they were speaking quietly oor Spaans

they were speaking quietly

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hablaban en voz baja


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They were speaking quietly to each other, so I couldn’t catch what they were saying.
Estaban hablando en voz baja entre sí, por lo que no podían coger lo que decían.Literature Literature
They were speaking quietly about something arcane, Aibynn pointing to the clubs, and Sticks gesturing with them.
Estaban hablando en voz baja sobre algo arcano, Aibynn señalaba los palillos, y Bastones gesticulaba con ellos.Literature Literature
They were speaking quietly enough that it would have taken a werewolf’s ears to hear them.
Hablaban con la suficiente voz baja para que las orejas de un hombre lobo pudiera escucharlos.Literature Literature
Serina glanced over at their parents, but they were speaking quietly by the little potbellied stove.
Serina miró de reojo a sus padres y vio que estaban hablando en voz baja al lado de la barriguda estufa.Literature Literature
They were speaking quietly so as not to disturb the singing.
Hablaban en voz baja para no interrumpir el canto.Literature Literature
They were speaking quietly as they watched the burning sky.
Estaban hablando en voz baja mientras contemplaban el cielo ardiente.Literature Literature
Even though they were speaking quietly and the wind was howling beyond the windows, discretion was no doubt called for.
Aunque conversaban en voz baja y el viento aullaba al otro lado de las ventanas, la discreción era obligada.Literature Literature
They thought they were speaking quietly, but it was with an immortal’s ears that she listened in the near-dark.
Ellos pensaban que estaban hablando en voz baja, pero la niña los escuchaba con sus orejas de inmortal en la oscuridad.Literature Literature
They were speaking too quietly for her to make out most of the words but she knew they were angry.
Las mujeres hablaban en voz demasiado baja como para distinguir todas las palabras, pero advirtió que estaban enfadadas.Literature Literature
They were speaking so quietly that Gilly who was crouched against the far wall, couldn't hear what they were saying.
Hablaban en voz tan baja que Gilly, que estaba agazapada contra la pared más alejada, no podía oír lo que decían.Literature Literature
The argument in the foyer had dwindled, or else they were speaking more quietly and rationally now.
La discusión en el vestíbulo había terminado, o ya estaban hablando de una forma más tranquila y racional.Literature Literature
They were both speaking very quietly.
Los dos hablaban en voz muy baja.Literature Literature
They were both speaking very quietly, so as not to disturb Dyson, who was still on the phone.
Los dos cuchicheaban sin alzar la voz, para no molestar a Dyson, que seguía al teléfono.Literature Literature
He took Victoria out for a late dinner, where they were able to speak quietly and solidify the plan.
Luego, a última hora, llevó a Victoria a cenar donde pudieran hablar libremente y así terminar de perfilar su plan.Literature Literature
They were practically whispering themselves, speaking as quietly as they could under the rain.
Estaban hablando prácticamente en susurros, lo más bajo posible teniendo en cuenta el ruido de la lluvia.Literature Literature
They spread out, everyone speaking quietly, whispering, as if they were in a sacred site.
Se dispersaron, hablando en voz baja, murmurando, como si estuvieran en algún lugar sagrado.Literature Literature
They were drinking beer and speaking very quietly in German.
Bebían cerveza y hablaban muy tranquilos en alemán.Literature Literature
They were speaking so quickly and so quietly, I had trouble making out who was saying what.
Ellos hablaban tan deprisa y tan bajito que tuve problemas para distinguir quien decía que.Literature Literature
As they were sitting down Graham said quietly, ‘Dragon never speaks to them, you know.’
Al sentarse Graham dijo en voz baja: —Dragón nunca les habla, ¿sabes?Literature Literature
‘She is now Mrs William Grenville, Junior,’ said Alice quietly, reminding them of whom they were speaking.
—Ahora es la señora de William Grenville, Junior —dijo Alice en voz baja, recordándoles de quién estaban hablando—.Literature Literature
They went up to him, and Wilson said quietly, “Were you speaking to me?”
Ellos se le acercaron, y Wilson le preguntó con aplomo: —¿Me llamabas a mí?Literature Literature
"They went up to him, and Wilson said quietly, ""Were you speaking to me?"""
Ellos se le acercaron, y Wilson le preguntó con aplomo: —¿Me llamabas a mí?Literature Literature
They ate by lantern light, speaking quietly though the tengaru were no longer guarding them.
Comieron a la luz de los farolillos mientras conversaban en voz baja, aunque los tengaru ya no los vigilaban.Literature Literature
Explain that even though you were speaking quietly, when the children listened, they could hear your voice and obey your instructions.
Después, explíqueles que, cuando escucharon, pudieron oír lo que usted les decía y seguir sus instrucciones a pesar de que les hablaba en voz muy baja.LDS LDS
They were silent a moment, then Bernie leaned over on his elbow, speaking quietly.
Guardaron silencio un instante, después del cual Bernie se incorporó sobre un codo y habló en voz baja.Literature Literature
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