to get divorced from oor Spaans

to get divorced from

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Now I have to get divorced from her or kill her before Ulla gets to the States.”
Ahora debo divorciarme de ella, o matarla, antes de que Ulla llegue a Estados Unidos.Literature Literature
I'm likely to get divorced from my husband without him knowing anything about it.
Seguramente se me concederá el divorcio de un hombre que no tiene ni idea de este divorcio.Literature Literature
“Let’s start with this: how did Mary Carson come to get divorced from her husband?
—Comencemos con una pregunta: ¿Cómo llegó a producirse el divorcio de Mary Carson y su marido?Literature Literature
I knew it because she’d never bothered to get divorced from my father all those years ago.
Yo lo sabía porque ella nunca se había molestado en divorciarse de mi padre.Literature Literature
Whereas Sonal has lost all faith in marriage and is here to get divorced from Samit.
Mientras que Sonal ha perdido toda la fe en el matrimonio y está aquí para divorciarse de Samit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He never says that he wants to get divorced from this Amanda, or that we should hold off on the wedding until then.
En ningún momento me ha dicho que quiera divorciarse de esa Amanda, ni que retrasemos la boda hasta entonces—.Literature Literature
"""Arabella has actually written to ask me to get a divorce from her — in kindness to her, she says."
Arabella me ha escrito para pedirme que solicite el divorcio: le haría un gran favor, dice.Literature Literature
She tried to get a divorce from him to put in with you but he wouldn't give it to her.
El rumor dice que ella trató de obtener el divorcio de él, para así poder irse contigo, y que él no se lo concedió.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He remembered hearing that she was trying to get a divorce from Jim Bonny.
Recordó haber oído que la muchacha trataba de obtener el divorcio de Jim BonnyLiterature Literature
It was Edmund, and he said he was going to get a divorce from Mag.
Era Edmund, diciéndole que iba a divorciarse de Mag.Literature Literature
It seems foolish to get a divorce from a dead man.
Parece ridículo divorciarse de un muerto.Literature Literature
I signed the lease because I wasn’t ready to get a divorcefrom my building.
Firmé el contrato porque no estaba preparada para divorciarme... de mi edificio.Literature Literature
Meanwhile, she was well on her way to getting a divorce from her husband.”
Mientras tanto, ya ella había progresado bastante en los arreglos para divorciarse de su esposo.”jw2019 jw2019
We shall have to get you divorced from Glabius, obviously
Obviamente tendremos que divorciarte de Glabioopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
“True confession title: Mother went to Reno to get a divorce from reality.”
Verdadero título de la confesión: «Mamá fue a Reno a divorciarse de la realidad».Literature Literature
He was crazy about her, and his idea was to get a divorce from his wife and marry Elsa.
Estaba loco por ella y su intención era divorciarse y casarse con Elsa.Literature Literature
He said he was really sick and tired of it and wanted to get a divorce from Signora Maria.
Dijo que estaba hasta las narices, y que quería divorciarse de la señora Maria.Literature Literature
It had been necessary to get a divorce from her Bob on grounds of desertion, but that was easily managed.
Había tenido que divorciarse de Bob alegando abandono, pero aquello no resultó demasiado complicado.Literature Literature
I came back alone to America, to tell my family that I was going to get a divorce from Al.
Volví sola a América para comunicar a mi familia que me divorciaba de Al.Literature Literature
As he was united in marriage legally to three wives, he needed to get a divorce from two of them.
Puesto que estaba unido en matrimonio legal con tres esposas, necesitaba obtener un divorcio de dos de ellas.jw2019 jw2019
She travels to Reno to get a divorce from Johnny, but he tracks her down to Jodie and holds her hostage to lure Jake.
Viaja a Reno para divorciarse de Johnny, pero él la sigue hasta Jodie y la toma de rehén para atraer a Jake.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He wanted to leave his wife and children, he wanted me to get a divorce from my husband and marry him.
Quería abandonar a su mujer y a sus hijos; quería que me divorciase de mi marido y me casara con él.Literature Literature
I just found out my new patient is about to get a divorce from Ben, who's gonna be here in 15 minutes.
Acabo de enterarme de que mi nueva paciente se va a divorciar de Ben, que va a estar aquí en 15 minutos,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Neri learned what had happened and paid his debt to his father-in-law by agreeing to get a divorce from Rita.
El primero supo lo que había sucedido y, en prueba de agradecimiento, consintió en divorciarse de Rita.Literature Literature
Laszio told me about her being married to Vukcic and getting divorced from him some years ago to marry Laszio.
La señora Laszio me dijo que estuvo casada con Vukcic y que se divorció de él hace unos años para casarse con Laszio.Literature Literature
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