to daze oor Spaans

to daze

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to be in a daze
estar aturdido


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Two tix to Dazed and Confused.
Dos entradas para " Movida del 76 ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Upon its height were raised the temples and funerary monuments to daze the imagination of his subjects.
En su cima se edificaron los templos y monumentos funerarios que habían de aturdir la imaginación de sus súbditos.Literature Literature
It was not a hard blow, not really enough to daze him.
No fue un golpe duro, no lo suficiente para alterarle.Literature Literature
Hard enough to daze him.
Lo suficiente para aturdirlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They were naked without his gauntlets, and they had the power to daze her with one touch.
Estaban desnudas sin los guanteletes y tenían el poder de obnubilarla con un solo roce.Literature Literature
The first blow to her back had been enough to daze her, the second to disorient.
El primer golpe en la espalda había bastado para dejarla aturdida; el segundo consiguió desorientarla.Literature Literature
Thoughts of that night always had the power to daze and stun her.
Pensar en lo ocurrido aquella noche siempre tenía el poder de deslumbrarla y aturdirla.Literature Literature
Ang Matthews was forever handing out free Life Memberships to dazed white-haired people.
Ang Matthews siempre andaba repartiendo carnés de socio vitalicios gratuitos a gente aturdida con el pelo blanqueado.Literature Literature
People went from indignation to shock to dazed worship.
La gente pasó de la indignación al shock y luego a la asombrada reverencia.Literature Literature
The sound of the music, the odor of flowers and of Arabian perfumes, began to daze her.
Pronto comenzó a sentir los efectos de la música, del aroma, de las flores y de los perfumes de Arabia.Literature Literature
I snarled and went forward, blades cutting half-circles in the air, hoping to daze him, disorientate him.
Gruñí y avancé, describiendo semicírculos con las hojas en el aire, con la esperanza de aturdirlo, desorientarlo.Literature Literature
I hopped into a taxi and headed over to Daze.
Subí a un taxi y me dirigí al Daze.Literature Literature
To his horror, he watched her expression change from stricken to dazed in the space of a few seconds.
Para su terror, su expresión había cambiado de acongojada a aturdida en cuestión de segundos.Literature Literature
That, too, returns from out the winter’s air, Like an hallucination come to daze The corner of the eye.
Eso también retorna, salido del invierno y de su aire, igual que una alucinación venida a deslumbrar el rabillo del ojo.Literature Literature
Instead they were walking up to dazed and bleeding wolves, and smashing them in the backs of their heads.
En su lugar, iban acercándose a los lobos aturdidos y sangrando y les golpeaban en la parte posterior de sus cabezas.Literature Literature
Maritime light was spraying up off the naked concrete, maritime light and heat to daze and irritate the unwary.
La luz marítima se reflejaba en el asfalto desnudo, luz marítima y calor para deslumbrar e irritar a los incautos.Literature Literature
His caressing voice had the power to daze and enchant her, but his tenderness made her want to cry.
Su voz acariciadora tenía el poder de aturdiría y encantarla, en cambio su ternura le infundía deseos de llorar.Literature Literature
By the time they were pulling into the King James Mall, both were belting out the lyrics toDazed and Confused.”
Cuando llegaron al centro comercial King James, ambos cantaban ya a voz en grito las letras de Dazed and Confused.Literature Literature
He began to feel dazed, and anxious to get out of the painfully beautiful vision.
Empezó a sentir que perdía el control, que necesitaba bajarse de aquella visión bella y dolorosa.Literature Literature
He confessed to feeling dazed at a return to ‘the large canvas and the big brushes’.
Confesó que se sentía extraño al haber regresado al «gran lienzo y a los pinceles gruesos».Literature Literature
He began to be too dazed to think clearly and ceased very much to care what would happen to him.
Empezaba ya a sentirse demasiado agotado para poder pensar con claridad y dejó de preocuparse por el futuro.Literature Literature
Tom said to the dazed Dickens, “Chief, what is it you said to her?”
Tom le preguntó al aturdido Dickens: –Jefe, ¿qué es lo que le ha dicho?Literature Literature
Somehow Sara made her way to the ballroom, too dazed to think about what would happen next.
* * * De algún modo Sara se dirigió al salón de baile, demasiado aturdida para pensar que pasaría después.Literature Literature
Instead, he allowed Iris to drag him, half-dazed, to a bar.
En cambio, dejó que Iris lo arrastrara, medio aturdido, a un bar.Literature Literature
He stood there swaying, trying to force his dazed mind to comprehend that he was still alive.
Se quedó allí balanceándose, tratando de forzar a su mente aturdida para que comprendiera que aún estaba vivo.Literature Literature
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