to give up ground oor Spaans

to give up ground

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ceder terreno


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We couldn’t afford to give up ground.
No nos podíamos permitir ceder terreno.Literature Literature
We may have to give up more ground in order to gain the time we need.
—Puede que tengamos que ceder más terreno para ganar el tiempo que necesitamos.Literature Literature
The mother told him how delighted she would be to give up the ground-floor to a son-in-law.
La madre ya había comentado lo feliz que sería al ceder la planta baja a su yerno y a su hija.Literature Literature
Pferham had been seriously wounded, and once again we had been forced to give up some ground.
Pferham ha sido herido gravemente y hemos tenido que retroceder otra vez nuestro sistema de defensa.Literature Literature
Though defenders’ comments are inspiring, questioners refused to give up any ground.
Aunque los comentarios de los defensores son inspiradores, los que cuestionan se niegan a dejar de lado cualquier motivo.gv2019 gv2019
He was now in the heart of her private territory and he wasn’t about to give up the ground he’d made.
Ahora estaba en el corazón de su territorio y no iba a ceder ni un ápice del terreno ganado.Literature Literature
He was forced to give up the high-ground, as deadly a disadvantage on the staircase as it was in the hill country.
Se veía forzado a prescindir de la parte alta, una desventaja tan mortífera en la escalera como en campo abierto.Literature Literature
The defenders backed away, forced to give up more and more ground.
Los defensores recularon, obligados a ceder cada vez más terreno.Literature Literature
She held firm, unwilling to give up an inch of ground.
Se mantenía firme, dispuesta a no ceder ni un centímetro de su terreno.Literature Literature
Father and I thought and thought and we decided to give up a part of the ground floor to the Agricultural Academy.
Papá y yo, después de pensarlo mucho, hemos cedido una parte del entresuelo a la Academia agrícola.Literature Literature
If she told him to drop to the ground and give her twenty push-ups, he’d do it.
Si ella le dijera que se tumbara en el suelo e hiciera veinte flexiones, Bobby lo haría.Literature Literature
“We ought to give up that piece of ground till we can dig on it and make sure,” Shaw said.
—No deberíamos tocar esa parcela hasta que sepamos dónde está el oro —dijo Shaw—.Literature Literature
I turned to leave again but decided instead to give up, choosing to sit down on the ground and slump over in defeat.
Di media vuelta para irme, pero al final me rendí y me desplomé en el suelo, derrotada.Literature Literature
So I said to Silvio: ‘Don’t give up, stand your ground.’”
De modo que le dije a Silvio: «No te rindas, mantente firme».Literature Literature
I changed my mind because I didn’t want to think about giving up the high ground.
He cambiado de opinión porque no quería pensar en ceder el lugar más elevado.Literature Literature
His heart felt a pain that almost made him stop, collapse to the ground and give up.
Sintió un dolor en el corazón que casi le hizo detenerse, desplomarse al suelo y desistir.Literature Literature
I was halfway to the door, fully expecting my mother to give up, but she stood her ground.
Ya yo estaba llegando a la puerta, esperando que mi madre se diera por vencida, pero ella se mantuvo firme.Literature Literature
The excited species then relax to the ground state, giving up their excess energy as photons.
Las especies excitadas se relajan al estado basal. liberando su exceso de energía como fotones.Literature Literature
And to give up the stretch of ground in pursuit of some theory about the future is not the way we do things here.
Y renunciar al terreno en pos de alguna teoría sobre el futuro no es la forma en que hacemos aquí las cosas.Literature Literature
Though defenders’ comments are inspiring, questioners refused to give up any ground. They further called in question that the number of gold medals implies a great investment on professional athletes training, but don’t necessarily mean adequate support for populace health and sports, namely enough stadiums, spaces, infrastructures built for common people.
Luego cuestionaron que el número de medallas de oro implica una gran inversión en entrenamiento de atletas profesionales, pero no significa necesariamente apoyo adecuado para la salud y deportes del pueblo, como suficientes estadios, espacios, infraestructuras construidas para la gente común.globalvoices globalvoices
This man, he says, fights all the way to the ground and never gives up.
Asegura que esta clase de hombre pelea hasta el fin y nunca se rinde.Literature Literature
He’s loosening up the ground to give himself room to move.’
Está desmoronando el terreno para tener espacio en el que poder moverse.Literature Literature
After all, I would have to give up hope of sleeping on dry ground.
Después de todo, tendría que abandonar cualquier esperanza de dormir en suelo seco.Literature Literature
Yet even as the man on the ground seemed to give up, he, too, did not bleed.
No obstante, a pesar de que el hombre en el suelo parecía haberse dado por vencido, tampoco él sangraba.Literature Literature
Guise was neither forced to give battle nor bottled up on the one ground where this would have been easy to do.
El duque de Guisa no tuvo que presentar batalla ni fue embotellado allí donde habría sido fácil conseguirlo.Literature Literature
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