they were excited oor Spaans

they were excited

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaban emocionados

But just because they were excited, didn't mean they wanted to take the time themselves to contribute.
Pero que estuvieran emocionadas, no significaba que quisieran tomarse el tiempo para contribuir.

estaban entusiasmados

They were excited at the news.
Estaban entusiasmados con las noticias.

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They were exciting, pitting her family against the elements without the usual advantage of technology.
Eran emocionantes, y enfrentaban a la familia contra los elementos sin la habitual ventaja de la tecnología.Literature Literature
Now they were excited, and suddenly operating at a hectic pace.
Ahora estaban entusiasmados y de repente trabajaban a un ritmo frenético.Literature Literature
From their cries, Pax knew they were excited.
Por los gritos que soltaban, Pax supo que estaban soliviantados.Literature Literature
They scared me, but they were exciting.
Me asustaban pero eran excitantes.Literature Literature
But they were exciting!
¡ Oh, pero fueron emocionantes!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I think they were excited by how epic that episode was.
Creo que estaban entusiasmados por lo epico que fue el episodio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I think they were excited at the prospect of having a young relative in the house.
Creo que estaban entusiasmadas con la perspectiva de tener una pariente joven en casa.Literature Literature
They were excited.
Estaban entusiasmados.ted2019 ted2019
They were joyful, they were excited, but this time they were focused on the eternal instead of themselves.
Estaban todos alegres, animados, pero esta vez se concentraban en lo eterno, en lugar de en sí mismos.Literature Literature
But they didn’t forget ... Oh no, they were excited.
Pero no lo olvidaron, ah, no... De hecho, estaban encantados con la idea.Literature Literature
They were excited and merry, as though returning from a great battle.
Todos hablaban a la vez, excitados y alegres, como si volvieran de una gran batalla.Literature Literature
You came, I improvised, they were excited by your reactions.
Tú llegaste, yo improvisé, ellos estaban entusiasmados por tus reacciones.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were excited to hear you’re interested in testing out a new genre.
Les encantó saber que te interesaba probar con otros géneros.Literature Literature
They were excited, ready for a great adventure.
Estaban muy entusiasmados, listos para una gran aventura.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were excited to see him after his seven-day trip.
Estaban excitados por poder verlo después de una ausencia de siete días.Literature Literature
Apparently they were excited by the spike in color TVs.
Parecen entusiasmados por la TV en color.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I could catch enough of it to decide that they were excited.
Entendí lo suficiente para concluir que estaban entusiasmados.Literature Literature
The homicide detectives were talking as if they were excited about something, and two were on phones.
Los detectives hablaban como si estuvieran muy emocionados por algo, y dos de ellos estaban al teléfono.Literature Literature
They were exciting years — and I have never regretted my decision to spend them in New York.
Mis años en Nueva York fueron interesantes, y nunca he lamentado mi decisión de ir allí.Literature Literature
They were excited by their purchases.
Estaban muy entusiasmados con sus compras.Literature Literature
They were excitable and arrogant, and most of them smelled bad.
Eran exaltados y arrogantes y casi todos olían mal.Literature Literature
The men followed more sedately, but Caroline got the sense that they were excited too.
Los hombres siguieron con más serenidad, pero Caroline sentía que también estaban excitados.Literature Literature
The Jews were afraid to show their joy to the Germans, but they were excited.
Los judíos se cuidaban mucho de expresar su alegría ante los alemanes, claro, pero estaban todos contentísimos.Literature Literature
It’s entirely possible, if they were excited, as Madame Salazar claims, that they knocked against the window.”
Es muy posible que si estaban animados, como pretende la señora Salazar, hayan tropezado contra la vitrina.Literature Literature
But you'll have to admit that they were exciting days.
Pero tendréis que admitir que fueron unos días emocionantes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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