they went to the park oor Spaans

they went to the park

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

fueron al parque

They went to the park and to visit Ernie at Francine's.
Fueron al parque, luego visitaron a Ernie en lo de Francine.

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They went to the park.
Fueron al parque.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They went to the park and to visit Ernie at Francine's.
Fueron al parque, luego visitaron a Ernie en lo de Francine.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And every few days they went to the park, or else to the library, or the zoo.
Y cada pocos días iban al parque, a la biblioteca o al zoológico.Literature Literature
They went to the park, followed by cars and vans packed with journalists.
Fueron al parque, con los coches y las furgonetas de los periodistas detrás.Literature Literature
The skies cleared and it had turned into a sunny, mild afternoon, so they went to the park.
El cielo se abrió y acabó haciendo una tarde soleada y templada, así que fueron al parque.Literature Literature
When they went to the park she wore too light a dress and caught cold.
Cuando fueron al parque se puso un vestido demasiado ligero y se enfrió.Literature Literature
They went to the park, watched Barney videos, played with her toys on a blanket on the floor.
Se dirigieron al parque, observaba Barney videos, juega con sus juguetes sobre una manta en el suelo.Literature Literature
Didn’t she have to watch him like a hawk when they went to the park or the zoo?
¿Acaso no tenía que vigilar a Scott como un halcón cuando iban al parque o al zoo?Literature Literature
Just yesterday they went to the park together.”
Ayer, sin ir más lejos, fueron juntos al parque.Literature Literature
One day they went to the park and she fell asleep on his shoulder.
Un día fueron al parque y ella se quedó dormida apoyada en su hombro.Literature Literature
Maybe they went to the park together, shared Lego bricks and bathtime.
A lo mejor iban juntos al parque, compartían piezas de Lego y se bañaban a la vez.Literature Literature
Then they went to the park together, to take Martha Argerich to shit.
Luego fueron juntos al parque, para llevar a Martha Argerich a cagar.Literature Literature
Didn't she have to watch him like a hawk when they went to the park or the zoo?
¿Acaso no tenía que vigilar a Scott como un halcón cuando iban al parque o al zoo?Literature Literature
On the day they went to the park, the carabinieri arrived at the concession stand and restrained him.
El día del quiosco, los carabinieri llegan y lo detienen.Literature Literature
Sarah said she was cheerful enough when they went to the park.”
Sarah nos ha dicho que estaba muy contenta cuando fueron al parque.Literature Literature
After Bessie changed the bedding, she and Raymond picked up Maisie from school and they went to the park.
Después de cambiar la ropa de cama, pasó con Raymond a recoger a Maisie de la escuela y después fueron al parque.Literature Literature
Did she recognize that when they went to the park, he was often the only other father in attendance?
¿Se daba ella cuenta, cuando iban al parque, de que él era a menudo el único padre entre el grupo de madres?Literature Literature
They went to the park that day, though it was as cold as it was bright, and there were not many people about.
Ese día fueron al parque, aunque hacía tanto frío como sol, y no había mucha gente.Literature Literature
So she picked up one of her bags, and he picked up the other, and they went out to the parking lot.
Así que ella cogió una maleta y él otra, y salieron al aparcamiento.Literature Literature
Then they went outside to the parking lot behind the building and found the car.
Luego fueron al aparcamiento situado detrás del edificio y encontraron el coche.Literature Literature
That summer they went to the local park a lot.
Aquel verano iban a menudo al parque.Literature Literature
In either case, they went up to the park, got drunk, and things got out of hand.""
En uno u otro caso, fueron al parque, se emborracharon, y la situación se descontroló.Literature Literature
In either case, they went up to the park, got drunk, and things got out of hand.”
En uno u otro caso, fueron al parque, se emborracharon, y la situación se descontroló.Literature Literature
They went up to the park to hear the guns of the fleet go off.
Subieron al parque a oír los cañones de nuestra flota.Literature Literature
And so they went out to the park to fly a kite, but there wasn't any wind.
Y aquella vez fueron al parque para remontar la cometa, pero no había nada de viento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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