those who were oor Spaans

those who were

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quienes estaban

In turn, they levied charges even on those who were exempt from fees.
A su vez, cobran honorarios aún a quienes están exentos del pago.

quienes fueron

We owe that not only to those who were murdered but also to those who survived.
Se lo debemos no solo a quienes fueron asesinados, sino también a quienes sobrevivieron.

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who those people were
quiénes eran
those who supported the strike were a minority
los que apoyaban la huelga eran una minoría
there were those who criticized her for this
hubo quien la criticó por esto
who were those people
quiénes eran


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Those who were most helpful and supportive were Larry Monroe, Dr.
Los que más me ayudaron y apoyaron fueron Larry Monroe, el Dr.Literature Literature
Maybe it’s just the usual problem: ice is incomprehensible to those who were not born to it.
Tal vez sea lo de siempre; que el hielo resulta ininteligible para aquellos que no han nacido con él.Literature Literature
He let those who were able to read the battle read it.
Dejó que quienes podían leer la batalla lo hicieran.Literature Literature
Almost all the people had already come through, and those who were on their feet crowded around Semon.
Casi todos ya habían visto la luz y aquellos que estaban de pie se aglomeraron alrededor de Semon.Literature Literature
17 However, three days later he called together those who were the principal men of the Jews.
17 Sin embargo, tres días después él convocó a los que eran los hombres prominentes de los judíos.jw2019 jw2019
He chatted to comrades returning from the Front and those who were on their way there.
Se puso a conversar con los camaradas que iban y venían del frente.Literature Literature
The dead—dreadful creations of those who were beginning to dabble in necromancy—had more life than he.
Los muertos, aquellas espantosas creaciones de quienes empezaban a emplear la nigromancia, tenían más vida que él.Literature Literature
At first it was the very poor, the very old, and those who were sick already.
Al principio eran los muy pobres, o los muy viejos, y aquellos que estaban enfermos ya.Literature Literature
This they did in order to impart enlightenment to all those who were yet in spiritual darkness.
Hicieron esto para impartir iluminación a todos los que todavía se hallaban en oscuridad espiritual.jw2019 jw2019
Where were those who were assigned to prepare the hall for the gatherings?
¿Dónde se suponía que estaban los que tenían que acomodar la sala para la reunión?Literature Literature
Year after year, this or that law passed, each one making those who were masters less than Christian.
Año tras año se aprobaron leyes que hacían cada vez menos cristianos a los colonos de Virginia.Literature Literature
Oddly enough, those who were the most physically fit were the most likely to be struck down.
Curiosamente, los que estaban en mejor forma física parecían los más vulnerables.Literature Literature
It also provoked a fierce reaction from those who were determined to put him in his place.
También provocó una feroz reacción por parte de aquellos que estaban decididos a ajustarle las cuentas.Literature Literature
People turned to look at those who were laughing.
La gente se giraba a mirar a los que se reían.Literature Literature
Those who were caught smuggling, however, were severely punished.
Sin embargo, a los contrabandistas se les castigaba con severidad.jw2019 jw2019
She was “promising,” which meant that she was cheaper than those who were more than promising.
Julia era una «promesa», lo que significaba que cobraba menos que quienes ya eran más que promesas.Literature Literature
So those who were assigned to read the Scriptures were careful not to pronounce the divine name.
Por eso los que tenían la tarea de leer las Escrituras tenían cuidado de no pronunciar el nombre divino.jw2019 jw2019
The 427 men were given an “examination” and those who were too ill were exempted from deportation.
Se «examinó» a los 427 y no se consideró necesario trasladar a aquellos que estaban demasiado enfermos.Literature Literature
Each report includes a list of those who were not contacted.
Cada informe incluye una lista de las personas con las que no se hayan puesto en contacto.LDS LDS
One by one they passed through his mind, all the sad ghosts of those who were no more.
Uno a uno desfilaron por su memoria los tristes fantasmas de aquellos que ya no existían.Literature Literature
Crassus decided he would first attack those who were now fighting by themselves.
Craso decidió que atacaría primero a los que luchaban solos.Literature Literature
All those who were taken, we never heard from them again.
Todos aquellos que se llevaron, no se supo más de ellos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All those who were in the General Assembly Hall were infected.
Todos los presentes en el Salón de la Asamblea General han sido infectados.Literature Literature
But some, usually those who were the strongest willed in life, over time gain power.
Pero algunos, usualmente aquellos que eran los más fuertes de voluntad en la vida, con el tiempo ganan poder.Literature Literature
So evil was the rain of those who were warned."
¡Lluvia fatal para los que habían sido advertidos!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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