they would know oor Spaans

they would know

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


If these other cops are professional lowlifes, they would know who's who in their neighborhood, ma'am.
Si estos otros polis son delincuentes profesionales, conocerían a la gente importante del barrio, señora.


Unaware that death was amongst them they would know its dark embrace without ever understanding why.
Sin saber que la muerte estaba entre ellos conocerían su negro abrazo sin nunca entender porqué.




He knew if he asked anybody else, they would know he was violating protocol.
Porque sabe que si se lo hubiera pedido a cualquier otro, habría sabido que infringía el protocolo.

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Moreover if they knew of William Granville's sudden death they would know that Felicity was his widow.
Además, si estaban enterados de la muerte súbita de William Granville, sabían que Felicity era su viuda.Literature Literature
At least they would know we would be here.’
Al menos ellos sabrían que íbamos a estar aquí.Literature Literature
Of course they would know she was here!
¡Claro que tenían que saber que estaba allí!Literature Literature
Once Lang was in custody, he suspected They would know where to find him.
Una vez que lo tuvieran detenido, sospechaba que «ellos» sabrían dónde encontrarlo.Literature Literature
If she coughed or shook the curtain, they would know that they had been overheard.
Si tosía o sacudía la cortina, ellos se darían cuenta de que habían sido des cubiertos.Literature Literature
They would know that to insult her was suicide.
Sabrían que insultarla sería un suicidio.Literature Literature
They would know that a troll would not kill me.”
Sabrían que un troll no me mataría.Literature Literature
They even know less about the organization’s central business, which you might suppose they would know better.
Incluso conocen menos sobre la actividad central de la organización, cuando todo nos llevaría a suponer lo contrario.Literature Literature
If they found him dead, at least they would know who had been on his mind.
Si lo encontraban muerto, al menos sabrían en quién pensaba.Literature Literature
Well, sooner or later, when they went through his papers they would know.
Bueno, tarde o temprano, cuando revisaran sus papeles lo sabrían.Literature Literature
If this were to happen, they would know by January.
Si iba a ser así, lo sabrían en enero.Literature Literature
Whatever had happened they would know if the pilots had been successful in a few hours time.
Fuera lo que fuese que había ocurrido, en unas horas sabrían si los pilotos habían tenido éxito.Literature Literature
If you took the troops into confidence, they would know what they were about
Si le da confianza a la tropa, señor, sabrán lo que pueden haceropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
They would know, of course, they would smell it on her.
Ellos lo sabrían, desde luego, lo olerían en ella.Literature Literature
They would know that they were both of them spineless, but it would be okay at that.
Los dos sabrían que ninguno de los dos tiene narices, pero no pasaría nada.Literature Literature
Good, maybe they would know I meant business then.
Bien, tal vez sabrían el significado de negocios entonces.Literature Literature
What if they would know it?
¿Y si lo supieran?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Perhaps they would know more about them at Mikkelsgården.
Tal vez en Mikkelsgården supiesen algo.Literature Literature
However, I doubt that they would know Brein and that’s why I hesitate.
Y dudo que conocieran a Brein, por eso estoy inseguro.Literature Literature
If Nau or Reynolt saw you for even ten seconds, they would know, too.”
Si Nau o Reynolt pudiesen verle durante diez segundos, ellos también lo sabrían.Literature Literature
I don’t know how they would know to come here, unless Vladimir told them.”
No cómo sabían que debían venir aquí, salvo que Vladimir se lo dijera.Literature Literature
They would know when to come out again.
Ellos sabrían cuándo volver a salir.Literature Literature
Then they would know a good deal more about the new Horde’s leaders and their plans.
De ese modo, podrían saber mucho más acerca de quiénes eran los nuevos líderes de la Horda y cuáles eran sus planes.Literature Literature
There would be wolves, and they would know of Young Bull.
Habría lobos y conocerían a Joven Toro.Literature Literature
They would know that you were only pretending to be my niece.""
Sabrían que sólo finges ser mi sobrina.Literature Literature
20656 sinne gevind in 134 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.