to get light oor Spaans

to get light

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


It started to get light around 5:30.
Comenzó a aclarar cerca de las 5:30.

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Then he noticed that it was beginning to get light.
Luego observó que empezaba a clarear.Literature Literature
Dentists use them with flashlights to get light where they want it.
Los dentistas las usan con linternas para hacer que la luz llegue donde desean.Literature Literature
As soon as it began to get light I prepared feverishly for my first venture out.
En cuanto empezó a hacerse de día me preparé febrilmente para mi primera aventura en el exterior.Literature Literature
And there's other genetic tricks you can play in order to get light-activated cells.
Y hay otros trucos genéticos a los que recurrir para obtener células foto-activadas.ted2019 ted2019
It was starting to get light out.
Estaba empezando a oscurecer.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To get light... by a girl.
Con una chica.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Look, it's starting to get light out
Mira, empieza a oscurecerOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Three hours to Toronto, it started to get light early, as it does in summer.”
Tres horas hasta Toronto, ya había amanecido, porque era a principios de verano.Literature Literature
He began to get light-headed and decided to stop thinking so hard.
Empezó a sentirse aturdido y decidió dejar de pensar tanto.Literature Literature
In two or two and a half hours it will start to get light.
Dentro de dos horas, dos horas y media, comenzará a amanecer.Literature Literature
“What’s the only way to get light, short of the sun?”
—¿Qué es lo único que proporciona luz, aparte del sol?Literature Literature
Barely light outside; he had to open the curtain to get light enough to find his trousers.
Afuera apenas había luz; debió abrir la cortina para ver dónde había dejado los pantalones.Literature Literature
Outside it’s just starting to get light.
Afuera está empezando a despuntar el día.Literature Literature
The next day, reflecting upon his nocturnal adventure, he resolved to get light on it.
Al día siguiente, reflexionando acerca de su aventura nocturna, resolvió hacer algunas aclaraciones.Literature Literature
It was beginning to get light when he walked down Madison Avenue.
Estaba amaneciendo cuando llegó a la Avenida Madison.Literature Literature
Do you want to wait for it to get light?
¿Queréis que esperemos a que amanezca?Literature Literature
I finally fall asleep as it’s starting to get light out.
Hasta que al final me duermo, cuando ya está clareando.Literature Literature
By now, at last, it was beginning to get light at the Majestic.
Empezaba a entrar, por fin, la claridad en el Majestic.Literature Literature
It was beginning to get light when we arrived at the company premises to collect the caravan.
Estaba empezando a haber luz cuando llegamos a las instalaciones de la empresa para recoger la caravana.Literature Literature
'the sky won't start to get light for another hour yet.
El cielo no comenzará a iluminarse hasta dentro de una hora.Literature Literature
Finally it starts to get light out, and the plane’s engines change their tone.
Por fin empieza a clarear y los motores del avión cambian de tono.Literature Literature
It begins to get light and a thick, white mist covers the whole landscape.
Empieza a clarear y una niebla blanca y espesa cubre todo el paisaje.Literature Literature
At five-thirty, as it started to get light, the conversation was still going.
A las cinco y media, cuando empezaba a clarear, la conversación proseguía.Literature Literature
It would start to get light in a little more than an hour.
Empezaría a clarear en menos de una hora.Literature Literature
“Let’s wait for it to get light,” Juan whispered: suddenly his throat had gone dry and was burning.
– Esperemos que amanezca -susurró Juan: de golpe su garganta se había secado y le ardía-.Literature Literature
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