they were going oor Spaans

they were going

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


They announced that they were going to have a party.
Ellos anunciaron que iban a dar una fiesta.

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that they were going to die
que iban a morir
they were going to die
que iban a morir
they were able to go on Tuesday
fueron capaces de ir el martes · pudieron ir el martes
they were going to read the book on Portugal
iban a leer el libro sobre Portugal


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‘Those soldiers marched into that desert knowing they were going to die, and many did.
—Aquellos soldados marcharon al desierto a sabiendas de que iban a morir y muchos, en efecto, murieron.Literature Literature
Because they were going to need a lot of it.
Porque iban a necesitar muchísimo.Literature Literature
Lasgol knew then that they were going to need a lot of that luck.
Lasgol supo en aquel instante que iban a necesitar mucha de aquella suerte.Literature Literature
Well, I thought that they were going there.
Bueno, pensé que que iban allí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And he’d done it again, when he’d thought they were going to die at the traffic lights.
Y había vuelto a hacerlo, cuando pensaba que estaban a punto de morir frente al semáforo.Literature Literature
Whoever it was, they were going through private files, and that she wouldn't stand for.
Fuera quien fuese, alguien estaba violando archivos privados, y no podía permitir algo así.Literature Literature
He heard them yelling to each other and presumed they were going to try to flank them.
Oyó que se gritaban entre ellos y supuso que intentarían flanquearlos.Literature Literature
This time they were going to do it.
Aquella vez iban a conseguirlo.Literature Literature
They were going to smuggle a whole dinner in?
¿Iban a colar una cena completa en la cárcel?Literature Literature
The way to Sissy’s destination led them past the door, and they were going straight towards it.
El punto de destino de Cecilia las obligaba a pasar por delante de la puerta, y avanzaron en línea recta hacia la casa.Literature Literature
They were going to do the job in space suits, under conditions of Level 4 biocontainment.
Iban a hacer el trabajo con trajes espaciales, en condiciones de biocontención de Nivel4.Literature Literature
They were going to kill you,” Callan answered.
Iban a matarte —contestó Callan.Literature Literature
They were going to send the bullets to dallisics.
Iba a mandar las balas a dalística.Literature Literature
I knew with certainty that they were going to try and take the stone from me.
Sabía con certeza que iban a tratar de quitarme la piedra.Literature Literature
He was too proud to ask the boy where they were going.
Chun Hwa era demasiado orgulloso para preguntar al niño adónde iban.Literature Literature
He’d said they were going to do date three, yet he hadn’t contacted her about it.
Había dicho que quedaba la tercera cita, pero no se había puesto en contacto con ella.Literature Literature
They were going to the lake, going back to his sammad.
Se dirigían al lago, volvían a su sammad.Literature Literature
I thought they were going to question him informally at home.”
Creía que lo interrogarían informalmente en casa.Literature Literature
They never thought to tell me where they were going.
Nunca se les ocurrió decirme a dónde iban.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Myron tried to concentrate, listening for sounds that would give him a clue where they were going.
Myron intentó concentrarse, captar los sonidos que le darían una pista de adónde iban.Literature Literature
I just heard them say they were going to disappear Dunbar.’
Sólo les he oído decir que van a desaparecer a Dunbar.Literature Literature
And then they were going to send a message to the Kremlin that needed no translation.
Y luego enviarían al Kremlin un mensaje que no necesitaría traducción.Literature Literature
They were going to invade and attempt to topple what was left of Rand once and for all.
Nos iban a invadir e intentar derrocar lo que quedaba de Rand de una vez por todos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were . . . going to stop the comet by praying.
Iban a... parar el cometa rezando.Literature Literature
She wondered if they were going to vote, and for whom.
Anna se preguntó si irían a votar, y a quién.Literature Literature
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