to collide with oor Spaans

to collide with

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


The nations do not have to see Him in order to collide with him.
Las naciones no tienen que verlo para chocar con él.

chocar con

The nations do not have to see Him in order to collide with him.
Las naciones no tienen que verlo para chocar con él.

chocar contra

but they helped me to have an accident - to collide with the truth about humans.
A chocar contra la verdad sobre los humanos.


Okay, Pacey's brooding, disillusioned, tough-guy persona was destined to collide with Jen's fake sexual bravado.
Pacey era el chico rudo y desilusionado destinado a colisionar contra la falsa bravuconería sexual de Jen.

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Mass, extension, and the ability to collide with and stick to one another.
Masa, extensión, y la habilidad de chocar entre sí y quedarse unidos.Literature Literature
but they helped me to have an accident - to collide with the truth about humans.
A chocar contra la verdad sobre los humanos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Devils may be nothing but beings intent on their purpose, which now happens to collide with yours.”
—Puede que los demonios no sean sino seres centrados en sus objetivos, que ahora quizá choquen con los vuestros.Literature Literature
Right, and you managed to collide with Alan Turing not ten minutes after you’d arrived in Bletchley.
Sí, bueno, pero conseguiste chocar con Alan Turing a los diez minutos de haber llegado a Bletchley».Literature Literature
The nations do not have to see Him in order to collide with him.
Las naciones no tienen que verlo para chocar con él.jw2019 jw2019
“Because there was nothing to collide with,” Pete Starling, the president’s science advisor, explained.
—Porque no había nada con lo que chocar —explicó Pete Starling, asesor científico de la presidenta, que asintió.Literature Literature
There was nothing to collide with, no road to veer off or stay on.
No había nada con lo que chocar, ninguna carretera de la que salirse o por la que continuar.Literature Literature
Bora halted so as not to collide with the major.
Bora se detuvo para no chocar con el comandante.Literature Literature
I wanted to collide with the times and create a voice that had musical, social and cultural impact.
Mi intención era colisionar con los tiempos y crear una voz que tuviese un impacto musical, social y cultural.Literature Literature
I winced, expecting to collide with concrete or glass, but the door gave way to three dimensions.
Torcí el gesto, esperando chocar con cemento o cristal, pero la puerta dio paso a tres dimensiones.Literature Literature
The one that had tried to collide with me was turning wide over the lava lake.
El que había intentado chocar conmigo estaba girando sobre el lago de lava.Literature Literature
18 The way in which not to collide with God is to walk with God.
18 La manera de evitar el choque con Dios es andar con Dios.jw2019 jw2019
She looked ahead of herself just in time to collide with a wall of muscle.
Miró hacia delante justo a tiempo para chocar con una pared de músculos.Literature Literature
He couldn’t understand how West Fourth Street could bend far enough to collide with West Thirteenth.
No entendía cómo la Calle 4 Oeste podía curvarse lo suficiente para cruzarse con la 13 Oeste.Literature Literature
It's eventually Going to collide with earth.
Eventualmente va a chocar con la Tierra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Over the next 30 months, the terraforming project... has 14 comets set to collide with Mars.
Durante los próximos 30 meses el Proyecto de Terraformización ha preparado a 14 cometas para que choquen con Marte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The ESF intervention shall not lead the vehicle to collide with another road user (4).
La intervención de la FDE no podrá hacer que el vehículo choque contra otro usuario de la carretera (4).Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Expectations that were about to collide with the real world.
Expectativas que estaban a punto de chocar con el mundo real.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
One look at the menu and her eyes flew to collide with Sakis’s.
Miró el menú y sus ojos volaron hasta los de Sakis.Literature Literature
She stepped outside of her room only to collide with the person who had been dominating her thoughts.
Justo cuando salía de la habitación se chocó con el hombre que había estado dominando sus pensamientos.Literature Literature
I couldn’t allow my life to collide with hers, to destroy it.
No podía permitir que mi vida colisionara contra su vida y la destruyera.Literature Literature
Trev privately spared a moment’s sympathy for any fast driver who happened to collide with Hubert.
—Trev se tomó un momento para compadecer en silencio al conductor que tuviera la mala fortuna de chocar contra Hubert.Literature Literature
It was due to collide with the sandstorm in the next two hours.
Debía chocar con la tempestad de arena en las dos próximas horas.Literature Literature
I would have taken a swing at him, but there was nothing for my fist to collide with.
Le hubiera dado un puñetazo, pero no había nada contra lo que mi puño pudiera impactar.Literature Literature
We can only hope to collide with moments of un-selfconsciousness this divine fatigue, this...
Tan sólo podemos esperar colisionar con momentos de naturalidad esa fatiga divina, esa...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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