to distract oor Spaans

to distract

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Once the student begins, try to distract him or her from looking at the item.
Cuando comience a hacerlo, intente distraerlo para que desvíe la mirada.


Tom tried to distract the guards so Mary would have a chance to escape.
Tom trató de distraer a los guardias para que María tuviera una oportunidad de escapar.


It's nice to have something to distract you while your husband's gone.
Está bien tener algo con que distraerse mientras tu marido no está.


We are not here to distract or to entertain anybody.
No estamos aquí para distraer ni para entretener a nadie.

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to be distracted
distraer · distraerse
to get distracted
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She quickly took a sip of wine to distract herself.
Bebió rápidamente un sorbo de vino para distraerse.Literature Literature
One of those women who knew how to distract you from their flaws with expensive haircuts and makeup.
Una de esas chicas que saben ocultar sus defectos con cortes de pelo y maquillaje caros.Literature Literature
It’s easiest to distract and then destroy.
Es más fácil distraer que destruir–.Literature Literature
“I didn’t want to distract your attention away from the other two warriors you were battling.”
—No quería alejar tu atención de los dos guerreros con los que estabas luchando.Literature Literature
I turned around to distract myself and looked at the fireplace.
Me di la vuelta para distraerme y me quedé mirando la chimenea.Literature Literature
The thought of touching you, kissing you, making love to you, was driving me to distraction.
La idea de tocarte, de besarte, de hacerte el amor me estaba volviendo loco.Literature Literature
It was almost enough to distract me.
Fue casi suficiente como para distraerme.Literature Literature
John needed to distract her somehow.
Era necesaio distraer a Caroline de alguna forma.Literature Literature
Cade and I used to have burping contests to distract her.
Cade y yo solíamos hacer concursos de eructos para distraerla.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
So, I said the first thing that came to mind that was sure to distract him.
Así que dije lo primero que me vino a la cabeza y que sabía que lo distraería.Literature Literature
Einar concentrated, not allowing her to distract him.
Einar se concentró intentando que ella no le distrajera.Literature Literature
Sings “Che gelida manina” to distract his mind from the pain.
Canta Che gelida manina para no pensar en el dolor.Literature Literature
He turned to the other box to distract himself.
Miró la otra caja para distraerse.Literature Literature
“If they’re looking to distract people, maybe you could suggest other . . . opportunities.
—Si lo que pretenden es distraer al pueblo, quizá deberías sugerir otras... posibilidades.Literature Literature
It was to distract us, at least for a while, from looking further.”
Una especie de señuelo para distraernos, al menos durante un tiempo, para impedir que sigamos buscando.Literature Literature
He knew he was simply trying to distract himself from his hopeless passion for Ulrika.
Sabía que no estaba haciendo otra cosa que intentar distraerse de la desesperanzadora pasión que sentía por Ulrika.Literature Literature
He turns on the radio to distract himself.
Enciende la radio para distraerse.Literature Literature
The Christians’ words were clearly designed only to distract and to deceive.
La palabra de los cristianos no era más que una treta para distraer y engañar.Literature Literature
Without anybody talking to distract him, it seemed like a fire drill at an empty school.
Sin nadie que le hablara para distraerle, parecía un simulacro de incendio en un colegio vacío.Literature Literature
She bit her lip and looked around, frantically searching for something to distract him.
Ella se mordió el labio y miró a su alrededor, buscando desesperada algo para distraerlo.Literature Literature
Go to Enid, Ramses, and try to distract her for a few minutes.""
Acércate a Enid, Ramsés, y trata de distraerla unos minutosLiterature Literature
She vacillated, part of her wanting to cry out to the person or try to distract the hawk.
Vaciló; una parte de ella deseaba gritar a la persona o desviar al halcón.Literature Literature
Sara asked, trying to distract me.
—me preguntó Sara, para distraerme.Literature Literature
Anything to distract himself from thoughts of Kaia and how sad she’d sounded just before he’d left her.
Cualquier cosa para distraerse y no pensar en Kaia, y en lo triste que se había quedado cuando él se marchó.Literature Literature
To distract myself, I thought back to the encounter with Fritz McCabe.
Con tal de pensar en otra cosa, recordé mi encuentro con Fritz McCabe.Literature Literature
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