada, todo supervisado por un oficial retirado de la Marina,.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They left Hatton at the end of the week, and went by train to London.
A finales de la semana se marcharon de Hatton y volvieron a Londres en tren.Literature Literature
Usually the three children went off for their holidays by car, but they much preferred the train.
Por lo general, los tres niños iban de vacaciones en automóvil, pero preferían muchísimo más viajar en tren.Literature Literature
They pulled me out from behind the Dumpster after the train went by.
Me sacaron de detrás del contenedor cuando el tren había pasado ya.Literature Literature
To go to America they went by train to France to get the boat there.
Para ir a América fueron en tren a Francia para coger allí el barco.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They went by train and they spent three days there. I-040 B03
Fueron en tren y estuvieron tres días. I-040 B03ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They went by train and they spent three days there. II-034a A01
Fueron en tren y estuvieron tres días. II-034a A01ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The newly-weds went by train to London after the ceremony, where they spent the night at the Ritz.
Los recién casados fueron a Londres en tren después de la ceremonia y pasaron la noche en el Ritz.Literature Literature
They had a car for me but I went home by myself on the train.
Me habían puesto un coche, pero me fui a casa por mi cuenta.Literature Literature
Yes, I went by it on the train right by Åkeshov and they had a helicopter up there.
Sí, yo he pasado precisamente por allí, por Åkeshov, y tienen un helicóptero arriba.Literature Literature
They went on talking until most of the family had been deported, chiefly by train.
Debatieron y debatieron hasta que casi toda la familia hubo sido deportada.Literature Literature
Maybe she had waited far too long, and in waiting the train and the people had waved as they went by her.
Tal vez había esperado demasiado tiempo, y al esperar, el tren y la gente le habían saludado al pasar.Literature Literature
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