they were up a tree oor Spaans

they were up a tree

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

estaban subidos a un árbol


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Dawn revealed that they were following a tree-shielded animal track up a hillside.
El alba reveló que estaban siguiendo un sendero de animales flanqueado de árboles que ascendía por una colina.Literature Literature
When they were dead, he propped the bodies up against a tree stump and continued to beat them.’
Cuando murieron apoyó los cuerpos contra un tocón y siguió golpeándolos.Literature Literature
They had quite a collection of sheds up there, though fortunately they were mostly hidden by the trees.
Instalaron un buen número de cobertizos allí, aunque por fortuna quedaban semiocultos por los árboles.Literature Literature
George never will forgive Sam for chasing his boy up a tree when they were both about ten.
—George nunca perdonará a Sam por perseguir a su hijo y obligarle a subir a un árbol cuando ambos tenían diez años.Literature Literature
She’d sat up in a tree with her hands over her eyes wondering what they were up to.
Ella se sentó en un árbol y se tapó los ojos con las manos mientras se preguntaba qué estaban tramando.Literature Literature
When she woke up they were travelling through a forest with trees standing like black crystals beside the road.
Cuando se despertó estaban viajando por un bosque en el que los abetos bordeaban la carretera como cristales negros.Literature Literature
The taillight and the fender didn’t make up for Tree’s Cadillac, but they were a start.
Los desperfectos del faro y el guardabarros no compensaban los daños al Cadillac de Árbol, pero eran un buen comienzo.Literature Literature
Soon they were about twenty yards up among a maze of large, straight tree trunks.
Pronto estuvieron unos veinte metros más arriba, en un laberinto de troncos de árbol gruesos y rectos.Literature Literature
“Like they were a big sharp tool, or like a chainsaw, that could cut you up as easy as some tree.
Como si fueran un arma afilada, o como una sierra mecánica que pudiera cortarte tan fácil como a un árbol.Literature Literature
They set up camp under a stand of trees and were soon asleep.
Instalaron el campamento bajo una hilera de árboles y se fueron a dormir pronto.Literature Literature
They were advancing up a gentle incline, passing through the collar of trees that surrounded Metis City in a thick ring.
Avanzaban por una suave pendiente, estaba trufada de árboles, estos rodeaban Metis City en un grueso anillo.Literature Literature
They were sitting outside on a sort of dining platform halfway up the tall tree.
Estaban sentados en el exterior, en una especie de plataforma para cenar a mitad del alto árbol.Literature Literature
But sometimes they would show up standing under a tree just as you were passing by.
Pero a veces se aparecían de pie bajo un árbol en el preciso momento en que pasabas por allí.Literature Literature
Only the oldest of the trees put up a fight, because they were the only things that remembered how.
Solo se le resistían los árboles más antiguos, porque únicamente ellos recordaban cómo hacerlo.Literature Literature
It so befell that once when they were all standing together by the tree, a young knight came up.
He aquí que hallándose un día todas al pie del árbol, vieron acercarse un joven caballero.Literature Literature
Both cops had Billy backed up against a tree now, and they were face-to-face with him, hurling verbal abuse at the man.
Ambos agentes empujaron a Billy contra un árbol y empezaron a maltratarlo de palabra.Literature Literature
If the SIS thought he was going to crack a new terror cell they were barking up the wrong palm tree.
Si el SSI pensaba que se iba a desatar una nueva célula terrorista, estaban ladrándole a la palmera equivocada.Literature Literature
They were up on a high slope with a view of Salalah partially visible through the trees.
Estaban en lo alto de una colina desde la que se divisaba parcialmente Salalah entre los árboles.Literature Literature
They were battling up through the barley field when a voice hissed at them from the trees.
Estaban atravesando el campo de cebada cuando una voz les silbó desde los árboles.Literature Literature
But that wife of yours shimmied up that tree and rescued your big undies like they were a stuck kite.
Pero tu esposa escaló el árbol y rescató tus grandes... calzoncillos como si fueran una cometa atascada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were a long way off, farther up the lake on the opposite side, among the trees.
Se encontraban muy lejos, lago arriba, del otro lado, entre los árboles.Literature Literature
They were leaning over their work and sitting very still, like four birds lined up along a tree branch.
Estaban inclinados sobre el tapiz y muy quietos, como cuatro pájaros alineados sobre una rama.Literature Literature
And then right away, a distant noise, outside the farmhouse, as if they were chopping up the elder tree.
Y acto seguido, un ruido lejano, fuera, por los alrededores de la masía, como si desmocharan el saúco.Literature Literature
They were walking up through the woods and there it was, sitting on a fallen tree on the uphill side of the trail.
Estaban paseando por el bosque y ahí estaba, sentado sobre un tronco caído a un lado del sendero.Literature Literature
He did not answer, and she stayed for a moment to look up at the tree under which they were standing.
Él no contestó y ella se quedó un instante más para admirar el árbol bajo el que se encontraban.Literature Literature
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