they were surprised oor Spaans

they were surprised

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaban sorprendidos

First, they were surprised, then worried, and now delighted to have us play the doting grandparents.
Primero estaban sorprendidos, luego aburridos, y ahora felices de tener unos abuelos que les adoran.

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they were surprised that the parcel had arrived so quickly
se sorprendieron de que el paquete hubiera llegado tan rápido


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“Um...” How did you break it to someone that they weresurprise!
—Esto... —¿cómo le decías a alguien que era... ¡sorpresa!Literature Literature
They were surprised to see me and clapped louder than anybody else.
Se sorprendieron al verme y aplaudieron más fuerte que nadie.Literature Literature
They were surprised to see Colonel Winkler sitting on the other side of the desk.
Les sorprendió ver al coronel Winkler sentado al otro lado de la mesa.Literature Literature
They were surprised, because Johnny’s driving style was known near and far.
Se extrañaron porque la manera de conducir de Johnny es conocida en toda la comarca.Literature Literature
On one of their raids they were surprised by an SS squadron, which had been on their trail.
En una de estas acciones fueron sorprendidos por un pelotón de las SS que venía siguiéndoles el rastro.Literature Literature
Jack is saying that if they were surprised, they'd never show it.
Lo que Jack intenta decir es que si se sorprendieron no lo demostraron.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were surprised to discover they had similar tastes.
Se sorprendían descubriendo que tenían gustos iguales.Literature Literature
In many places they were surprised at the success they had.
En muchos lugares quedaron sorprendidos por el éxito que tuvieron.jw2019 jw2019
As they approached the Tower they were surprised to find that the place seemed deserted.
A medida que se acercaban a la Torre, se sorprendían al encontrarse con que el lugar parecía abandonado.Literature Literature
They were surprised to see many locals wearing bits and pieces of British army uniform.
Les sorprendió ver que muchos de los lugareños llevaban prendas y complementos de uniformes del ejército británico.Literature Literature
The intruders were in the process of starting a fire when they were surprised by two armed defenders.
Los intrusos estaban prendiendo fuego cuando fueron sorprendidos por dos guardaespaldas armados.Literature Literature
They were surprised, and asked, “Where in the Bible?”
Mi respuesta los sorprendió. “¿Dónde?”, me preguntaron.jw2019 jw2019
On the third, they were surprised by a rainstorm and reached Belorado with water running down their legs.
La lluvia les sorprendió el tercero y llegaron a Belorado con el agua escurriéndoles por las calzas.Literature Literature
They were surprised by the sincerity of the urban and rural inhabitants of Palestine.
Les había sorprendido la sinceridad de los habitantes de Palestina, tanto del campo como de la ciudad.Literature Literature
They were surprised to see how happy their daughter was to be returning to Tokyo.
Les sorprendió constatar lo feliz que se sentía porque regresaba a Tokyo.Literature Literature
When women came to visit, they were surprised to find his teenage son knocking about.
Cuando tenía visitas femeninas, las mujeres se extrañaban de ver pulular por la casa a su hijo adolescente.Literature Literature
Kitty always assumed that they stared because they were surprised by her size.
Kitty siempre asume que miró porque fueron sorprendidos por su tamaño.Literature Literature
They were surprised that Franco still cast such a long shadow.
Les sorprendió que la sombra de Franco todavía pesara tanto.Literature Literature
When they checked into the Waldorf-Astoria, they were surprised no one asked them for a marriage certificate.
Cuando se Inscribieron en el «Waldorf-Astoria», les sorprendió que nadie les pidiese el certificado matrimonial.Literature Literature
They were surprised to see that it was the Mona Lisa.
Les sorprendió ver que era La Gioconda.Literature Literature
You had prepared me for what I’d find there, but they were surprised.
Tú ya me habías preparado para lo que encontraría allí, pero para ellas fue una sorpresa.Literature Literature
They were surprised to learn that it was a convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Se sorprendieron al enterarse de que era una asamblea de los testigos de Jehová.jw2019 jw2019
At this hour, they were surprised to see anyone at all on the train.
A aquella hora, lo que les sorprendía era ver a alguien a bordo.Literature Literature
Tarsa’s soldiers also said they weresurprised at the caliber of weapon being used.”
Los soldados de Tarsa también dijeron estar «sorprendidos por el calibre de las armas de fuego utilizadas».Literature Literature
Julia and Felix said they were surprised he hadn't read it long since.
Julia y Félix se mostraron sorprendidos de que no hubiese leído ese libro hacía tiempo.Literature Literature
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