to be surprised that oor Spaans

to be surprised that

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Don't feel sorry for me now and don't pretend to be surprised that I wasn't accepted.
No sientas lástima por mí ahora y no finjas estar sorprendida de que no me hayan aceptado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I can't pretend to be surprised that you feel that way.
Bueno, no puedo pretender sorprenderme de que sintieras eso.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You’re late,” says I, pretending not to be surprised that he could talk.
—Llegas tarde —digo, fingiendo no estar sorprendido por el hecho de que pudiera hablar.Literature Literature
He probably expected me to be surprised that my dad was wandering around in his pajamas.
Probablemente, había esperado por mi parte una reacción de sorpresa al saber que mi padre vagaba por ahí en pijama.Literature Literature
People certainly paid to be surprised; that was comedy; that was art.
La gente pagaba para que la sorprendieran: eso era comedia, eso era arte.Literature Literature
It is in this capacity to be surprised that science arises.
Es gracias a esta capacidad para la sorpresa por lo que surge la ciencia.Literature Literature
Most Western governments were to be surprised that Thailand didn’t fall.
La mayoría de los gobiernos occidentales se mostraron sorprendidos porque Tailandia no cayera.Literature Literature
“I continue to be surprised that I have better qualities.”
A mí me sigue sorprendiendo tener virtudes.Literature Literature
And I think she’s not going to be surprised that you’re gone.”
Y creo que no se va a sorprender porque ya no estés.Literature Literature
They’re at home, he says, forgetting to be surprised that this unfamiliar woman knows about his children.
Están en casa, responde él, sin sorprenderse de que esa desconocida sepa que tiene una familia.Literature Literature
I will admit to being surprised that everything is so clean.
Debo admitir que estoy sorprendida de que todo esté tan limpio y ordenado.Literature Literature
They’re not going to be surprised that I didn’t come home last night.
Ellos no van a estar sorprendido de que yo anoche no fuera a casa.Literature Literature
Now it was Normand’s turn to be surprised, that this rustic cop should know who Denis Fortin was.
Ahora le tocaba a Normand sorprenderse por que aquel policía rústico conociese a Denis Fortin.Literature Literature
“I’m supposed to be surprised that you know my name?
—¿Debe sorprenderme que sepas cómo me llamo?Literature Literature
The emperor claims to be surprised that Germanicus would be swayed by malicious rumors.
El emperador dice estar sorprendido de que Germánico se deje influir por rumores maliciosos.Literature Literature
We are not to be surprised that many have bartered the latter for the former.
No debe extrañarnos que muchos hayan cambiado la segunda por la primera.Literature Literature
“Enough for me to be surprised that you are about your government’s business.”
—Lo suficiente como para que me sorprenda verla metida en asuntos del Gobierno.Literature Literature
Jack pretended to be surprised that Mark spoke to him.
Jack fingió sorprenderse de que Mark le dirigiera la palabra.Literature Literature
I do enough to be surprised that she let you have it.
Debí haberme sorprendida de que ella lo obtuviese.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You’re going to be surprised that your cat needs your love and attention on a regular basis.
Te sorprenderá ver que tu gato necesitará de tu amor y de tu atención diaria.Literature Literature
Starbuck was beginning to be surprised that it took only six mouths to perform such musical wonders.
Starbuck empezaba a sorprenderse de que se pudiera lograr tanta maravilla musical con sólo seis bocas.Literature Literature
The guards seemed to be surprised that people would be running toward them at night.
Los guardias parecieron sorprendidos al ver a gente que corría hacia ellos en plena noche.Literature Literature
‘Yes,’ Brunetti said, not even pretending to be surprised that Luca knew about it already.
–Sí -contestó Brunetti sin tratar siquiera de mostrar sorpresa porque Luca ya estuviera enterado.Literature Literature
He never ceased to be surprised that they were compatible in every respect�mentally, emotionally, physically.
Jamás había dejado de sorprenderle lo compenetrados que estaban en todos los sentidos: mental, emocional, físico.Literature Literature
His magical thinking allowed him to be surprised that when such a good soul dies it isn't remarked.
Su pensamiento mágico le permitió asombrarse de que la muerte de un alma tan bondadosa pasara desapercibida.Literature Literature
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