they went out for a walk oor Spaans

they went out for a walk

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

salieron a caminar

Ask anyone if they went out for a walk and happened to bring back a mysterious orb the size of a beach ball.
Preguntar a quien sea si salieron a caminar y resultara que trajeran de regreso una misteriosa esfera del tamaño de una pelota de playa.

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The day was fine and they went out for a walk.
Hacía buen tiempo y salieron a dar un paseo.Literature Literature
It was a cold morning, but sunny, so they went out for a walk.
Era una mañana fría pero soleada y salieron a caminar.Literature Literature
* * * In the morning, after a late breakfast, they went out for a walk.
Por la mañana, después del desayuno tardío, salieron a dar un paseo.Literature Literature
Although it was ten o’clock when he arrived Rachael suggested they went out for a walk.
A pesar de que eran las diez cuando llegó, Rachael propuso salir a dar una vuelta.Literature Literature
After breakfast they went out for a walk along the shore.
Después de desayunar salieron a dar un paseo por la orilla del mar.Literature Literature
Then they went out for a walk around the town.
Después, se fueron a pasear por la ciudad.Literature Literature
That night after they had finished unpacking, they went out for a walk.
Esa noche, después de deshacer las maletas, salieron a dar un paseo.Literature Literature
The day after they arrived, they went out for a walk on an uphill mountain track.
Al día siguiente de llegar, se lanzan a hacer la marcha por un camino de tierra, cuesta arriba.Literature Literature
Fueron a dar un paseo cuando Ethan volvió del trabajo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Later they went out for a walk.
Luego salieron a dar un paseo.Literature Literature
To kill time they went out for a walk around the neighborhood.
Para matar el tiempo salieron a dar una vuelta por el barrio.Literature Literature
If they went out for a walk together, she’d make Laura talk about herself.
Si salían a pasear, haría hablar a Laura de sí misma.Literature Literature
On days when they went out for a walk, Mme Raquin would accompany the children to the end of the arcade.
Los días de paseo, la señora Raquin acompañaba a sus hijos hasta el final del pasadizo.Literature Literature
They went out for a walk one evening, took the metro out of the neighborhood, and Lorenzo took her by the waist.
Salieron a pasear una tarde, se alejaron del barrio en el metro y Lorenzo la tomó de la cintura.Literature Literature
Ask anyone if they went out for a walk and happened to bring back a mysterious orb the size of a beach ball.
Preguntar a quien sea si salieron a caminar y resultara que trajeran de regreso una misteriosa esfera del tamaño de una pelota de playa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We had lunch together, and sat around for a while, and then they went out for a walk and said they’d go to a movie.
Almorzamos juntos, charlamos un rato, después salimos a dar un paseo y dijeron que irían al cine.Literature Literature
Jason had a sleep and then they all went out for a walk on the Heath.
Jason echó una siesta y luego todos salieron a dar un paseo por el Heath.Literature Literature
Go ahead and tell yourself one more time that they just went out for a walk.
«Adelante, sigue insistiendo en que solo han ido a dar un paseo.Literature Literature
Every afternoon they went out together for a walk to Palermo, to the Zoological Gardens, to Lezama Park.
Iban a Palermo, al Zoológico, al Parque Lezama.Literature Literature
He left the rucksacks, the tent and the sleeping bags where they were and went out for a walk by himself.
Dejó allí mochilas, tienda y sacos de dormir y se fue solo a caminar.Literature Literature
The sky was nearly dark when they got dressed and went out for a walk and cigarettes.
El cielo estaba casi oscuro cuando se vistieron y salieron a pasear y fumar.Literature Literature
They bundled up and went out for a walk under some scraggly trees with lilies sprouting from their roots.
Salieron a dar un paseo bien abrigados, anduvieron bajo unos árboles esmirriados de cuyas raíces brotaban flores lilas.Literature Literature
"""Maybe they are out there,"" Don had said, while they went for a walk one evening."
—Tal vez estén ahí fuera —dijo Don una tarde que habían salido a dar un paseo.Literature Literature
And some old fellow they say went for a walk out the tracks and is likely frozen.
Y una persona mayor que dicen salió a dar un paseo es probable que se haya congelado.Literature Literature
They said one day she went out for a walk and just never came back.
Dijeron que un día salió a caminar y que nunca regresó.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
74 sinne gevind in 102 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.