they were lost oor Spaans

they were lost

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estuvieron perdidos

The British soldiers, they were lost in enemy territory.
Los soldados británicos estaban perdidos en territorio enemigo.

se perdieron

Another way of saying where they were lost.
Otra forma de decir donde se perdieron ellos.

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I realized that they were lost
me di cuenta de que estaban perdidos


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With few exceptions, they were lost.
Con pocas excepciones, la mayoría de ellos se había perdido.Literature Literature
Besides, since they were lost, they might as well go where the rocks were going.
Además, puesto que estaban perdidos, podían ir perfectamente a donde iban las rocas.Literature Literature
What happened to them then Kestrel couldn’t see, because they were lost in the brightness of the fire.
Kestrel no lograba ver lo que les ocurría después, porque se perdían en el fulgor del fuego.Literature Literature
He knew how battles were won and how they were lost.
Él sabía cómo fueron ganadas las batallas y cómo se perdieron.Literature Literature
“If they were predictions, they were lost long ago.
—Si se trataba de predicciones, se perdieron hace mucho tiempo.Literature Literature
Otherwise, they were lost forever.
De lo contrario, las perdería para siempre.Literature Literature
Her first thought was that they were lost, then she realized the absurdity of such a notion.
Su primer pensamiento fue que estaban perdidos, luego se dio cuenta de lo absurdo de semejante idea.Literature Literature
Not that they were lost, in general.
No es que estuvieran totalmente perdidos.Literature Literature
If they were lost, a million people would be on the lookout for them.
Si estaban perdidos, un millón de personas estarían buscándolos.Literature Literature
They were lost, you see, and they had hungers.”
Estaban perdidos, y tenían hambre.Literature Literature
I had a family once, but, uh, they were lost long ago.
Hubo un tiempo en el que tenía familia, pero, eh, hace mucho que fallecieron.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were lost when the Nubians crossed the border.’
Los perdimos cuando los nubios cruzaron la frontera.Literature Literature
Before the force of that grin they were lost.
Antes de la fuerza de esa sonrisa, ya estaban sometidos.Literature Literature
My public statement is that they were lost in the noise.
En público dije que se habían perdido en medio del ruido.Literature Literature
They were lost to him, as he had always feared they might be.
Lo había perdído, como síempre temíó que sucedería.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Exactly why they were lost, Captain.
Por eso mismo se los perdió, Capitán.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were lost, but now they’ve been found again.
Se perdieron, pero ahora han vuelto a aparecer.Literature Literature
If there were tracks, they were lost because of the police van that parked there.’
Si había alguna huella, se habrá perdido cuando la furgoneta de la policía aparcó allí.Literature Literature
Perhaps the Giants of this place knew that they were lost to Home.
Quizá los gigantes de este lugar sabían que estaban perdidos de su Hogar.Literature Literature
They were lost in vain.
Se perdieron en vano.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Yet even so there were moments when it seemed that they were lost.
No obstante esto, algunas veces pensó que estaban perdidos.Literature Literature
Bright butterflies flitted in the air until they were lost to the eye over the river.
Mariposas de brillantes colores revoloteaban en el aire hasta que se perdían de vista sobre el río.Literature Literature
Once they crossed the border they were lost.
En cuanto cruzaban la frontera se perdían.Literature Literature
It seems to me that I did everything I could, but they were lost anyway.
Creo que hice todo lo que estaba en mi mano, pero los perdí.Literature Literature
For two hours there had been no lights; and Louis had begun to wonder if they were lost.
Cuando pasaron dos horas y seguían sin ver luces, Luis comenzó a preguntarse si se habrían perdido.Literature Literature
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