to bore through oor Spaans

to bore through

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Ezekiel is told to bore through it, enlarging the opening in order to get through to the inside.
A Ezequiel se le dice que lo horade, ensanchando la abertura a fin de pasar al interior.

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Sharp as little black glittering drills, those eyes seemed to bore through to the back of his head.
Agudos como brillantes brocas pequeñas y negras, esos ojos parecían taladrarle hasta el fondo de su cabeza.Literature Literature
It was something strong enough to bore through bone, but leave no trace.
Es algo suficientemente fuerte para perforar un hueso, pero no dejar rastro.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He had to touch her, had to break through her silence, had to bore through her tunneled eyes.
Tenía que tocarla, penetrar su silencio, tenía que arrastrarse entre sus recónditos ojos.Literature Literature
Though his tone was casual, his eyes seemed to bore through her with brilliant intensity.
—Aunque su tono era casual, sus ojos parecían atravesarla con brillante intensidad.Literature Literature
Ezekiel is told to bore through it, enlarging the opening in order to get through to the inside.
A Ezequiel se le dice que lo horade, ensanchando la abertura a fin de pasar al interior.jw2019 jw2019
Several metres thick, it would take lascutters and blasting charges to bore through.
Con un espesor de varios metros, serían necesarios cortadores láser y cargas explosivas para forzarlas.Literature Literature
“It’ll take hours to bore through foamstone.
–Tardaríamos horas en perforar la piedra espuma.Literature Literature
He saw it, large and monstrous, in its desperate effort to bore through to his retina.
Le vio grande, monstruoso, en su lucha desesperada por taladrarle la retina.Literature Literature
Simply use the lasers to bore through the ice shelves?
¿Bastaba con utilizar los láseres para perforar las capas de hielo?Literature Literature
Mossy spends hours studying that gate, trying to bore through it with his thoughts.
Mossy se pasa horas examinando la puerta, intentando atravesarla mentalmente.Literature Literature
The young man went back to staring at the wall, as if trying to bore through it.
El chico volvió a mirar fijamente la pared, como si pudiese atravesarla.Literature Literature
His eyes, Skála’s eyes, seemed to bore through Viktor.
Sus ojos, los ojos de Skála parecían taladrar a Viktor—.Literature Literature
I think they plan to bore through the station walls.
Creo que planean perforar los muros de la estación.Literature Literature
On closer examination, Wells saw with horror that the bird was trying to bore through a human skull.
Al fijarse con más detenimiento, Wells observó espantado que el pico del pájaro se afanaba en perforar un cráneo humano.Literature Literature
“But to bore through that plug in the back...that’s destroying potentially vital material.”
—Pero hacer un agujero en esa obturación de la parte de atrás..., es destruir material potencialmente vital.Literature Literature
I think we're gonna use it to bore through the ice.
Creo que podemos usarlo para abrirnos pasa a través del hieloOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Also, the klieg lights of a TV mobile camera crew have just begun to bore through the twilight indigo dusk.
Además, las lámparas de una unidad móvil de televisión han empezado a penetrar la penumbra azulada del crepúsculo.Literature Literature
Takes it about eight seconds to bore through the star, keeping a very tight focus, and erupt from the surface.
Toma cerca de ocho segundo atravesar la estrella manteniéndose muy apretado y saliendo de la superficie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The hawk had buried itself in the moss, digging its beak into the dirt like it was trying to bore through the earth.
El halcón se había enterrado en el musgo y había clavado el pico en la tierra como si pretendiera atravesarla.Literature Literature
All of a sudden he begun to look me so straight in the eye that I thought he was going to bore through me.
De pronto empezó a mirarme con tal fijeza que creí que me taladraba con la mirada.Literature Literature
His eyes seemed to bore directly through the camera lens to the back of her skull.
Sus ojos parecían atravesar directamente las lentes de la cámara y llegar hasta el fondo de su mente.Literature Literature
His eyes seemed to bore right through the mask of her face, to read the truth written on her bones.
Sus ojos parecían atravesar la máscara de su rostro, leer la verdad impresa en sus huesos.Literature Literature
“It would have been a Herculean task to bore horizontally through layers of compacted basalt.
Debió de ser un trabajo hercúleo perforar en sentido horizontal, a través de estratos de basalto compacto.Literature Literature
Jesus looked back at him silently, his eyes seeming to bore right through the Prosecutor.
Jesús le miró en silencio y sus ojos parecieron atravesar al acusador.Literature Literature
Not like Ian’s, which seem to bore right through you.
No como los ojos de Ian, capaces de atravesarte el cuerpo.Literature Literature
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