they went out on patrol oor Spaans

they went out on patrol

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salieron a patrullar


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Every time they went out on patrol together, he wondered if it might be the last time.
Cada vez que salían a patrullar, Ellmann pensaba que tal vez sería la última.Literature Literature
They went out on patrol, flew over Cuba and Haiti and back by way of the bulge of Yucatan.
Salían de patrulla, sobrevolaban Cuba y Haití y regresaban vía península de Yucatán.Literature Literature
Any minute now, he knew, he was going to have to say that it was time they went out on patrol.
Sabía que, en cualquier momento, tendría que anunciar que ya era hora de salir de patrulla.Literature Literature
Wait until they hear I went out on patrol with Tejada Alonso y León.
Ya verás cuando se enteren que he salido de patrulla con Tejada de Alonso y León.Literature Literature
Still, he wasn’t looking forward to clearing the soiled moss from their den while they went out on their first patrol.
Sin embargo, a Glayino no le apetecía retirar el musgo sucio de su guarida mientras ellos salían en su primera patrulla.Literature Literature
"""They caught me right before I went out on patrol saying you had a message from the Archon ..."""
Justo antes de que saliera de patrulla, me han avisado que tenías un mensaje de la Arcontesa...Literature Literature
‘Several patrols went out even further, but they found no one, not a trace, not a sign.’
–Y algunas patrullas han llegado incluso más allá, pero no han encontrado a nadie, ni un rastro, ni una huella.Literature Literature
In the afternoon, they relieved the morning watch, worked on their positions, or went out on daylight patrols.
A la tarde relevaban a la guardia matinal, ocupaban sus posiciones o salían a cumplir patrullajes diurnos.Literature Literature
Did you personally see commanders before they went out on patrol?
¿Veía personalmente a los comandantes antes de que salieran de patrulla?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Q. Did you personally see commanders before they went out on patrol?
P: ¿Veía personalmente a los comandantes antes de que salieran de patrulla?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Matthew and William went out on a patrol a few days ago and they haven't been seen since.
Matthew and William no han vuelto desde que salieron a patrullar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sky News cameras joined them as they went out on patrol in Glasgow, and watched as unarmed police dealt with a variety of potentially violent situations.
Cámaras de Sky News se unieron a ellos, mientras que salían de patrullas en Glasgow, y miraban como la policía desarmada, respondía a una variedad de situaciones potencialmente violentas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Right out of roll call, right when we got down one of the boxes they went into, one of the areas they started patrolling, right away they ran a car and it came back stolen.
Nada más sacarlo de la votación nominal, justo cuando llegamos a uno de los cajas entraron en, una de las zonas comenzaron a patrullar, enseguida se quedaron sin un coche y vino robado de nuevo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
7 "When the strong ones went out, they were eager to go to patrol the earth."
7 Briosos salían los caballos, impacientes por ir a recorrer la tierra.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He pointed out that "Shaiban" asked him to participate in the kidnapping and robbing "Fikrat" with "Abdelhak", by disguising in uniforms of Asayîş as they went out on a regular patrol, securing for them weapons, and "Shaiban" said that the cashier has money and weapons and a mobile phone, after you put him in the car take him to the cemetery of Christians between Corniche neighborhood and al-Seyahi neighborhood.
Señaló que "Shaiban" le pidió que participara en el secuestro y robo de "Fikrat" con "Abdelhak", disfrazándose con uniformes de Asayîş mientras salían en una patrulla regular, asegurándoles armas, y "Shaiban" dijo que el cajero tiene dinero y armas y un teléfono móvil, después de que lo subió al automóvil llévelo al cementerio de cristianos entre el vecindario de Corniche y el vecindario de al-Seyahi.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
7 When the strong ones went out, they [a]were eager to go to [b]patrol the earth.” And He said, “Go, [c]patrol the earth.”
7 Esos briosos caballos estaban impacientes por recorrer toda la tierra. Y el ángel les dijo: «¡Vayan, recorran la tierra de uno a otro extremo!» Y así lo hicieron.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Sassoon's bravery was inspiring to the extent that soldiers of his company said that they felt confident only when they were accompanied by him.[9] He often went out on night-raids and bombing patrols and demonstrated ruthless efficiency as a company commander.
Él salía a menudo en la noche a redadas y patrullas de bombardeo y demostró una eficacia despiadada como comandante de compañía.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The already meager resources of the civilian population dwindled further and even the UN forces started running dangerously low on food, medicine, fuel and ammunition. Eventually, the UN peacekeepers had so little fuel that they were forced to start patrolling the enclave on foot; Dutchbat soldiers who went out of the area on leave were not allowed to return[24] and their number dropped from 600 to 400 men.
Incluso ellos contaban con cada vez menos alimentos, medicinas, munición y combustible, por lo que se vieron forzados a patrullar la zona a pie. Además, a algunos de sus integrantes que abandonaron el enclave en el curso de dichas patrullas, fueron retenidos por las tropas serbias, de modo que el número de soldados en Srebrenica cayó de 600 a 400.[17] El teniente coronel Thomas Karremans, que estaba al mando de dichas fuerzas, denunció posteriormente que los serbios también impidieron la llegada al enclave de las municiones del UNPROFOR.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
As part of the revengeful revolutionary campaign of the Martyr Delal Amed and the Martyrs of Basta and on September 8 at 10:30, our forces carried out an operation against two armored vehicles when they went out in patrol between the villages of Dader and Hasna in Cizîr in Şirnex.
Como parte de la vengativa campaña revolucionaria del Mártir Delal Amed y los Mártires de Basta y el 8 de septiembre a las 10:30, nuestras fuerzas llevaron a cabo una operación contra dos vehículos blindados cuando salieron en patrulla entre las aldeas de Dader y Hasna en Cizîr en Şirnex.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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