to careen oor Spaans

to careen

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Then I guessed you were here to careen.
Entonces supuse que estabas aquí carenando.



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Then I guessed you were here to careen.
Entonces supuse que estabas aquí carenando.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Lado began to careen wildly, trying unsuccessfully to shake the mag-grenade off his bike.
Lado comenzó a girar sin control, tratando sin éxito de soltar la granada magnética de su moto.Literature Literature
I tried to laugh along at the banter, but my own thoughts started to careen away from me.
Intenté reírme ante la broma, pero mis propios pensamientos empezaban a escapárseme.Literature Literature
Sometime, and somewhere, we will have to careen this Heart of Light of ours and scrape the weed.’
Alguna vez, y en alguna parte, tendremos que carenar este barco nuestro y raspar los sargazos.Literature Literature
“Plenty of room to careen and refit all our ships.
Hay mucho espacio para carenar y reabastecer a todos nuestros buques.Literature Literature
If we needed to careen and take on stores... Where would you recommend?
Si necesitaramos carenaria para aprovisionarnos, ¿que nos recomendaríais?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If a pirate captain chose to careen at Cayo Levantado, that’s where he’d go every time.
Si un capitán pirata elegía Cayo Levantado para carenar, ahí es donde iría cada vez que fuera necesario.Literature Literature
And as to careening, I shall see that you have all the help you might need.
Y, en cuanto a la limpieza del casco, me ocuparé de que tengan toda la ayuda que puedan necesitar.Literature Literature
Then there’s the matter of my website, which is perilously close to careening off schedule.
Además, tengo la página web abandonada, a punto de descolgarse del calendario.Literature Literature
Pecola lost her balance and was about to careen to the floor.
Pecola perdió el equilibrio y estuvo a punto de caer al suelo.Literature Literature
For nine months, they’d been looking for the perfect place for a pirate ship to careen.
Durante nueve meses habían estado buscando el lugar perfecto para carenar un barco pirata.Literature Literature
They unloaded Palmer's sloop and, after using it to careen the Revenge, set her on fire.
Bajaron la carga del balandro de Palmer y, después de usar la nave para carenar el Revenge, le prendieron fuego.Literature Literature
And in return, the Feeling Brain promises not to careen off the side of the road, killing everyone.
Y, a cambio, el cerebro emocional promete no meterse en el carril contrario y matar a todo el mundo.Literature Literature
“If I’m a pirate looking to careen, this is my place,” Garcia-Alecont said.
—Si yo fuera pirata y buscase carenar, mi sitio sería este —dijo García-Alecont.Literature Literature
Some parents seem to careen from one crisis to another.
Hay padres que parecen ir tambaleando de una crisis a otra.jw2019 jw2019
I need to careen my ship.
Tengo que carenar mi nave.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Skimmer immediately begins to careen out of control.
El Skimmer inmediatamente comienza a perder el control.Literature Literature
With luck the pirates may head for Providence Island for supplies or to careen, that will be your edge.
Con suerte, los piratas pondrán rumbo a la isla de Providencia para aprovisionarse o carenar, ésa será su oportunidad.Literature Literature
"""It should take us four days of easy working,"" said I, ""to careen, repair, and start afresh snugly stowed."""
—Eso llevará cuatro días de trabajo fácil —afirmé— para carenar, reparar y volver a estibar de nuevo.Literature Literature
In all the Caribbean, there was no better place to careen a ship or to win an unwinnable battle.
En todo el Caribe no había mejor lugar para carenar un barco o para vencer en una batalla imposible.Literature Literature
Once we had to careen the Emperor, which involved beaching her then using block and tackle to turn her over.
Una vez tuvimos que carenar el Emperador, lo que incluía encallarlo y usar poleas para darle la vuelta.Literature Literature
'Even if we gave him the generosity of two days to careen, he would still be a week ahead of us.'
Aun concediéndole la generosidad de dos días para carenar, seguiría llevando una semana de ventaja.Literature Literature
He pretended that he had to careen his ships and that he could only pay for services rendered by selling slaves.
Fingió que debía carenar sus buques y que sólo podía pagarlo vendiendo esclavos.Literature Literature
In August 1718, Bonnet anchored the Royal James on an estuary of the Cape Fear River to careen and repair the ship.
En agosto de 1718 Bonnet ancló el Royal James en un estuario de Cape Fear River con el fin de repararlo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But when I feel Luc’s hand ease around my waist, my mind goes blank and my heart starts to careen to redline.
Pero cuando siento la mano de Luc rodear mi cintura, mi mente se queda en blanco y mi corazón empieza a acelerarse.Literature Literature
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