thick felt oor Spaans

thick felt

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Thick felt with one side having partial-saturation impregnation with a specially designed mix and finished with polypropylene-based fabric.
Fieltro de alto gramaje con una carta impregnada de saturación parcial por una especial mezcla correctamente estudiada y acabada con tejido polipropilénico.
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The interstices were filled with finely-divided cork, alternately with reindeer hair and thick felt and linoleum.
Las ranuras se rellenaron con trozos de corcho, alternando con pelo de reno, fieltro grueso y linóleo.Literature Literature
The last time Luce had seen this cemetery, it had been coated in a thick felt of dust.
La última vez que Luce había visto el cementerio estaba cubierto por una espesa capa de polvo.Literature Literature
He lifted himself from the sofa and shuffled through to the kitchen in his thick felt slippers.
Se levantaba del sofá e iba arrastrando los pies hasta la cocina con las gruesas zapatillas de fieltro.Literature Literature
It was squeezing a thick felt-tip pen in one hand, and in the other a plastic bottle.
En una mano sostenía un grueso rotulador, y en la otra una botella de plástico.Literature Literature
‘Forget about the damn sword, Lancelot,’ he said, unpinning his thick felt cloak.
—Olvídate de la maldita espada, Lancelot —dijo, desprendiendo el alfiler de su gruesa capa de fieltro.Literature Literature
The windows were covered with thick felts and the unnatural darkness was stifling, worse than before.
Las ventanas estaban tapadas con gruesos fieltros y la oscuridad artificial resultaba sofocante, peor que la otra vez.Literature Literature
Everything was coated with a thick felt of dust.
Todo se hallaba cubierto por una gruesa capa de polvo.Literature Literature
In thick felt-tip pen, it said: “Stieg Files.”
En rotulador grueso ponía: «Archivo Stieg».Literature Literature
Thick felt with one side having partial-saturation impregnation with a specially designed mix and finished with polypropylene-based fabric.
Fieltro de alto gramaje con una carta impregnada de saturación parcial por una especial mezcla correctamente estudiada y acabada con tejido polipropilénico.Common crawl Common crawl
“The walls of this section, the ceiling, and even the floor were covered with several layers of very thick felt.
Las paredes de esa sección, la bóveda e incluso el suelo, estaban recubiertos por varias capas de un fieltro muy grueso.Literature Literature
“Each piece had its own slot cut in the thick felt liner, so it fit snugly with just a light press.
Cada una tenía su lugar recortado en un paño de terciopelo, para ajustarse perfectamente con un mínimo de presión.Literature Literature
She could see now that it wasn’t a hut she’d been brought to, it was a tent—a large, black tent made from thick felt.
Ahora pudo ver que no la habían llevado a una cabaña, sino a una tienda grande y oscura hecha de fieltro grueso.Literature Literature
The air so thick it felt like you could cut it.
El aire estaba tan cargado que se podría cortar.Literature Literature
She loved the way the thick strands felt against her hands.
Adoraba la forma en que se sentían las gruesas hebras contra sus manos.Literature Literature
Sometimes it was so thick, he felt as if he were drinking it instead of inhaling it.
A veces era tan denso que le parecía estar bebiéndolo en lugar de inhalarlo.Literature Literature
There was something erotic about such absolute blackness, about darkness so thick it felt tangible.
Había algo extremadamente erótico en la oscuridad total, en unas tinieblas tan densas que parecían tangibles.Literature Literature
The air was so thick I felt as though I was swimming toward the door, fighting for breath.
El aire era tan pesado que me sentía como si nadase hacia la puerta, luchando por respirar.Literature Literature
Tension so thick she’d felt suffocated by it.
Tanta tensión que se sintió asfixiada.Literature Literature
It's thick, red felt with big white stitches.
De grueso fieltro rojo, con grandes puntadas blancas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He started to say something, but his tongue was thick and felt like a piece of cracked leather.
—Yo... —empezó; pero tenía la lengua torpe y la sentía como un trozo de cuero agrietado.Literature Literature
The decay is brown, cubically cracked, with thick white felts in large cracks.
La decadencia es marrón, cúbicamente agrietado, con fieltros blancos gruesos en grandes grietas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was so thick, Jerry felt like he was walking through a cloud.
Era tan denso que Jerry sintió como si caminara dentro de una nube.Literature Literature
In her hand lay a little golden padlock on which someone had written in thick black felt pen:
En la mano tenía un pequeño candado dorado en el que alguien había escrito algo con un grueso rotulador negro.Literature Literature
Simon’s was thick and felt heavy in my hand.
El de Simon era grueso y me llenaba la mano.Literature Literature
As I sat rocking the tiny creature that was Thick, I felt her presence beside me.
Cuando me senté a mecer a la criaturilla que era Tordo, sentí a Ortiga a mi lado.Literature Literature
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