to find out that oor Spaans

to find out that

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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It's very sad to find out that all of our plans were in vain.
Es muy triste saber que todos nuestros planes fueron en vano.

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I want you to make a trial to find out that there’s a difference.
Quiero que hagan una prueba para encontrar que hay una diferencia.Literature Literature
It’s very disquieting to find out that the objects of your good deed may be unworthy of it.
Resulta muy perturbador descubrir que los beneficiarios de una buena obra son indignos de ella.Literature Literature
You just didn’t want your family to find out that you were really in love with Leo.”
Lo que te pasaba era que no querías que tu familia descubriera que estabas enamorado de Leo.Literature Literature
He's still your child and he's going to find out that he needs you more than ever.
Sigue siendo su hijo y va a descubrir... que la necesita más que nunca.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It wasn’t difficult to find out that Marmot lived on his own.
Es fácil saber que Marmot vivía solo.Literature Literature
I know what it feels like to find out that someone you trusted lied to you.
Sé lo que se siente al enterarse de que alguien en quien confías te ha mentido.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“It must have been upsetting for you to find out that the police were looking for you.”
—Tiene que haber sido tremendo para ti saber que la policía te buscaba.Literature Literature
“Didn’t you know I was going to find out that you’re still fucking him?”
—¿No sabías que me enteraría de que sigues follando con él?Literature Literature
I was surprised to find out that he was much older than I had thought.
Aunque la sorpresa fue descubrir que era mucho mayor de lo que yo creía.Literature Literature
No, I had to find out that for myself.’
No, lo tuve que descubrir por mi cuenta.Literature Literature
Imagine the fallout if the public were to find out that...
Imagina el efecto si el público se entera...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How, then, are we ever to find out that they are two?
¿Cómo, pues, haremos siempre para resolver que son dos?Literature Literature
But you're going to find out that nobody is forcing you to do this.
Pero vas a descubrir que nadie te obliga a hacerlo.Literature Literature
I don’t want to fall in love to find out that it’s all a lie.
No quiero enamorarme y descubrir después que todo es mentira.Literature Literature
A dangerous thing to find out, that he could bring her to the point of wanting him.
Era realmente peligroso saber que él podía llevarla a un punto en el que lo deseara.Literature Literature
I was sad to find out that you have a nice little French girlfriend.
estaba triste al saber que tienes una novia francesa poco agradable.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To find out that everyone hates me?
¿Descubrir que me odian?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘I’m scared I’m going to find out that Matteo is married.
–Me da miedo descubrir que Matteo se ha casado.Literature Literature
Jessi was so excited to find out that her mother is really alive.
Jessi estaba muy emocionada de saber que su madre está viva.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Did you take any steps to find out that the cash went to Mrs Warren eventually?"""
—¿Y tomó usted ciertas medidas para asegurarse de que el dinero había ido a parar a manos de la señora Warren?Literature Literature
I’d hate to find out that you have a fiancée and twelve kids.’
No me gustaría enterarme de que tienes una novia y doce hijosLiterature Literature
If I'm right, I want you to find out that I'm right.
Sé que tengo razón.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It shouldn’t have taken that long to find out that Brub was in the neighborhood.
No debería haberle llevado tanto tiempo averiguar que Brub estaba en el barrio.Literature Literature
And she’d come to find out that he was possessed by purest evil.
Y entonces descubrió que estaba poseído por el mal.Literature Literature
It wouldn’t surprise Zael to find out that The Chair could do anything.
No le sorprendería a Zael descubrir que la silla podía hacer cualquier cosa.Literature Literature
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