they write it to you oor Spaans

they write it to you

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"""Probably about a year, to write it, and they want you to consult on the movie."""
—Probablemente un año; un par de meses para escribirlo, y también quieren consultarte durante la filmación.Literature Literature
What the Propaganda Department says is nothing but an old fraud, they just write it to perk you up a bit.’
Lo que dice el boletín del Alto Mando es todo mentira, únicamente lo escriben con el fin de alentaros un poco.Literature Literature
" They want you to know that, if so, you write it only for you, not forthem ".
" Quere hacerte saber que en este caso la escribes sólo para ti, no para ellos. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They want you to know that, if so, you write it just for you, not forthem.
Quieren hacerte saber que en este caso la escribes sólo para ti, no para ellos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""You just make sure that's in the constitution, Rem, if they nom you to write it."""
Asegúrate de que esté en la constitución, Rem, si te nombran para redactarla.Literature Literature
“I didn’t want him to, to, but I couldn’t... they wouldn’t let me write to her...” “You liked it,” Crack sneers.
No quería que... pero tenía que... No me dejaban escribirle... —¡Te gustó!Literature Literature
It's only when you bring it to their attention that they write it down!
Es sólo cuando tu atraes su atención que lo escribenOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I’m giving it to you because it shows how important it is for people to write what they see.
Quiero regalártelo porque demuestra la importancia de escribir sobre lo que vemos, en particular en esta época.Literature Literature
You, flying'til it happens,'til they smash you to bits; and I, writing and wri...
, volando hasta que te pase algo y te estrelles contra el suelo, y yo escribiendo...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You started writing songs, and they were good, Shelby, damn it, so you knew how to do that.
Empezaste a escribir canciones y eran buenas, Shelby, joder, así que eso también lo sabías hacer.Literature Literature
If you want it to be.I know it' s always been Lost on you, Gibbs, But they write The rules for a reason
Si tu vas a serlo. sé que siempre te olvidas de las reglas, Gibss pero se escribieron por una razónopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
You teach them to read and write and look how they pay you for it.”
Les enseñas a leer y a escribir, y mira cómo te lo pagan.Literature Literature
“If it’s in your writing, and if you burn up the original, they can’t trace it to your mom at all.”
—Si está escrito con tu letra y quemas el original, no podrán echarle la culpa a tu madre.Literature Literature
To sort out the various interests of each side, it helps to write them down as they occur to you.
Para clasificar los intereses de las partes es útil escribirlos a medida que ocurran.Literature Literature
Ultimately, I guess it don't matter what they write in your obituary, because you ain't gonna be around to read it.
Finalmente, supongo que no importa lo que escriban en el obituario, porque no estarás para leerlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There's nothing illegal about writing to you, but they should be able to make sure that it doesn't turn into something else.
No hay nada ilegal en escribirte, pero deberían ser capaces de asegurarse que no se convierta en algo más.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If you write it, they have to believe it.
Si escribes eso, están obligados a creerte.Literature Literature
Caesar, they all say it is my place to write and give you this news.
César, todos dicen que me corresponde aescribirte y darte esta noticia.Literature Literature
‘If you remember specifically anything that they said to each other, would you be terribly kind and write it down?’
Si recuerda algo especial que ellos se hayan dicho, ¿tendría la enorme bondad de comunicármelo?Literature Literature
When you don’t enforce it, they write letters to the newspapers demanding a cleanup.”
Cuando se muestra descuidado, escriben cartas a los diarios solicitando una buena limpieza.Literature Literature
They write that it is for them, do you see, insufferable to have Russia as a neighbour!
Como ven ¡escriben que es a ellos a quienes les resulta inaguantable tener a Rusia como vecino!Literature Literature
You shoot one guy, they want you to write a book about it.
Matas a alguien y quieren que escribas un libro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How could they have found out it was you writing all those letters to me?
¿ Cómo descubrieron que tú me estabas escribiendo esas cartas?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
You might write to the Head Office and tell them that they can expect it on Tuesday and you can take it.
Escriba a la Casa Central que las esperen el martes, y usted mismo puede llevarlas.Literature Literature
I showed it to my buddies, they all want to write to you now.
Se lo he enseñado a los amigos, ahora todos quieren escribirle.Literature Literature
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