to get into bed oor Spaans

to get into bed

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


There must be a million women who'd be excited to get into bed with you.
Debe haber un millón de mujeres que querrían acostarse contigo.

meterse en la cama

He didn't mean to get into bed with you.
No fue su intención meterse en la cama contigo.

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They're just not willing to get into bed with you.
No están dispuestas a trabajar contigo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘And you want to get into bed with the Suns?’
—¿Y quieres meterte en la cama con los Sun?Literature Literature
She guessed it wouldn’t enter his head to get into bed any other way.
Supuso que a él no le entraba en la cabeza meterse en la cama de otra manera.Literature Literature
"""Do you want to get into bed with me?"""
—¿Quieres meterte en la cama conmigo?Literature Literature
He probably tried to get into bed with her and that was not part of her dream.
Probablemente intentó meterse en la cama con ella, y aquello no entraba en el sueño de ella.Literature Literature
Franny said she was going to get into bed and read.
Franny anunció que se iba a leer a la cama.Literature Literature
Rook never once tried to get into bed with us.
Rook no intentó subirse a la cama en ningún momento.Literature Literature
But I would like to get into bed with you.”
Pero me gustaría acostarme contigo.Literature Literature
Sanjeev continued to look for his tickets at home before agreeing to get into bed.
Sanjeev continuó buscando sus billetes en casa antes de acceder a meterse en la cama.Literature Literature
I wasn’t kidding—I really was willing to shoot him just to get into bed sooner.
—No estaba bromeando; me moría de ganas de pegarle un tiro solo para poder acostarme cuanto antes.Literature Literature
And you’ve got to ‘kind of date him to get into bed with him, right?”
Y para eso tienes que «algo así» como salir con él, ¿no?Literature Literature
The people we have to get into bed with to get a movie made.
La gente con la que tenemos que ir a la cama para hacer una película.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You always this easy to get into bed?”
—¿Siempre es así de fácil conseguirte en la cama?Literature Literature
Sebastian had a feeling she would be more difficult to get into bed, but probably worth the effort.
Sebastian sintió que debía de ser mucho más difícil llevársela a la cama, pero suponía que merecería la pena.Literature Literature
I can't tell you what it was like to get into bed and know I was alone.
No puedo decirle lo que se sintió meterse en la cama y saber que estaba sola.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Might explain why he’d be keen to get into bed with Anthony Brough.
—Eso explicaría por qué quiere meterse en la cama con Anthony Brough.Literature Literature
If he tries to get into bed with you, tell him nicely to go away.
Cuando el señorito intente meterse en su cama, dígale, así, con buena educación, que se vaya.Literature Literature
Yolanda didn’t want to get into bed, so the nurse helped her into a chair.
Yolanda rechazó meterse en la cama y la enfermera la ayudó a acomodarse en un sillón.Literature Literature
It was only when he was about to get into bed that he snapped out of his reverie.
Sólo cuando ya estaba a punto de meterse en la cama, logró arrancarse de su ensueño.Literature Literature
Then someone switched the light on to get into bed .
De repente, alguien encendió la luz para irse a la cama.Literature Literature
Jess just liked telling her to get into bed.
Pero a Jess le gustaba decirle que se metiera en la cama.Literature Literature
Lucky took the opportunity to get into bed.
Lucky aprovechó la oportunidad para meterse en cama.Literature Literature
It had been an exhausting day and she would be glad to get into bed.
Había sido un día agotador y estaría encantada de meterse en la cama.Literature Literature
Dude took off his shoes and coat and waited for Bessie to get into bed.
Dude se quitó los zapatos y la chaqueta y esperó a que Bessie se acostara.Literature Literature
He wanted to get into bed and be asleep before it was light.
Quería meterse en la cama y estar dormido antes de que amaneciera.Literature Literature
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