to feel resentful oor Spaans

to feel resentful

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estar resentido

Trying not to feel resentful.
Intento no estar resentida

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He forgot to feel resentful that she had destroyed his beautiful house.
No sintió ningún resentimiento contra ella por haber destruido su hermosa casa.Literature Literature
The whole thing was ridiculous, and he began to feel resentful at being singled out.
Todo aquello era ridículo, y empezó a sentirse un poco resentido por el hecho de que lo dejaran solo.Literature Literature
While they were not surprised, many Spaniards began to feel resentful of this Genoese invasion.
Aunque no los cogiese por sorpresa, muchos españoles empezaron a ver con malos ojos esta «invasión» genovesa.Literature Literature
“‘Like a kind of animal,’ he said,” Aghion thought, and belatedly began to feel resentful.
«Como una especie de animalitos», había dicho, y Aghion siguió reflexionando contra semejante idea.Literature Literature
Lottie didn’t have the energy to feel resentful about it.
Lottie carecía de la energía suficiente para sentirse enojada por ello.Literature Literature
She stopped and looked at the lower right-hand corner of the printout, trying not to feel resentful.
Se detuvo y miró la esquina inferior derecha del impreso, intentando pasar por alto su propio resentimiento.Literature Literature
As you know, you must have feelings to start with in order to feel resentment or hatred.
Estoy seguro de que sabe, que debe haber sentimientos de por medio para poder sentir furia o resentimiento.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Okay,” Kidd said, expecting to feel resentment, but experiencing a different anxiety altogether.
—De acuerdo —dijo Chicco, esperando sentir resentimiento, pero experimentando una ansiedad completamente distinta.Literature Literature
You'd think that it would be hard to feel resentful of people you never knew, but you can.
Cualquiera pensaría que es difícil sentirse resentido con gente a la que nunca se conoció, pero se puede.Literature Literature
Wunderly thought she ought to feel resentment toward Cardenas, but she knew she didn’t.
Wunderly pensó que debía sentir rencor hacia Cardenas, pero sabía que no era así.Literature Literature
It was hard not to feel resentful.
Era duro no para sentir resentido.Literature Literature
The natives are bound to feel resentment that they have been left to the mercy of the invader.'
Seguro que los habitantes del lugar están resentidos por haber sido abandonados a merced de los invasores.Literature Literature
It was not uncommon to feel resentment toward people with simpler, more mundane lives.
No era raro sentir resentimiento hacia la gente con una vida más sencilla y prosaica.Literature Literature
I'm bound to feel resentment over time.
Estoy atado a sentir resentimiento todo el tiempo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In any case, I'll look him up before I leave the island,' Elisa replied, beginning to feel resentful.
De cualquier manera, volveré a verlo antes de irme de la isla —contestó Elisa.Literature Literature
He expected to feel resentment, jealousy.
Esperaba sentir rencor, celos.Literature Literature
Too young to feel resentment against her captors, Vry had been fascinated by everything in Oldorando.
Demasiado niña para tener algún resentimiento contra sus captores, a Vry todo le había fascinado en Oldorando.Literature Literature
Little by little we lose our innocence; we start to feel resentment, then we no longer forgive.
Poco a poco perdemos nuestra inocencia; empezamos a sentir resentimiento, y después, ya no perdonamos más.Literature Literature
Just try not to feel resentment against me or against Julian.
Procura no sentirte resentido ni conmigo ni con Julian.Literature Literature
It relaxed me not to feel resentment or sexual tension.
Me relajó el no sentir resentimiento ni tensión sexual.Literature Literature
He had been her community policeman for five years, and she had much to feel resentful for.
Ingram era el policía de aquella comunidad desde hacía cinco años, y ella tenía muchos motivos para estar resentida.Literature Literature
She tries not to feel resentful.
Intenta no sentirse resentida.Literature Literature
It was hard not to feel resentful though.
Era difícil no estar resentida, sin embargo.Literature Literature
"""It's a reason for a healthy man to feel resentment."""
—Es una razón para que un hombre saludable se sienta insatisfecho.Literature Literature
There are women who even after they’re no longer adolescents continue to feel resentment towards their mother.
Hay mujeres que, hasta habiendo salido de la adolescencia, siguen manteniendo el resentimiento contra su madre.Literature Literature
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