to clench one's fist oor Spaans

to clench one's fist

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apretar el puño


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to clench one's fists
apretar los puños


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He had to clench a fist on the counter before he was able to say “If it’ll help you.”
Tuvo que apretar un puño sobre el mostrador antes de poder decir: —Si eso os ayuda...Literature Literature
To emphasize a point, he will clench one fist to smack the open palm of the other hand.
Para destacar un punto, cierra un puño y con él golpea la palma abierta de la otra mano.Literature Literature
She had to hold on tight and clench her fists to make sure she didn�t panic.
Tenía que agarrarse fuerte y apretar los puños para asegurarse de no dejarse llevar por el pánico.Literature Literature
Frank went into the house and threw himself on the sofa, his face to the wall, his clenched fist on his hip.
Frank entró en la casa y se tumbó en el sofá con el rostro vuelto hacia la pared y el puño apretado sobre la cadera.Literature Literature
Every quarter of an hour I was permitted to rest both clenched fists on my head for a single minute.
Cada cuarto de hora se me permitía descansar durante un minuto con los dos puños cerrados sobre la cabeza.Literature Literature
As he was being carried on a stretcher to the ambulance, he clenched his fist and said, ‘Carry on boys.’
Mientras lo llevaban en camilla a la ambulancia, apretó el puño y dijo:«Seguid adelante, muchachos».Literature Literature
I have one thing to say, and one only: Instantly”—he beat a clenched fist into his palm—“I demand to be set free!
Sólo una cosa: ¡Exijo —dijo golpeando con un puño la palma de la otra mano— que me dejen en libertad de inmediato!Literature Literature
Johnny was sitting next to Margaret on his bed, fists clenched, knuckles digging into the mattress.
Johnny estaba sentado en su cama al lado de Margaret, con los puños apretados y los nudillos hundidos en el colchón.Literature Literature
Remember, the last time I came, there was that girl, the one I told to clench her fist
Te acuerdas la última vez que vine, había una chica que se rió cuando dije que apretara el puñoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
I have to lean forward on my knees, clenching my fists against the pain.
Tengo que inclinarme hacia adelante sobre mis rodillas, apretando mis puños contra el dolor.Literature Literature
Others pounded their skulls with clenched fists, trying to dull one pain by replacing it with another.
Otros golpeaban sus cráneos con los puños apretados, tratando de hacer enmudecer un dolor con otro.Literature Literature
This intimidated her even more, but she clenched her fists and prepared to go on fighting.
Aquello la intimidó todavía más pero cerró los puños con rabia y se dispuso a seguir combatiendo.Literature Literature
Blood rushed through Marcus’s head as he took a step back, fists clenched, ready to fight on.
La sangre fluía por la cabeza de Marco cuando dio un paso atrás con los puños cerrados, dispuesto a seguir peleando.Literature Literature
The man clenched his fists and appeared to be on the verge of attacking his oppressor.
El millonario crispó los puños y pareció estar a punto de atacar a su opresor.Literature Literature
I have to clench my fists, grit my teeth, pretend to be pure and get on with my business, despite the consequences.
Tengo que apretar los puños y los dientes, fingir que soy puro y seguir adelante a pesar de las consecuencias.Literature Literature
I don’t want to tell him, but his fists are clenched on his hips again and I’m a little scared.
No me apetece mucho decírselo, pero se ha vuelto a poner en jarras con los puños cerrados, y me da un poco de miedo.Literature Literature
They dragged Jon away between them while Cathy stood biting on her clenched fist to stop herself from crying out.
Arrastraron a Jon fuera de allí, mientras Cathy se mordía el puño apretado para no llorar.Literature Literature
"""I don't need to look at it,"" said Obi-Wan, one clenched fist pressed against his heart."
—No necesito mirarlo —dijo Obi-Wan, apretando un puño cerrado contra su pecho—.Literature Literature
Oliver clenched his fist and went on to listen to his mother describe the girl.
Oliver clenched su puño y fuimos a escuchar a su madre describir a la chica.Literature Literature
Despite the pain, I turn to see her at my back, one fist clenched at her side.
A pesar del dolor, me vuelvo para verla en mi espalda, un puño apretado a su lado.Literature Literature
Still, clenching one’s fists and using them to punch are two different things.
Sin embargo, apretar los puños y usarlos para dar un puñetazo son dos cosas muy distintas.Literature Literature
“I don’t need to look at it,” said Obi-Wan, one clenched fist pressed against his heart.
—No necesito mirarlo —dijo Obi-Wan, apretando un puño cerrado contra su pecho—.Literature Literature
She had a secret message — she clenched her fist on her purse — to deliver to the General in person.
Llevaba un mensaje secreto —oprimió el monedero con la manoque debía entregar personalmente al general.Literature Literature
I clench one fist, the other pressed to my nose in an attempt to stem the river of blood.
Aprieto un puño, el otro presiona a la nariz en un intento de frenar la río de sangre.Literature Literature
I retreated - at once because Annabeth was clenching both fists and on her way to the terrace.
Yo me retiré inmediatamente porque Annabeth cerró los puños y salió disparada hacia la terraza.Literature Literature
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