they were still dancing oor Spaans

they were still dancing

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

seguían bailando

I had my beer and they were still dancing.
Tomé mi cerveza y ellos seguían bailando.

todavía aún estaban bailando


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They were still dancing when I left.
Todavía seguían bailando cuando yo me marché.Literature Literature
Down below they were still dancing around the horse, drinking and yelling.
Abajo todavía bailaban alrededor del caballo, bebiendo y chillando.Literature Literature
They were still dancing.
Aún estaban bailando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were still dancing when the doorbell rang.
Aún seguían bailando cuando sonó el timbre.Literature Literature
At midnight they were still dancing.
A las doce de la noche seguían bailando.Literature Literature
I had my beer and they were still dancing.
Tomé mi cerveza y ellos seguían bailando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were still dancing round each other, now aiming punches at each other’s arms.
Estaban girando uno frente al otro como pugilistas, dándose puñetazos mutuamente en los brazos.Literature Literature
When he awoke at dawn they were still dancing.
Cuando despertó, al amanecer, el baile continuaba.Literature Literature
Somehow they were still dancing.
De alguna manera siguieron bailando.Literature Literature
I think they were still dancing when we' d all gone home
Seguían bailando cuando todos nos habíamos marchadoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
They were still dancing, though the jaunty music now clashed with the serious mood that had fallen between them.
Continuaban bailando, si bien la desenfadada música contrastaba ahora con la seriedad que se había impuesto entre ellos.Literature Literature
She spun to face him, which, in the crush, brought her against his chest as if they were still dancing.
Se volvió para mirarlo y la muchedumbre la empujó contra su pecho, como si todavía estuvieran bailando.Literature Literature
Still they were dancing and laughing, wine and herbs in their veins.
Y, sin embargo, bailaban y reían, con el vino y las hierbas en sus venas.Literature Literature
They were still there after we danced the World.
Aún seguían allí después de que bailáramos el Mundo.Literature Literature
The new shoes fit very well, but they were still new, she had danced five dances, and her feet hurt.
Los zapatos nuevos le quedaban muy bien, pero aún eran nuevos, había bailado cinco canciones, y le dolían los pies.Literature Literature
They were still together by the third dance, without noticing, out of the pure pleasure of dancing.
Se encontraron en el tercer baile sin darse cuenta, por el puro placer de bailar.Literature Literature
They might be in the middle of this weird dance of secrecy, but they were still friends.
Quizá estuviesen metidas en una extraña danza de secretos, pero seguían siendo amigas.Literature Literature
By one-thirty, all three of them were dancing, and they were still relatively sober.
Hacia la una y media ya estaban bailando los tres, aún relativamente sobrios.Literature Literature
Several of Miss Broad’s guests were still dancing, but they parted for them with reverent interest.
Broad seguían bailando, pero se separaron de ellos con interés reverente.Literature Literature
It changed nothing, really: they were still the same drinks, the same dances.
No cambiaba nada, en realidad: seguían siendo las mismas bebidas, los mismos bailes.Literature Literature
Others were still dancing, but they drew away and left us in the center of the room.
El resto siguió bailando, pero se alejaron y nos dejaron en el centro de la sala.Literature Literature
Then as she sat still while they were dancing, she closed her eyes and thought of the zither and of the zitherist.
Y entonces, sentada en silencio mientras los demás bailaban, cerró los ojos y pensó en la cítara y en el citarista.Literature Literature
Above them the gramophone was playing a tango and people were still dancing; they would have to go up and join them.
Arriba, el tocadiscos dejaba oír un tango; seguían bailando; debían reunirse con ellos.Literature Literature
But here they were, on the verge of a Molt, still dancing a dance of mutual loathing.
Pero ahí estaban, al borde de la Muda, y ejecutando aún la danza de la mutua aversión.Literature Literature
“I bet quite a few people do ... all that eating, dancing as if they were still twenty ... then pop.”
—Supongo que le ocurre a muchas personas..., tanta comida, bailan como si todavía tuviesen veinte años... y revientan.Literature Literature
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