to be descended from oor Spaans

to be descended from

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Wouldn't you feel proud to be descended from such a union?
¿No te sentirías orgulloso de descender de tal unión?

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He claimed to be descended from Ibn Awjal.
Alegaba que era descendiente de Ibn Awjal.Literature Literature
The Ottoman Sultans claimed to be descended from him.
Los sultanes otomanos alegarían ser descendientes suyos.Literature Literature
We aren’t all so blessed to be descended from spiders.”
No todos tenemos la fortuna de descender de arañas.Literature Literature
“They even have a fool pretending to be descended from the vampire slayer, van Hal.
Incluso tienen a un estúpido que pretende descender del matavampiros Van Hal.Literature Literature
"""How many politicians can claim to be descended from a saint?"""
¿Cuántos políticos pueden proclamar que son descendientes de un santo?Literature Literature
Mysia also was another, and the Mysians, in the Paschal Chronicle, are said to be descended from Nimrod.
Misia también era otra, y se dice, en la Paschal Chronicle, que los misios eran descendientes de Nemrod.jw2019 jw2019
O’Keefe was a Maddox, so she’s got to be descended from Matthew.”
Y la señora O’Keefe era una Maddox, así que debe ser descendiente de Matthew.Literature Literature
An ethnographer working among the Dorse informs me that the Otschollo claim to be descended from the Konso.
Un etnógrafo que trabaja entre los dorsos me informa que los otschollos afirman ser descendientes de los konsos.Literature Literature
Not all of them; birds are thought to be descended from one or more dinosaur lines. 11.
No todos; se cree que los pájaros descienden de una o más líneas de dinosauriosLiterature Literature
He claimed to be descended from the Duc du Maine, the bastard son of Louis XIV.
Según él, descendía del duque de Maine, hijo bastardo de Luis XIV.Literature Literature
All pharaohs from the 18th dynasty on were believed to be descended from him.
Se creía que todos los faraones de la decimoctava dinastía descendían de él.Literature Literature
All the nonhuman peoples, except one, seemed to be descended from terrestrial animals.
Todos los pueblos no humanos, salvo uno, parecían descender de animales terrestres.Literature Literature
They had such a big family that half of Greece claimed to be descended from Perseus.
Formaron una familia tan numerosa que la mitad de Grecia decía descender de Perseo.Literature Literature
He later said, defiantly, that he would consider it an honour to be descended from Jews: 'What?
Más tarde dijo desafiante que consideraría un honor descender de judíos: «¿Qué?Literature Literature
It was Venus you chose to be descended from, wasn' t it?
Tú elegiste ser descendiente de Venus, ¿ no?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I detested and despised Maecenas, a young nobleman who claimed to be descended from Etruscan kings.
Yo detestaba y despreciaba a Mecenas, un joven aristócrata que decía ser descendiente de los reyes etruscos.Literature Literature
“How many politicians can claim to be descended from a saint?”
¿Cuántos políticos pueden proclamar que son descendientes de un santo?Literature Literature
I noted, too, that they were thought to be descended from wolves or jackals.
Comprobé, asimismo, que descendían, al parecer, de los lobos o los chacales.Literature Literature
What right did someone else have to be descending from her bedroom in the middle of the night?
¿Qué derecho tenía otra persona a estar bajando de su dormitorio en plena noche?Literature Literature
The Armenians themselves traditionally claim to be descended from “Haik, son of Thorgom.”
La propia tradición armenia asegura que descendieron de “Haik, hijo de Thorgom”.jw2019 jw2019
It was Venus you chose to be descended from, wasn't it?
Tú elegiste ser descendiente de Venus, ¿no?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Freemasons consider themselves to be descended from the Templars (SteelMaret, 1893, p. 2).
Los francmasones se consideran descendientes de los templarios (Steel-Maret, 1893, p. 2). 48.Literature Literature
He claimed to be descended from a long line of Jewish non-sportsmen and women.
Aseguraba ser descendiente de un antiguo linaje de mujeres y hombres judíos nada aficionados al deporte.Literature Literature
Mogworthy claims to be descended from him.”
Mogworthy afirma descender de él.Literature Literature
She was somewhere in her sixties and claimed to be descended from Gypsies.
Tendría algo más de sesenta años y alegaba descender de gitanos.Literature Literature
2332 sinne gevind in 45 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.