to caponize oor Spaans

to caponize

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They have proved to Capone and his mob that they are untouchable
Le han probado a Capone y a su mafia que son intocables

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Dempsey was horrified to learn this and wrote to Capone pleading with him not to interfere.
Cuando se enteró, Dempsey se horrorizó y escribió a Capone para rogarle que no interfiriera.Literature Literature
After Jessel spoke to Capone, that loot, too, was returned.
Después de que Jessel hubo hablado con Capone, también este lote fue encontrado y devuelto.Literature Literature
To Capone, it suggested an opportunity to regain his freedom.
A Capone le sugirió una oportunidad para reconquistar su libertad.Literature Literature
The Sicilians, notably the Gennas, and most of the Italians stuck to Capone.
Los sicilianos, especialmente los Genna, y la mayor parte de los italianos se juntaron a Capone.Literature Literature
To Capone and his lawyers, Torrio announced his retirement from the Chicago scene.
Torrio anunció a Capone y a sus abogados su retirada de la escena de Chicago.Literature Literature
‘This is all cycling back to that club, and to Capone.
Todo gira alrededor de ese club y de Capone.Literature Literature
“Why did they go to O’Banion rather than to Capone?”
—¿Por qué acudieron a O’Banion en lugar de a Capone?Literature Literature
‘I went to Capone with the idea months ago and he turned me down,’ said Coulton.
—Fui con la idea a Capone hace unos meses y la rechazó —dijo Coulton—.Literature Literature
We' re not gonna give in to Capone
No cederemos ante Caponeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The sum was trivial in view of the millions that flowed to Capone from illicit sources.
La suma era demasiado pequeña, comparada con los millones que fluían sobre Capone desde sus fuentes ilegales.Literature Literature
Again and again the compass needle of suspicion had swung back to Capone.
Una y otra vez la aguja de la brújula de la sospecha apuntaba hacia Capone.Literature Literature
They have proved to Capone and his mob that they are untouchable
Le han probado a Capone y a su mafia que son intocablesopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
[ Castillo ] Well, these days don't belong to Capone, and this isn't New York or Chicago.
Ésta no es la época de Capone, y no estamos en Nueva York o Chicago.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
As further testament to Capone’s character, Galluch trusted him enough to accept the job.
Dado el carácter de Capone, Galluch confió en él lo suficiente para aceptar el trabajo.Literature Literature
Since the law could not protect him, Becker turned to Capone.
Habida cuenta de que la ley no quería protegerle, Becker se dirigió a Capone.Literature Literature
The raided gangsters, meanwhile, had complained to Capone, who in turn reproved the commanding officer.
Entretanto, los ofendidos gángsters se quejaron a Capone, quien a su vez reprochó lo sucedido al comandante.Literature Literature
‘And then you deliver him to Capone,’ said Small, picking up his fork once more.
—Y luego se lo entregas a Capone —dijo Small, agarrando otra vez el tenedor—.Literature Literature
Torrio never handed his empire to Al Capone, he handed it to the Capone brothers.
Torrio nunca cedió su imperio a Al Capone, se lo cedió a los hermanos Capone.Literature Literature
He gave total control of the Outfit to Capone and said, "It's all yours, Al.
Dio control total del Outfit a Capone, diciendo cuando se fue "Todo tuyo, Al.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Half a dozen henchmen milled about the room, attentive to Capone's slightest whim.
Media docena de individuos acordonaban la habitación, atentos al menor ademán de Capone.Literature Literature
I asked you, is GW actually connected to Capone' s people out of Chicago?
Yo te pregunté... si GW está relacionado de verdad con la gente de Capone en Chicagoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Put me through to Capone' s rooms
Páseme con los cuartos de Caponeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
If any of these coded entries indicate payment to Capone, then we can put Capone away
Si cualquiera de estos ingresos en clave indican pagos a Caponeopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The April mayoral elections brought final defeat to Capone's political idol, Big Bill Thompson.
Las elecciones municipales de abril trajeron la derrota final del ídolo político de Capone, Big Bill Thompson.Literature Literature
Max Annenberg then ... introduced McCormick to Capone.
Poco después, Max Annenberg presentó a McCormick a Capone.Literature Literature
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