they were sitting at the table oor Spaans

they were sitting at the table

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estaban sentados a la mesa


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Fifteen minutes later they were sitting at the table, Julie staring at her plate.
Quince minutos más tarde, estaban sentados a la mesa y Julie miraba su plato fijamente.Literature Literature
Thorwald had watched her closely the previous evening when they were sitting at the table.
Thorwald la observó detenidamente la tarde anterior mientras estaban sentados alrededor de la mesa.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table in the common area, three humans and a caninoid alien.
Estaban sentados en la mesa en el área común, tres humanos y una alienígena caninoide.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table for two and a half hours.
Estuvieron sentados a la mesa del restaurante unas dos horas y media.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table, eating breakfast like a normal couple.
Estaban sentados a la mesa, desayunando como si fueran una pareja normal.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table, drinking coffee when he walked inside.
Estaban sentados a la mesa bebiendo café cuando él entró.Literature Literature
They didn't speak again until they were sitting at the table.
No volvieron a hablar mientras no estuvieron sentados a la mesa.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table finishing their soup.
Estaban sentados a la mesa, terminando la sopa.Literature Literature
And later, when they were sitting at the table, she did it again.
Más tarde, sentados los tres a la mesa, volvió a hacerlo.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table having coffee.
Estaban sentados a la mesa, tomando café.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table now, eating the smoked salmon.
Estaban sentados a la mesa, comiéndose el salmón ahumado.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table in Balistreri’s office.
Se sentaron alrededor de la mesa en el despacho de Balistreri.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table playing cards.
Estaban sentadas a la mesa jugando a las cartas.Literature Literature
“Not much of a meal,” she apologized once they were sitting at the table.
—No es una gran comida —se disculpó ella, una vez que se hubieron sentado a la mesa.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table in the corner, hunched forward over it as if they were cold.
Estaban sentados en la mesa del rincón, inclinados hacia adelante como si tuvieran frío.Literature Literature
A few moments later, they were sitting at the table with a jug of wine.
Algunos instantes después, estaban sentados ante una jarra de vino.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table, and I could tell she was really bored.
Estaban allí sentadas, y a ella se le notaba que estaba aburrida.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were sitting at the table eating breakfast.
Estaban sentadas a la mesa desayunando.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table in the inside of the boat.
Estaban sentados a la mesa en el interior del barco.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table.
Ellos estaban sentados a la mesa.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table now, starting in on breakfast.
Ahora estaban sentados a la mesa, empezando a desayunar—.Literature Literature
A few minutes later they were sitting at the table chatting companionably over pizza and salad.
Unos minutos más tarde estaban sentados a la mesa y charlaban de forma amigable mientras comían pizza y ensalada.Literature Literature
They were sitting at the table with the green felt cloth, going over the plan one more time.
Sentados a la mesa del mantel verde, repasaron el plan una vez más.Literature Literature
A week later they were sitting at the table when her mother said, “What’s the matter with you, Jessica?
Una semana después, cuando estaban sentados a la mesa, su madre dijo: - ¿Qué te pasa, Jessica?Literature Literature
It was lunchtime, and they were sitting at the table at Spring Cottage as Ruth cleared away the plates.
Era la hora del almuerzo y estaban sentadas a la mesa de Spring Cottage mientras Ruth retiraba los platos.Literature Literature
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