to depose oor Spaans

to depose

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


If you want to depose him, I suggest we adjourn...
Si quieren que declare, levantemos la sesión, y volvamos con un taquígrafo mañana.




So I got ready for a reaction to a potential intervention rather than to depose a president.
Entonces yo me preparé màs para una reacción a una intervención que para derrocar a un presidente.

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Genya had played a key role in the Darkling’s plot to depose the King.
Genya había jugado un papel clave en el plan del Oscuro para derrocar al Rey.Literature Literature
"""It seemed the sensible thing to do, to depose the plaintiffs here since they live close by."
Parecía lo más sensato, ya que todos los demandantes viven cerca de aquí.Literature Literature
“No, I want you to depose him, Ghreni.”
Quiero que tú lo derroques, Ghreni.Literature Literature
They mean to depose the king and tear up his treaty with Rome.’
Quieren deponer al rey y romper su tratado con Roma.Literature Literature
Skirgaila proved unpopular and Vytautas attempted to depose him.
Skirgaila, poco a poco fue ganando impopularidad, y Vitautas intentó deponerlo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The same for refusal to depose.
Lo mismo por no querer atestiguar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Lublin, there �ere strikers who wanted to depose the czar.
En Lublin había huelguistas que pretendían derrocar al zar.Literature Literature
"""Raven moved to depose a guy named Erno Erdai, who you supposedly knew,"" she said."
—Raven quiere hacer testificar a un tipo llamado Erno Erdai, a quien en teoría conoces —le explicó.Literature Literature
But to depose a king and strip him for ever of his vested authority was an important action.
Pero deponer a un rey y despojarlo para siempre de su autoridad es un acto de extrema gravedad.Literature Literature
The first thing is to depose Richard.
Lo primero es deponer a Ricardo.Literature Literature
That it may be permitted to him to depose emperors.
Que se le permita destituir a los emperadores.Literature Literature
“Perhaps, like Wyclif, you would like to depose the pope,” Portehors suggested sarcastically.
—Quizá desees, al igual que Wyclif, destituir al Papa —sugirió Portehors sarcásticamente.Literature Literature
And yet it was dangerous to depose the rightful heir and set up another in his place.
Y sin embargo, era peligroso apartar al heredero legítimo e instalar a otro en su lugar.Literature Literature
“You’d vote to depose the king?”
—¿Votarías a favor de destronar al rey?Literature Literature
We don't just want to depose Morsi, just like we didn't only want to depose Mubarak.
No sólo queremos deponer a Morsi, igual que no sólo queríamos deponer a a Mubarak.QED QED
In December 2011, a group of parliamentarians sought to depose the current Speaker, Mr.
En diciembre de 2011, un grupo de parlamentarios trató de derrocar al actual Presidente, Sr.UN-2 UN-2
There was also a plot against me, your father, to depose or exile me.”
Existió también un complot contra mí, encaminado a deponerme o exiliarme.Literature Literature
There’ve been rioting and threats to depose me.
Ha habido disturbios y amenazas de derrocarme.Literature Literature
" and to stir up war to depose said king from title...
" fomentado la guerra para deponer a dicho rey de su titulo...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They had to depose one guy in Jamaica, so 14 lawyers fly down.
Iban a tener una firma en Jamaica, asi que 14 abogados volaron allá.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The same people would try to depose her as well.
Esa misma gente intentaría deponerla también a ella.Literature Literature
But Kennedy decided to use the CIA to depose him.
Pese a ello, Kennedy decidió utilizar a la CIA para derrocarle.Literature Literature
The only thing that matters is to depose him.
Lo único que importa es derrocarle.Literature Literature
“He wants to depose Downs as a witness in a personal-injury suit.
– Quiere citar a Downs como testigo en un juicio por daños personales.Literature Literature
Maybe the police had lied to Mrs Barnum and told her Kananbala was about to depose against her?
¿Habría mentido quizá la policía a la señora Barnum, asegurándole que Kananbala iba a declarar contra ella?Literature Literature
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