they went hungry oor Spaans

they went hungry

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But others say that the winter caught them by surprise and that they went hungry at first.
Aunque otros dicen que el invierno les cogió por sorpresa y que pasaron hambre al principio.Literature Literature
They went hungry for the first few days, with not even a crust of bread to chew on.
En los primeros días, sin tener siquiera un mendrugo que masticar, pasaron hambre.Literature Literature
Now they went hungry save what the men could trap overnight.
Ahora pasaban hambre y solo comían lo que los hombres encontraban en sus trampas por la mañana.Literature Literature
For a time, with grim martyrdom, they went hungry, but in the end the flesh conquered.
Durante cierto tiempo sufrieron hambre, pero al final la carne venció.Literature Literature
I heard them calling for me, and I know they went hungry.
Les oía llamarme y sé que han pasado hambre.Literature Literature
If the work they had done for that particular day was not satisfactory, they went hungry.
Si el trabajo que habían hecho no era satisfactorio, no se les servía comida alguna.Literature Literature
Her father would eat in front of her and her brother while they went hungry.
Su padre solía comer delante de ella y de su hermano mientras ellos pasaban hambre.Literature Literature
They had enough to eat; it was rare that they went hungry like the people of the poor castes.
Comían lo suficiente, y era muy raro verlos hambrientos, como a las gentes de las castas pobres.Literature Literature
When they were out of luck, they went hungrie for the nonce; for, the next summer always brought Abundance.
En caso contrario, pasaban hambre sólo por el momento, pues el siguiente verano siempre traía abundancia.Literature Literature
The first week they went hungry; they caught only a couple of eels, an octopus, and a small ray.
La primera semana pasaron hambre; sólo consiguieron un par de anguilas, un pulpo y una raya pequeña.Literature Literature
It was too wet to light a fire and nobody wanted to eat raw camel; so they went hungry again.
La humedad no les permitió encender fuego y nadie quiso comer camello crudo.Literature Literature
They went hungry, eating orange peel, if they were lucky to find some lying in the street, and raw carob beans.
Pasaban hambre y comían mondaduras de naranja, si tenían la suerte de encontrarlas en la calle, y algarrobas.Literature Literature
Though they often went hungry the first year, they managed to avoid outright starvation.
Aunque el primer año pasaron hambre muy a menudo, consiguieron no morirse de inanición.Literature Literature
Indeed, that regime continued to ruin its own people’s livelihood as they went hungry while it allocated scarce economic resources into testing nuclear weapons and launching missiles to maintain its grip on power.
De hecho, ese régimen sigue arruinando los medios de vida de su propia población, que pasa hambre mientras los escasos recursos económicos se destinan a los ensayos de armas nucleares y a lanzar misiles para mantenerse en el poder.UN-2 UN-2
They may not always have received the choicest selection, but they seldom went hungry.
Puede que no siempre recibieran lo más selecto, pero rara vez se quedaban con hambre.Literature Literature
They never got all they wanted to eat, although I don’t think they really went hungry.
Nunca comieron todo lo que quisieron, aunque no creo que pasaran auténtica hambre.Literature Literature
After Chris appeared, they never went hungry again.
Tras la aparición de Chris, nunca volvieron a pasar hambre.Literature Literature
They never abused him, he never went hungry, they never argued in his presence.
Jamás le habían puesto la mano encima, nunca había pasado hambre, nunca se habían peleado en su presencia.Literature Literature
And since they were very hungry they all went fishing in the stream.
Y como tenían hambre, se pusieron a buscar peces.Literature Literature
“They were weary and hungry and they went to eat with their enemies.
Estaban fatigados, y el hambre los llevaba a comer con el enemigo.Literature Literature
When winter came they froze and went hungry.
Cuándo llegó el invierno, tuvieron que pasar frío y hambre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He put the money back, and they went to bed hungry that night.
Él devolvió el dinero y esa noche se fueron a dormir sin comer.LDS LDS
If they weren’t washed up and sitting at the table by then, they went to bed hungry.
Si a esa hora no estaban lavados y sentados a la mesa, se iban a la cama con hambre.Literature Literature
Plenty of nights they went to sleep hungry, but seldom starving.
Muchas noches se iban a dormir con apetito, pero casi nunca hambrientos.Literature Literature
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