thick-lipped oor Spaans


having thick lips

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de labios gruesos


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thick lips
labios gruesos


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His mouth was generous without the disadvantage of thick lips.
La boca era generosa sin el inconveniente de unos labios gruesos.Literature Literature
Hatred filled his eyes and pulled at his thick-lipped mouth.
El odio llenaba sus ojos y tiraba de su boca de labios gruesos.Literature Literature
His mouth was broad – too broad for his face – with thick lips tinged purple with cold.
Su boca era grande, demasiado para su cara, con los labios gruesos, que estaban amoratados por el frío.Literature Literature
On the brick bed Hua was napping, her thick lips puffing up a little when she exhaled.
Hua sesteaba en la cama de ladrillo, y sus gruesos labios se hinchaban un poco cuando exhalaba.Literature Literature
Tupra smiled with his thick lips that hardly grew any thinner when stretched.
Tupra sonrió con sus labios gruesos que ni siquiera se le afinaban apenas al estirarlosLiterature Literature
A huge brute with thick lips and prognathous jaw stood at her shoulder.
Un enorme bruto de gruesos labios y mandíbula prominente se encontraba a su lado.Literature Literature
It must be, as Cobbett says, his marriage with the thick-lipped and thick-headed Autrichienne brood.
32 Tiene que ser cosa, como dice Cobbet, de su unión con esa camada autrichienne de labios gruesos y cabezas grandes33.Literature Literature
They have not the thick lips of the Kaffirs and natives of Mozambique.
No tienen los labios gruesos de los cafres y de los habitantes de Mozambique.Literature Literature
The thick lips parted to complete Cobb’s sentence
Los delgados labios se movieron para completar la frase de CobbLiterature Literature
His thick lips parted and his heavy face relaxed in a grin.
Sus gruesos labios se separaron y la inmensa cara se suavizó en una sonrisa.Literature Literature
Two or three heads up, there was another that had unquestionably African features: wide nose, thick lips....
Dos o tres cabezas más arriba había otra que mostraba rasgos inequívocamente africanos: nariz ancha, labios gruesos...Literature Literature
They had long hair and thick lips like Mick Jagger’s.
Tenían el pelo largo y labios gruesos como los de Mick Jagger.Literature Literature
Dexippus’s thick lips smirked openly as Eugenius turned his attentions to his favourite.
Los gruesos labios de Dexipo esbozaron una amplia sonrisa cuando Eugenio centró la atención en su favorito.Literature Literature
“Ja,” he said, confirming the very worst, his thick lips pressed together with grim disapproval.
«Ja» —decía, confirmando lo peor, con los gruesos labios fruncidos en un gesto de desaprobación.Literature Literature
The Judge's thick lips flutter.
Los labios gruesos del consejero se mueven.Literature Literature
The thick lips were also feminine, pouty, and his eyelashes were long and dark.
Los carnosos labios también eran femeninos, carnosos, y las pestañas eran largas y oscuras.Literature Literature
His thick lips moved silently.
Sus gruesos labios se removieron en silencio.Literature Literature
Her nose was bulbous and irregular, and her thick lips were pushed together to form a small mouth.
Su nariz parecía un bulbo irregular y sus gruesos labios se apretaban formando una boca pequeña.Literature Literature
Kazanzaki looked at her, stretching his thick lips into a smiling expression that was almost ingratiating.
Kazanzaki la observaba, distendiendo sus gruesos labios en una sonrisa, con una mirada inexplicable, casi interrogativa.Literature Literature
Derek slumped down in his chair, an unattractive pout blowing out his thick lips.
Derek se dejó caer en su silla, con un desagradable mohín en sus gruesos labios.Literature Literature
A curious halfsmile crossed Bobby's thick lips as he approached Sloopy.
Una extraña media sonrisa se dibujó en los gruesos labios de Bobby mientras se acercaba a Sloopy.Literature Literature
Of these the hill-tribes have black skins, flat noses and thick lips.
De estos, las tribus de las montañas tienen la piel negra, la nariz chata y los labios gruesos.Literature Literature
The villip's thick lips formed words.
Los gruesos labios del villip formaron palabras.Literature Literature
Large eyes in the shape of almonds and thick lips that looked utterly kissable.
Grandes ojos en forma de almendra y labios gruesos que parecían completamente besables.Literature Literature
It was leaning toward him over this throbbing blanket, its thick lips quivering in a parody of concern.
Se inclinaba hacia él sobre aquella manta palpitante, con los carnosos labios temblando en una parodia de preocupación.Literature Literature
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