to be his oor Spaans

to be his

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

ser suyo

Some bones have shown up in Valencia that appear to be his.
Han aparecido en Valencia huesos que parecen ser suyos.

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right to be cared for by his or her parents
derecho a ser cuidado por los propios padres
he felt himself to be a burden on his family
se sentía una carga para su familia
he requested that he be allowed to see his client
solicitó que se le permitiera ver a su cliente
his conduct leaves a great deal to be desired
su conducta deja mucho que desear
his table manners leave a lot to be desired
sus modales en la mesa dejan mucho que desear
it would be hard to improve upon his translation
sería difícil mejorar su traducción
his performance leaves a lot to be desired
su rendimiento deja mucho que desear


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From the inner room, another patient emerges, leaning on what would seem to be his wife.
De la sala donde nos dan la quimio sale otro paciente, sujetado por la que parece su esposa.Literature Literature
One of the great things about my brother was he wasn't afraid to be his own man.
Una de las mejores cosas acerca de mi hermano era... que no tenía miedo de ser él mismo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was to be his other grand passion.
Iba a ser su otra gran pasión.Literature Literature
I am proud to have been his patient and even prouder to be his niece.
Y estoy muy orgullosa de que él sea honrado esta noche y estoy orgullosa de haber sido su paciente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And besides, it was supposed to be his cake.
Además, se suponía que era su pastel.Literature Literature
“I think he’s adorable, but I can’t come back just to be his mother.
Creo que es un niño adorable, pero no puedo regresar sólo para ser su madre.Literature Literature
“And has left behind the woman he chose worthy to be his squire,” Sir Graybow said neutrally.
--Y ha dejado tras de sí a la mujer que consideró digna de ser su escudero -repuso sir Graybow con voz inexpresiva.Literature Literature
The voice seemed to emanate from Tremski’s coffin but was too perfectly French to be his.
La voz parecía salir del ataúd de Tremski, pero su francés era demasiado perfecto para que viniera de él.Literature Literature
‘I wouldn’t like to be his enemy.
No me gustaría ser su enemigo.Literature Literature
Victoria was to be his wife; she would need to know, if she didn’t already.
Victoria iba a ser su mujer, se enteraría, si no es que estaba ya al corriente.Literature Literature
Anthony smiled serenely, even though those used to be his own sentiments as well.
Anthony sonrió serenamente, a pesar de que él solía pensar lo mismo.Literature Literature
Lewis in turn recruited William Clark to be his co-commander.
Lewis a su vez reclutó a William Clark para dirigir conjuntamente la expedición.Literature Literature
Who did God choose to be his soldier?
¿ A quién elige Dios como su soldado?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Only the three that seemed to be his personal guardians lingered with him.
Solo los tres que parecían ser su guardia personal se mantuvieron con él.Literature Literature
I'm thinking Kevin will hire Parker to be his lawyer, they're friends from the club.
Creo que Kevin contratará a Parker como abogado, son amigos del club.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Competition is the essence of commerce, seems to be his theory.
La competencia es la esencia del comercio, parece ser su teoría.Literature Literature
He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted any other, perhaps because she’d agreed to be his wife.
La deseaba mucho más de lo que nunca había deseado a ninguna otra, quizás porque no había aceptado ser su esposa.Literature Literature
Visiting princesses practically throw themselves at his feet, begging to be his wife!”
Las que están de visita prácticamente se arrojan a sus pies rogando ser su esposa.Literature Literature
You’re going to be his brother’s wife.
Vas a ser la esposa de su hermano.Literature Literature
As a test of her suitability to be his wife?
¿Cómo una prueba de su idoneidad para ser su esposa?Literature Literature
She was at most fifty, Jack surmised, too young to be his mother’s friend Celia.
Tendría como mucho cincuenta años, supuso Jack, demasiado joven para ser Celia, la amiga de su madre.Literature Literature
But gradually, the drive to do what he considered to be his only reason for existing took over.
Pero, poco a poco, las ganas de hacer lo que él consideraba su única razón para vivir se fueron imponiendo.Literature Literature
Did he really want her to be his forever?
¿Realmente quería que fuese suya para siempre?Literature Literature
“It’s going to be his major statement on the gun control issue.
Va a ser una declaración importante sobre el control de armas.Literature Literature
But he did his best, or what he considered to be his best, most of the time.
Pero él hizo todo lo que pudo, o lo que él consideraba que era todo lo que podía.Literature Literature
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