to become paralyzed oor Spaans

to become paralyzed

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Suddenly everything seems to become paralyzed!
¡Todo parece paralizarse súbitamente!

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And, above all, don't allow yourself to become paralyzed by self-criticism.
Y, sobre todo, no te dejes paralizar por tus propias críticas.Literature Literature
a true wannabe knows every possible way to become paralyzed.
Un verdadero imitador conoce todos los modos posibles de quedar paralítico.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Suddenly everything seems to become paralyzed!
¡Todo parece paralizarse súbitamente!jw2019 jw2019
Fears like, You are going to become paralyzed, or strange, strange thoughts came in mind in those days.
Temores como: Vas a quedar paralizado, o extrańo, vinieron pensamientos extrańos a mi mente en esos días.QED QED
She struggled to not allow herself to become paralyzed by the shock of what had just happened.
Luchó para no permitirse quedar paralizada por la conmoción de lo que acababa de suceder.Literature Literature
"""I thought you were going to become paralyzed and die!"
¡Creía que ibas a quedarte paralizado y que morirías!Literature Literature
Cowardly people allow themselves to become paralyzed by fear, and so they cannot act when action is necessary.
Las personas cobardes permiten que el miedo las paralice y, por tanto, no pueden actuar cuando es necesario hacerlo.Literature Literature
Good God, am I to become paralyzed?
¿Me estaré quedando paralítica?Literature Literature
“He had such power over me for so long that it’s hard not to become paralyzed when he looks at me.
Tuvo tanto poder sobre mí, y durante tanto tiempo que me cuesta no quedarme paralizada cuando me mira.Literature Literature
If I’d allowed myself to become paralyzed every time I felt fear I wouldn’t have left Plain City when I was seventeen.
Si cada vez que sintiera miedo me paralizara, no me habría marchado de Plain City cuando tenía diecisiete años.Literature Literature
I coughed and I jumped up to get fresh air into my lungs, which seemed to have become paralyzed.
Tosí y salté hacia arriba para hacer llegar aire fresco a mis pulmones, que parecían haberse paralizado.Literature Literature
I imagine he expected me to collapse or become paralyzed.
Imagino que esperaba que yo me desplomara o me quedara paralizado.Literature Literature
Instead of allowing change to paralyze you, become a leader of change.
En vez de dejar que el cambio te paralice, lidera el cambio.Literature Literature
Do not allow yourselves to become blinded by prejudice and paralyzed by fear.
No os dejéis cegar por los prejuicios ni paralizar por el miedo.Literature Literature
But Christians do not become resigned to weariness or paralyzed by inertia.
Pero el cristiano no se resigna al cansancio y a la
It was as if I had become paralyzed, unable to react.
Fue como si me hubiese quedado paralizado y sin poder de reacción.Literature Literature
It seems to me that we have become paralyzed and that we have nothing free except our tongues.
Paréceme que hemos sido atacados de una parálisis, y que no nos ha quedado libre más que la lengua.Literature Literature
As soon as I remind myself to write, I become as if paralyzed.
En cuanto recuerdo que debo escribir, me quedo como paralizado.Literature Literature
If it continues to slip furtherHer lower legs might become paralyzed
Si continúa deteriorándose, sus piernas podrían quedar paralizadasopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
An addiction to paralyzing affluence, once it becomes engrained in a culture, generates 'modern ized poverty'.
Una vez que se ha incrustado en una cultura la adicción a la opulencia paralizante, genera “pobreza modernizada”.Literature Literature
My advice to you is similar: don’t become miserable and paralyzed with grief and fear.
Mi consejo es parecido: no se deprima ni se deje paralizar por la pena y el miedo.Literature Literature
As Jason’s numb brain began to understand Shirley’s reasoning, he felt himself becoming paralyzed with horror.
Cuando su cerebro adormecido comenzó a comprender el razonamiento de Shirley, Jason quedó paralizado de terror.Literature Literature
If it continues to slip further Her lower legs might become paralyzed
Si continúa deteriorándose, sus piernas podrían quedar paralizadas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And so, in this way, she might become entirely paralyzed and unable to go on with her life.
Así, de ese modo, acabaría totalmente paralizada e incapaz de seguir viviendo.Literature Literature
Or Egypt could become paralyzed and unable to rectify its dire economic situation and restore order, without which no progress is possible.
De lo contrario, Egipto podría quedar paralizado e imposibilitado para rectificar su terrible situación económica y restablecer el orden, sin el cual no hay progreso posible.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
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