to become calm oor Spaans

to become calm

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And now that he had told me, he seemed finally to become calm.
Y ahora que me lo había dicho parecía haberse quedado tranquilo por fin.Literature Literature
They must learn to become calm and empty before they are able to use their intuition.
Aprenderán a tornarse calmados y vacíos antes de poder usar su intuición.Literature Literature
In Christ's name, I, His humble servant, adjure thee now to become calm!""
En Su Nombre sagrado, yo, su humilde servidor, te suplico que te calmes.Literature Literature
He watched as the human's appearance altered to become calm, his motions unhurried.
—Contempló cómo se alteraba la apariencia del ser humano para transformarse en calma, con sus acciones no apresuradas.Literature Literature
The twilight helps you to become calm and gives you an added boost of energy.
El crepúsculo te ayuda a calmarte y te proporciona un impulso adicional de energía.Literature Literature
... to become calm and gentle.
... volverse dulce y tranquilo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thinking of numbers helps me to become calm again.
Pensar en números me ayuda a calmarme.Literature Literature
Rigg forced himself to become calm, slowing his breath and relaxing his muscles.
Rigg se forzó a sí mismo a mantener la calma, a reducir el ritmo de su respiración y a relajar los músculos.Literature Literature
It took him almost twenty minutes to become calm enough to pull back into the slow lane.
Necesitó casi veinte minutos para calmarse lo suficiente para volver a la carretera.Literature Literature
Carefully, desperately, Thanquol forced himself to become calm.
Con cuidado, desesperadamente, Thanquol se obligó a calmarse.Literature Literature
I didn’t want to become calm or numbed.
No quería estar calmado, ni entumecido.Literature Literature
CHAPTER FOUR It took a day to become calm and gather up my pride.
Je, je, je. 4 Tardé un día en serenarme y recuperar mi orgullo.Literature Literature
It usually doesn’t take long for me to become calm again – a fragile calm, but calm even so.
Por lo general, no me lleva más de unos instantes recobrar la calma, una calma frágil, pero calma al fin.Literature Literature
She needed a moment to become calm.
Necesitaba un momento para calmarse.Literature Literature
In this way, problem people are more likely to become calm and cooperative people
De esta forma las personas problemáticas estarán más dispuestas a calmarse y cooperarLiterature Literature
He tried not to think but to feel the trees around him but his mind refused to become calm.
Procuró no pensar, sino sentir los árboles que le rodeaban, pero su mente se negó a dejarse tranquilizar.Literature Literature
They all work: when the attention is diverted to a different object, the mind appears to become calm and peaceful.
Cuando la atención se ha derivado a un objeto diferente, la mente aparenta estar calmada y en paz.Literature Literature
Then the voice, broken, on the verge of a lament and perhaps not very far from weeping, seemed to become calm.
La voz, descompuesta al borde del quejido y acaso no muy lejos del llanto pareció serenársele entonces.Literature Literature
Tori learns to blend with and control attacking energy, while uke learns to become calm and flexible in the disadvantageous, off-balance positions in which tori places them.
Ser Tori te enseña a dirigir y controlar la energía para después atacar con ella, mientras que el uke enseña el estar tranquilo y ser flexible en las desventajas y situaciones que lo ponen fuera de balance por parte del tori.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then, all at once, on my sixth visit, Banerjee seems to become quite calm, quite polite.
Entonces, durante mi sexta visita, de repente, parece que Banerjee se calma, se muestra cortés.Literature Literature
How do we surrender to become the calm amid the chaos?
, ¿cómo nos entregamos para convertirnos en quietud en medio del caos?Literature Literature
Am I committed to learning how to become a calm-assertive pack leader with my dog?
¿Estoy dispuesta a comprometerme a aprender a ser un líder de la manada firme y sereno para mi perro?Literature Literature
He had to become more calm and figure out how to solve this in a way that would guarantee that Kim wouldn’t be hurt.
Necesitaba tranquilizarse y trazar un plan para resolver ese embrollo de forma que Kim no sufriera daño alguno.Literature Literature
He tried to be calm, not to become irritated with himself.
Trató de permanecer calmado, de no irritarse consigo mismo.Literature Literature
She tried to remain calm, to not become defensive.
Intentó permanecer serena, no ponerse a la defensiva.Literature Literature
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