to admit of oor Spaans

to admit of

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There is no great mystery in this matter the facts appear to admit of only one explanation.
No hay un gran misterio en este asunto... los hechos nos permiten admitir, una sola explicación.

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“The brain,” he wrote, “was not in a state to admit of particular examination.”
«El cerebro —escribió— no se hallaba en un estado que admitiera un examen particular.»Literature Literature
But my sense of humor— It is humor that is far too deep to admit of laughter.
Pero mi sentido del humor... Es un humor tan profundo que no admite risas.Literature Literature
The disgust Marcel felt for his father was too profound to admit of the slightest sympathy.
La irritación que Marcel sentía hacia su padre era tan profunda que se negaba a admitir la más mínima simpatía hacia él.Literature Literature
This constancy, however, is not so perfect as not to admit of very considerable exceptions.
Esta constancia, sin embargo, no es tan perfecta que no admita excepciones muy considerables.Literature Literature
Other dissenters wished to admit of an exception for torts committed on the territory of the state.
Otros magistrados discrepantes quisieron admitir una excepción para los hechos ilícitos cometidos en el territorio del Estado.UN-2 UN-2
Her description was too accurate to admit of anything else.
Su descripción es demasiado exacta para pensar otra cosa.Literature Literature
Human nature is too inconstant to admit of any such regularity.
La naturaleza humana es demasiado inconstante para admitir una regularidad semejante.Literature Literature
Morton, which here follows, being of too much importance to admit of condensation. 2.
La del señor Morton, que verán a continuación, no admite resumen debido a su gran importancia. 2.Literature Literature
But perhaps the reality is too complicated to admit of any single centre, wherever one locates it?
Pero quizá la realidad sea demasiado complicada para admitir un centro único, cualquiera que sea.Literature Literature
(1) Our theory of truth must be such as to admit of its opposite, falsehood.
Nuestra teoría de la verdad debe ser tal que admita su opuesto, la falsedad.Literature Literature
The casualty lists were too terrible to admit of any public debate on the continuation of the war.
Con tales listas de bajas, un debate público sobre la prolongación de la guerra era inadmisible.Literature Literature
Over that my father and I have scarcely stopped puzzling; it seems to admit of so many interpretations.’’
Mi padre y yo no hemos dejado de hacernos preguntas sobre el mensaje; parece susceptible a muchas interpretaciones.Literature Literature
Practical questions do not seem to admit of theoretical treatment.
Las cuestiones prácticas no parecen ser susceptibles de teoría.Literature Literature
On the other hand, our analysis of the phobias seems to admit of no correction.
Por otra parte, los análisis de fobias realizados no parecen admitir rectificación alguna.Literature Literature
His condition, however, still remains too precarious to admit of his receiving any but a few intimate friends.”
Su estado es todavía delicado y no le permite recibir más que a los íntimos.""Literature Literature
But there are other tasks too complex to admit of this constant recollectedness.
Pero hay otras tareas demasiado complejas para permitir este recogimiento constante.Literature Literature
"""I'm afraid,"" replied Fergusson, ""that your question is not sufficiently precise to admit of a precise answer."""
—Me temo —objetó Fergusson— que su pregunta no es lo suficientemente precisa para obtener una respuesta precisa.Literature Literature
It was too clear to admit of discussion.
Estaba demasiado claro para admitir discusión.Literature Literature
But all are obliged to admit of exceptions.
Mas unos y otros se ven obligados a admitir excepciones.Literature Literature
This cause is too holy, too sacred, to admit of common forms of reasoning or action.
Esta causa es demasiado santa, demasiado sagrada para admitir formas comunes de raciocinio o acción.Literature Literature
“I greatly fear,” said Wylie, “that the syndrome known as life is too diffuse to admit of palliation.
—Mucho me temo —dijo Wylie— que el síndrome conocido como vida está demasiado difuso para admitir paliativos.Literature Literature
The devastation of the social tissue had been too deep to admit of any other solution.
La devastación del tejido social había sido demasiado absoluta como para barajar cualquier otra solución.Literature Literature
But the glory of the thing was too great to admit of any considerations such as those.
Aun así, ese momento de gloria era tan grande que no admitía consideraciones de tal índole.Literature Literature
(1) Our theory of truth must be such as to admit of its opposite, falsehood.
(I) Nuestra teoría de la verdad debe ser tal que admita su opuesto, la falsedad.Literature Literature
There is no great mystery in this matter the facts appear to admit of only one explanation.
No hay un gran misterio en este asunto... los hechos nos permiten admitir, una sola explicación.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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