they went to bed oor Spaans

they went to bed

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

se acostaron

Other things commonly noted: Usually they went to bed early.
Otras cosas que se mencionaron en común fueron las siguientes: Por lo general, estas personas se acostaban temprano.

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they went to bed at eleven thirty
se acostaron a las once y media


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I turn on the lights downstairs, though they’re sure they turned them off when they went to bed.
Prendo las luces en la planta baja cuando todos están seguros de haberlas apagado antes de ir a la cama.Literature Literature
After three quick drinks and twenty minutes of tense (for Jack) conversation, they went to bed.
Al cabo de tres rápidos tragos y veinte minutos de tensa conversación (para Jack), se fueron a la cama.Literature Literature
They went to bed feeling a mixture of gladness and sorrow.
Se acostaron sintiendo una mezcla de alegría y dolor.Literature Literature
They went to bed exhausted but feeling a good deal better.
Se fueron a dormir agotados pero sintiéndose mucho mejor.Literature Literature
They went to bed, and Coop made love to her.
Se acostaron y Coop le hizo el amor.Literature Literature
The princess didn’t understand why, but they went to bed and fell asleep.
La Princesa no comprendió muy bien el motivo, pero se acostaron y se durmieron.Literature Literature
They went to bed a short time later.
Se fueron a la cama poco después.Literature Literature
Before they went to bed, they met once more in Headquarters.
Antes de acostarse, volvieron a reunirse de nuevo en el puesto de mando.Literature Literature
There they were given food and as soon as the rooms were ready they went to bed.”
Se les dio alimento y, en cuanto estuvieron listas las habitaciones, se fueron a la cama.Literature Literature
He gave her a good read of the Bible and they went to bed.
Le hizo un buen repaso de la Biblia y se fueron a la cama.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was two o’clock when they went to bed.
Eran las dos cuando se fueron a acostar.Literature Literature
they asked at intervals, but they went to bed without having solved the problem in any way.
No obstante, se fueron a dormir sin haberle dado ninguna solución al problema.Literature Literature
On New Year’s Eve they went to bed earlier than usual.
En noche vieja se fueron a la cama más temprano de lo habitual.Literature Literature
They went to bed, but she couldn’t sleep.
Se acostaron, pero ella no podía dormir.Literature Literature
“I’ll check it out,” Jakob promised, and Emmanuelle scolded him when they went to bed.
—Lo miraré —le prometió Jakob, y Emmanuelle lo regañó cuando se fueron a la cama.Literature Literature
When they went to bed, he was falling in love with her.
Al acostarse él se estaba enamorando de ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then they went to bed and the whole relationship started taking another turn.”
Entonces se acostaron juntos, y la relación entera empezó a tomar otro cariz.Literature Literature
Victoria was granted his company only at supper and then later, when they went to bed.
A Victoria solo le concedía su compañía a la hora de cenar y más tarde, cuando se iban a la cama.Literature Literature
They went to bed, and soon everyone in the house was sleeping.
Se fueron a la cama y pronto en la casa todo el mundo estuvo dormido.Literature Literature
And after a light dinner in the cramped dining room, they went to bed.
Tras tomar una cena ligera en el estrecho comedor, se fueron a la cama.Literature Literature
So they went to bed together, separated by a vast expanse of bed.
Así que ambos se acostaron en la cama, separados por sus vastas dimensiones.Literature Literature
Sheyue and Wuer spread out their quilts too, and when Baoyu had lain down they went to bed.
También Sheyue y Wuer tendieron sus edredones, y cuando vieron a Baoyu echado se fueron a dormir.Literature Literature
When they went to bed, he reached for her as he did every night.
Al acostarse, la buscó como hacía cada noche.Literature Literature
Before they went to bed, they called Chloe.
Antes de acostarse llamaron a Chloe.Literature Literature
She had half an hour to spend with Ariana and Gerhard before they went to bed.
Disponía de media hora para estar con Ariana y Gerhard antes de que se acostaran.Literature Literature
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