to be at bay oor Spaans

to be at bay

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estar acorralado

́ Poet killer believed to be at Bay ́
" Se cree que el poeta asesino está acorralado "

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́ Poet killer believed to be at Bay ́
" Se cree que el poeta asesino está acorralado "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
First, though, there was a war to be fought–and diseases to be kept at bay.
Pero antes había una guerra que librar y enfermedades que contener.Literature Literature
At all costs, the creditors had to be kept at bay until Fram was beyond their reach.
Había que mantenerlos alejados a toda costa hasta que el barco estuviera fuera de su alcance.Literature Literature
Virginia was an enemy to be held at bay, and if gunfire was needed to accomplish this, they had the guns.
Virginia era un enemigo al que había que mantener a raya, y si eran precisas armas para lograrlo, las tenían.Literature Literature
Anyone who had to be kept at bay.
Cualquiera al que tuviera que mantener a raya.Literature Literature
There are forces in this world which must be satisfied if they are to be kept at bay.
Hay fuerzas en este mundo que deben ser satisfechas para poder mantenerlas a raya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To Orlando, death had always been an enemy to be held at bay.
Para Orlando, la muerte siempre había sido un enemigo al que convenía mantener a distancia.Literature Literature
Luke's lightsaber thrummed through the air, but Shimrra refused to be kept at bay.
El sable láser de Luke vibró en el aire, pero Shimrra se negaba a que lo mantuviera a raya.Literature Literature
The only rational conclusion was that Håkon had to be held at bay.
La única conclusión razonable era que había que mantener a Håkon a distancia.Literature Literature
There are forces in this world which must be satisfied if they are to be kept at bay.
Hay fuerzas en este mundo a las que se debe satisfacer si se las quiere mantener a raya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The infernal and the earthly: both had to be kept at bay.
Lo infernal y lo terrenal: ambos tenían que mantenerse a raya.Literature Literature
McGavin—I suppose you find this rather embarrassing, to be held at bay by a ‘meek fellow’ like me.
–Bien, señor McGavin... Supongo que encontrará un poco embarazoso ser apresado por un tipo tan 'apacible' como yo.Literature Literature
If chaos is to be kept at bay, so the message goes, reason will have to fight un-reason again and again.
Si se pretende mantener a raya el caos, dice el mensaje, la razón tendrá que luchar una y otra vez contra la sinrazón.Literature Literature
Parry was tough, but every once in a while the sufferings and tragedies of humanity refused to be kept at bay.
Parry era fuerte, pero de vez en cuando los sufrimientos y tragedias de la humanidad se negaban a mantenerse a raya.Literature Literature
As if he were the master and she was his student, to be kept at bay and off balance by questions.
Como si él fuera el maestro y ella su estudiante, para mantenerla a raya y fuera de equilibrio mediante preguntas.Literature Literature
The fragments were so disturbing, so strong, that nothing seemed to be able to hold them at bay.
Los fragmentos eran tan molestos, tan fuertes, que nadie parecía poder mantenerlos a raya.Literature Literature
I'm sorry I was so late coming to you but the King is demanding and the Barons have to be kept at bay.
Siento haber llegado tan tarde a vos... pero el Rey me reclama... y los Barones han de ser mantenidos a raya.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I' m sorry I was so late coming to you but the King is demanding and the Barons have to be kept at bay
Siento haber llegado tan tarde a vos...... pero el Rey me reclama...... y los Barones han de ser mantenidos a rayaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Finally, a public market is scheduled to be opened at Little Bay Festival Village during # to replace the Plymouth Market lost in
Por último, en # se prevé la apertura de un mercado público en Little Bay Festival Village, que sustituirá el mercado de Plymouth destruido enMultiUn MultiUn
She looked at him as if he were a stranger, someone to be wary of, someone to keep at bay.
Lo miró como si fuera un desconocido, alguien de quien cuidarse y mantenerse a distancia.Literature Literature
We've built a fire line around the camp, and that seems to be keeping them at bay.
Hemos erigido un círculo de fuego alrededor del campamento, y eso parece mantenerlos a raya.Literature Literature
First, actively pursuing what still has to be done to keep the crisis at bay.
Primero, avanzar de manera activa en la tarea que aún queda por delante para poner freno a la
Try not to be too mad at Bay.
Intenta no estar enfadada con Bay.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When other girls were discovering their sexuality, Karla seemed to be holding it at bay.
Mientras las demás empezaban a descubrir su sexualidad, ella parecía mantenerla a raya.Literature Literature
Fourteen Algerian nationals continued to be held at Guantánamo Bay.
Seguía habiendo 14 ciudadanos argelinos detenidos en Guantánamo.Common crawl Common crawl
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