to fraternize oor Spaans

to fraternize

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


My husband says it is already dangerous to fraternize with the court.
Mi marido dice que ahora resulta peligroso confraternizar con la Corte.


Just because you choose not to fraternize with the support staff, doesn't mean others don't.
Sólo por que hayas elegido no fraternizar con el personal de apoyo, no significa que otros sí.

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So, yes, I'm ready to plead guilty to fraternization.
Sí, me declaro culpable de confraternización.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He would interrupt a serious conference with his apostles to fraternize with an intruding child.
Interrumpía una importante conferencia con sus apóstoles para fraternizar con un niño inoportuno.Literature Literature
Here was France coming to fraternize with them.
Era Francia que venía á fraternizar con ellos.Literature Literature
Why won't you drink a toast to fraternity?
¿Por qué no bebe una copa más por fraternidad?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We are sharing these drinks, encouraging one spirit to fraternize with another in a reckless way.
Compartimos estas copas y fomentamos, de forma temeraria, el espíritu de confraternizaciónLiterature Literature
And it wouldn't be much of a punishment if I was able to fraternize with the general pop.
Y no sería un castigo de verdad si se me permitiese alternar con los civiles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You’re not to fraternize with the locals.
No podéis relacionaros con los lugareños.Literature Literature
And it's against the rules for prisoners to fraternize sexually while in custody.
Es contra las reglas que los prisioneros tengan contacto sexual al estar presos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And hearts, as we all know, by their own nature . . . tend to fraternize.
Y los corazones, ya se sabe, por su natural... tiran a hermanarse.Literature Literature
Aruk, his fiefdom... but his daughter couldn't be permitted to fraternize with the locals.
Aruk era su feudo... pero a su hija no le estaba permitido confraternizar con los isleños.Literature Literature
They had no wish to fraternize with people they had once tried to kill.
No sentían el menor deseo de confraternizar con unos hombres a los que en otro tiempo habían intentado matar.Literature Literature
We try not to fraternize while we’re working.”
Procuramos no confraternizar cuando estamos trabajando.Literature Literature
Russian soldiers were encouraged to fraternize with troops of the Central Powers.
Se incitaba a los soldados rusos a confraternizar con las tropas de las Potencias Centrales.Literature Literature
And yet might this not be an opportunity to fraternize with the - enemy?
¿No sería fraternizar con el enemigo?Literature Literature
Look, I don't like to fraternize so let's keep this strictly professional. Okay?
Mire, Monty, no me gusta fraternizar, mantengamos esto profesional, ¿sí?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You seem far too busy when you’re in port to fraternize with the local inhabitants.”
Cuando estáis en el puerto se os ve demasiado ocupado para confraternizar con los habitantes del lugar.Literature Literature
German soldiers were encouraged to fraternize with Danish women, who were also considered pure Aryan.
Se animó a los soldados alemanes a fraternizar con mujeres danesas, que también eran consideradas arias puras.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It'd be good for you to fraternize a little.
Seria bueno que tú fraternizaras, un poco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We're not allowed to fraternize with enlisted females, you know that.
Está prohibido unirse con compañeras, lo sabe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Delarua, that government officials are not encouraged to fraternize with colleagues.
—Delarua, ¿eres consciente de que los empleados del gobierno no deben confraternizar con sus colegas?Literature Literature
I'm not allowed to fraternize with our customers.
No se me permite fraternizar con los clientes.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The man was paid to deliver food, not to fraternize with guests.
Le pagaban por servir la comida, no por confraternizar con los clientes.Literature Literature
“You going to fraternize with the competition, Kelsey, or are you going to do your job?”
¿Qué piensas hacer, Kelsey, confraternizar con la competencia o hacer tu trabajo?Literature Literature
Well, Mauli and Mick have been a superb team, and Jeran and Cera accustomed me to fraternal language.
Bueno, Mauli y Mick han sido un equipo excelente, y Jeran y Cera están acostumbrados al lenguaje fraternal.Literature Literature
It is best not to fraternize with a prisoner.""
Es mejor no confraternizar con un prisionero.Literature Literature
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