tidal bore oor Spaans

tidal bore

A wave, in the form of a wall of water, formed by an incoming tide funneling into an estuary

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


A wave caused by an incoming tide traveling up an estuary.
Una ola causada por una marea al subir por un estuario.

ola de marea

A wave caused by an incoming tide traveling up an estuary.
Una ola causada por una marea al subir por un estuario.



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It is the sound of the pororoca, or tidal bore.
Paso la noche afuera otra vez, Señorjw2019 jw2019
The most remarkable tidal bore is on China’s Qiantang River, which flows into the Bay of Hangzhou.
Bueno, yo terminé contigoLiterature Literature
A tidal bore.
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Then, in a huge, gushing, wall-like wave —a tidal bore— the water rushes back up the river.
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Then too, almost incidentally, there was the fact of the tidal bore through Blandford Passage.
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Can the cerebral tidal bore be tracked in real time?
¿ Y si no, para meterme en el armario con ese sombrerito que tampoco encaja en Brookhaven?Literature Literature
She had come to witness the famous tidal bore, and someone had brought him to see it, too.
Justo pensaba en tíLiterature Literature
Thus only a quarter of a second elapsed before the tidal bore reached the shores of meaning.
Sí, ella es una chica encantadoraLiterature Literature
Tidal Bores
Muy gracioso, chutney dangerfieldjw2019 jw2019
Twice every day, as the level of the Somerset Sea rose, a tidal bore moved towards the south.
Posición del Parlamento Europeo adoptada en primera lectura el # de enero de # con vistas a la adopción de la Directiva #/.../CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a las tasas aeroportuariasLiterature Literature
Another phenomenon of tides is the tidal bore, which, unlike a colossal bore, goes away.
Esas prisas me gustan mucho.Así hay que hacerlo en LodzLiterature Literature
Politicians, capitalists and officials are flotsam bobbing upriver on the tidal bore of invention.
Eso no significa que no la usasteLiterature Literature
The tidal bore was not something to be missed by a visitor to Fundy.
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This time the pain sucked her under like a Sphinx tidal bore, for this time she’d lost her certitude.
Compuestos con función aminaLiterature Literature
In another moment a huge wave, like a muddy tidal bore but almost scaldingly hot, came sweeping round the bend upstream.
Quiero que vayas a ver al doctorLiterature Literature
As impressive as they are, however, Fundy’s tidal bores are dwarfed by those of the Fuchun River in China and South America’s Amazon River.
Hasta la traje a vivir a mi cabaña porque pensé que precisaba protecciónjw2019 jw2019
Natural calamities, such as floods, tropical cyclones, tornadoes, and tidal bores occur almost every year, combined with the effects of deforestation, soil degradation and erosion.
Escuchen lo que he decididoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On March 2nd 2010 took place the tidal bore of the River Severn in England, a natural phenomenom that was particularly enjoyed by surfers who rode the large wave upstream against the river current.
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Then we have to consider the huge environmental impact of such a scheme on the Bristol Channel and its associated features such as the Severn tidal bore, a special feature, and the surrounding wetlands.
De no ser así, ¿qué piensa hacer la Comisión para erradicar este tipo de barreras no arancelarias y garantizar un acceso al mercado chino en condiciones justas?Europarl8 Europarl8
Hangzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang province is home to the Qiantang River, which each year plays host to the world's largest tidal bore; large enough that it occasionally washes bore-watchers away when it comes.
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The name Liuhe comes from the six Buddhist ordinances and it is said that the reason for building the pagoda was to calm the tidal bore of the Qiantang River and as a navigational aid.
¿ Quién las pidió?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
There are no real waterfalls, but there is a very rapid race of water at difficult stages of the tide (especially spring tides), and there is a tidal bore on the Trent (the Trent Aegir).
La prensa dice que Parry mató a FeIIsingerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Before the construction of a causeway in 1968, the river had one of the world's largest tidal bores, which ranged from 1 to 2 metres (3.3–6.6 ft) in height and moved at 5 to 13 kilometres per hour (3.1–8.1 mph).
Gandhi resistió pasivamente... y ganóWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The robot bore straight toward the tidal Basin.
Tienes que imponer tus propias reglasLiterature Literature
Once again despair rolled towards me, grey and inexorable like a bore streaming down a tidal estuary.
Es todo lo que puedo decir de ellaLiterature Literature
120 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.