to get at oor Spaans

to get at

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


They'll have to weaken their defenses to get at Gregory.
Abandonarán sus defensas costeras para atacar a Gregory.


What are you going to get at the train store, Sheldon?
¿Qué vas a comprar en la tienda de trenes, Sheldon?


So researchers will need to unravel that natural variability to get at the part humans are responsible for.'
Por tanto, los investigadores tendrán que desenmarañar la variabilidad natural para establecer cuál es la parte de la que son responsables los seres humanos.»

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Soortgelyke frases

we have to get up at eight
hay que levantarse a las ocho
you have to get up at eight
hay que levantarse a las ocho
to get up early at weekends
levantarse temprano los fines de semana
to get mad at
enojarse con
they plan to get married at the end of the year
tienen planeado casarse a fin de año
to get back at
vengarse de
at the airport, we're going to get in line to
en el aeropuerto, vamos a hacer cola para
it kills me having to get up at this time
me mata tener que levantarme a estas horas


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I wouldn't put it past them to chew through the bricks to get at us.
No me extrañaría que masticara los ladrillos para llegar a nosotros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm afraid you are gonna need an advanced degree in genetics to get at those answers.
Me temo que necesitarás un curso avanzado en genética para obtener esas respuestas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Somebody was trying to get at her research.
Alguien estaba tratando de llegar a su investigación.Literature Literature
It’s near the top, hard to get at.
Está cerca del techo; muy difícil de alcanzar.Literature Literature
The intestines had been displaced, perhaps again to get at the womb.”
Los intestinos han sido desplazados, quizá también para llegar al útero.Literature Literature
K: I do; I don’t understand it fully, but I want to get at the root of something.
Krishnamurti: Yo sí; no lo entiendo completamente, pero quiero llegar a la raíz de algo.Literature Literature
You could see they were all on edge to get at them.
Se veía que estaban ansiosos de llegar a ellos.Literature Literature
If I was in prison, it would be tougher for him to get at me.
Si yo iba a prisión, le iba a resultar más difícil cogerme.Literature Literature
But I could see how he thought he was trying to get at you through me.
Pero advertí cómo él creía estar accediendo a ti a través de mí.Literature Literature
Maybe somebody wanted to get at us and took that horrible way of doing it.”
Puede que alguien quisiera perjudicarnos y buscó ese horrible medio para hacerlo.Literature Literature
Something else for them to get at us for: another privilege for the Brussels bureaucrats!
Nos lo echarán también en cara: un privilegio más para los funcionarios de Bruselas.Literature Literature
He just really wanted to get at how long the altercation with Noakes had lasted.
Solo quería saber cuánto había durado el altercado con Noakes.Literature Literature
I would never use you to get at somebody.
Yo nunca te usaría para vengarme de nadie.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
" It's hard to get at the pork when the chairman's hogging the trough. "
" Es difícil conseguir el puerco cuando el jefe acapara el comedero ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But there are ways to get at you, reacher.
Pero hay maneras de hacerte daño.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I don't know what you're trying to get at.
No sé a dónde intentas llegar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But Brenda, I can’t wait to get at her.
Respecto a Brenda, no puedo esperar más para echarme sobre ella.Literature Literature
Sam was always trying to get at the root of the human heart.
Sam siempre estuvo tratando de llegar a la raíz del corazón humano.Literature Literature
If the rabbit had pulled the bag over to get at the food, it certainly hadn’t righted it.
Si el conejo lo había derribado para poder llegar a la comida, con toda seguridad no podía haberlo puesto de pie.Literature Literature
“I was feeding them and the little one tried to get at their food.”
Les estaba echando comida y el pequeño ha intentado comer también.Literature Literature
“And you were able to get at its memory bank?”
—¿Y pudo usted introducirse en su banco de memoria?Literature Literature
Susan tries to get at Mike's early to help him but Edie has arrived unexpectedly before her.
Susan trata de llegar temprano para ayudar a Mike (y evadir a Edie), pero Edie llegó antes que ella.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The other part, the part that I've been trying to get at all night, is the rage.
Y la otra parte, que estuve buscando toda la noche, es la ira.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I am using him to get at HIVE.
Lo estoy usando para llegar a HIVE.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They all want to get at me, kill me, see?
Todos van tras de mí, quieren notarme, ¿entiendes?Literature Literature
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