thymus gland oor Spaans

thymus gland

a ductless glandular organ at the base of the neck that produces lymphocytes and aids in producing immunity; atrophies with age

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The thyroid gland and the thymus gland were both diffusely enlarged, as were the heart and the spleen.
El producto consiste en microesferas de perflutren encapsulado en lípidosLiterature Literature
"All I need is the secretion from their thymus glands,"" Phillips had assured him."
¿ Por qué actúas como un trapo con el que cualquiera se seca las manos?Literature Literature
The menu, like love, was full of delicate, gruesome things — cheeks, tongues, thymus glands.
No tengo tiempoLiterature Literature
Beyond this period, removal of the thymus gland diminishes (but does not eliminate) the T-lymphocytic immune system.
Dime, ¿ Lo has visto o no?Literature Literature
In the pig, the thymus gland is two large lobes located just below the cartilaginous 5.
Está bien sin la cuerda, así ha sido por añosLiterature Literature
( Tali ) Right away, I see the sweetbreads, which is the thymus gland.
¡ Y se ha esfumado completamente!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Explain the unique role the thymus gland plays as part of the lymphatic system. 7.
Primero con el desayuno...... y después con tus acciones abajoLiterature Literature
Heart chakra: a) Front heart Center of the chest Heart, thymus gland, and the circulatory system.
Sí, echa cuentas.Vienen másLiterature Literature
Creative sexual energy has a very close relationship with the thymus gland, with each enhancing the other.
¿ Cómo has llegado?Literature Literature
In the secret places of her thymus gland Louise is making too much of herself.
Ahora que lo mencionas, yo también...... tengo un motivo para creer que a ella le gustan los viejos.- ¿ Cuál?Literature Literature
This demonstrates that when you smile, you activate the thymus gland.
Vamos, mucha gente bebe agua mineralLiterature Literature
Thymoma is a tumor on the thymus gland.
Por la clamidiaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In this connection the thymus gland behind the heart plays an important role.
Les pongo nombresLiterature Literature
When we are under emotional stress, the thymus gland is the first to be affected.
Valdiva, $ # la caja.Con esto, te doy una botella extraLiterature Literature
Stem cells continuously migrate from the bone marrow to the thymus gland, where they develop into T cells.
No es difícilLiterature Literature
Occasionally an infant will be born without a thymus gland and the immune system will not develop properly.
Deja la caja, ¿ vale?Literature Literature
Her thymus gland.
Consumo eléctrico máximo: ... kWOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In TGA, the mediastinal shadow is narrow (“narrow waist”), partly because of the shrinkage of the thymus gland.
Ven y ten un poco de pastelLiterature Literature
Despite the partial degeneration of the gland at puberty, T cells continue to develop in the thymus gland.
Vera no le recogio Entonces este Andrei había aparecidoLiterature Literature
Hence, the thymus gland plays a critical role in the prevention of cancer throughout adult life.
Tiene que ser un idiota para pelearse con el idiota de mi hermanoLiterature Literature
Strengthening the thymus gland or taking thymus supplements rebalances the bio-energy system.
Los ayudamos, y nos ayudan, así va la cosaLiterature Literature
The thymus gland has an important role in the development of immunity.
Este es mi traje especial de cumpleañosLiterature Literature
Thymus gland Makes and secretes thymosins (act in maturation of T cells, a type of white blood cell).
Así que sólo quedaban...... unos meses antes de...... empezar, sin estrella, y la necesitábamos muchísimoLiterature Literature
Adrenalin is a hormone which stimulates the heart, thymus gland, liver spleen and pancreas.
Hablas con un tipo que vive en las alcantarillasLiterature Literature
If you have to choose an organ, why not pick a gallbladder or a thymus gland instead?
Y digo que usted será expulsado!Literature Literature
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