to be careless oor Spaans

to be careless

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


I spend my life trying not to be careless.
Me he pasado la vida intentando no ser descuidado.


He can't afford to be careless.
— No puede una descuidarse.

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She has mislaid too many to be careless and, besides, how would she acquire another pair?
Ya ha perdido demasiados para no tener cuidado y, además, ¿cómo podría adquirir otro par?Literature Literature
57 In harmony with the apostle’s counsel, we cannot afford to be careless in the face of afflictions.
57 En armonía con el consejo del apóstol, no nos conviene descuidar nuestra vigilancia mientras experimentamos aflicciones.jw2019 jw2019
With nearly one million men now under arms, he could afford to be careless of their lives.
Con casi un millón de hombres en sus filas, podía permitirse malbaratar sus vidas.Literature Literature
It is important not to be careless about supper when you are alone.
Es importante no volverse descuidado con la cena cuando uno está solo.Literature Literature
Thinks dress is superficial, and is inclined to be careless about it. 3.
Cree que el vestido es cosa superficial y tiende a descuidarlo. 3.Literature Literature
Not drunk in any positive sense but just enough to be careless.
No borracho en el pleno sentido de la palabra, pero sí lo suficiente para mostrarme descortés.Literature Literature
“But I wonder,” I went on tentatively, “if Wan-soon had a reason to be careless.”
—Pero me pregunto... —continué, cautelosa— si Wan-soon tendría alguna razón para no tener cuidado.Literature Literature
They began to be careless with the ball and took jump shots instead of driving to the basket.
Empezaron a jugar la pelota sin criterio y a realizar tiros en suspensión en lugar de entrar a canasta.Literature Literature
You cannot afford to be careless.
No podemos permitírnoslo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That law gave pause to anyone inclined to be careless with his livestock. —Ex.
Estas disposiciones de seguro motivaban a la gente a estar pendiente de sus animales (Éxo.jw2019 jw2019
It was common for people to be careless in the privacy of their own homes.
Era corriente que las personas fueran descuidadas en la intimidad de sus propios hogares.Literature Literature
The East London parish of Clerkenwell was not a place to be careless.
La barriada de Clerkenwell, situada en East London, no era un buen lugar para mostrarse descuidada.Literature Literature
Lord Mountdrago smiled, but the smile that tried to be careless was only rueful.
Lord Mountdrago sonrió, pero su sonrisa, que trató de ser indiferente, fue sólo lastimosa.Literature Literature
"""It would be foolish of me to be careless when I have only just found my brother."""
Sería estúpido por mi parte no tener cuidado justo ahora cuando acabo de encontrar a mi hermano.Literature Literature
Only their need to be very rich again has led them to be careless.
Pero su necesidad de volver a ser muy ricas las ha llevado a ser descuidadas.Literature Literature
This was not a time to be careless with her feelings.
No era el momento de ser imprudente con los sentimientos.Literature Literature
It might have been something like “Amsterdammers tend to be careless about their belongings.”
"Podría haber sido algo como: ""Los ciudadanos de Amsterdam tienden a no darles mucha importancia a sus perte nencias""."Literature Literature
Ginger had the feeling that, by seeming to be careless, he was taunting them to try something.
Ginger tuvo la impresión de que con aquella actitud pretendía incitarlos a intentar algo.Literature Literature
Jack tends to be careless about things like that.”
Jack tiende a ser descuidado en esas cosas.Literature Literature
Neither one of us can afford to be careless.
No podemos descuidarnos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In this he cannot afford to be careless or negligent.
Él no puede ser descuidado o negligente en esto.jw2019 jw2019
Bad enough she be found in the scriptorium; worse to be careless with a candle.
Sería malo que la encontraran en el scriptorium, pero aún peor que se le cayese la vela.Literature Literature
“Since we’ve come to this town on secret orders, we can’t afford to be careless.
Como hemos venido a esta ciudad obedeciendo órdenes secretas, no podemos permitirnos cualquier descuido.Literature Literature
He’s far too clever and too pedantic to be careless.
Es demasiado listo y pedante como para ser tan descuidado.Literature Literature
Manny, you think I' m planning to be careless?
¿ Crees que no voy a tenerlo?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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